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core2duotemp.c to core2duotemp.pas

Ein Thema von hathor · begonnen am 5. Aug 2007 · letzter Beitrag vom 31. Mai 2008
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Re: core2duotemp.c to core2duotemp.pas

  Alt 29. Mai 2008, 22:30
Zitat von Razor:
...I've made it 2 months ago.. aswell my driver and the K8(Athlon 64,Athlon X2) and K10(Phenom X4 and X3 and Opteron) readings all internal sensor.Shows same as coretemp..I did it my own no forum asking yes

...and what about TJunction := 105, if NOT TJunction := 100 and NOT TJunction := 85 ???
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Re: core2duotemp.c to core2duotemp.pas

  Alt 29. Mai 2008, 22:32
Zitat von hathor:
Zitat von Razor:
...I've made it 2 months ago.. aswell my driver and the K8(Athlon 64,Athlon X2) and K10(Phenom X4 and X3 and Opteron) readings all internal sensor.Shows same as coretemp..I did it my own no forum asking yes

...and what about TJunction := 105, if NOT TJunction := 100 and NOT TJunction := 85 ???
What! You cant read the code...

Use this.

tjunction:integer;<<must be global var

IF msrvalue.HiPart and $40000000 = 0 then TJunction := 100 Else TJunction := 85;
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Re: core2duotemp.c to core2duotemp.pas

  Alt 29. Mai 2008, 23:20
Zitat von Razor:
Zitat von hathor:
Zitat von Razor:
...I've made it 2 months ago.. aswell my driver and the K8(Athlon 64,Athlon X2) and K10(Phenom X4 and X3 and Opteron) readings all internal sensor.Shows same as coretemp..I did it my own no forum asking yes

...and what about TJunction := 105, if NOT TJunction := 100 and NOT TJunction := 85 ???
What! You cant read the code...

Use this.

tjunction:integer;<<must be global var

IF msrvalue.HiPart and $40000000 = 0 then TJunction := 100 Else TJunction := 85;
I'm sorry - but YOU can't read Your own code - where is a value of 105???
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Re: core2duotemp.c to core2duotemp.pas

  Alt 30. Mai 2008, 02:41
Zitat von Razor:
I've made it 2 months ago.. aswell my driver and the K8(Athlon 64,Athlon X2) and K10(Phenom X4 and X3 and Opteron) readings all internal sensor.Shows same as coretemp..I did it my own no forum asking yes
Yes, no forum asking - just ICQ...
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Registriert seit: 7. Sep 2006
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Delphi 12 Athens

Re: core2duotemp.c to core2duotemp.pas

  Alt 30. Mai 2008, 11:45
Zitat von hathor:
I'm sorry - but YOU can't read Your own code - where is a value of 105???
@Razor: The technical way of reading MSR's with a driver is one thing, the correct detection of TjMax is another one. In the meantime I'm having no doubt, that you've managed the first thing well.

But the correct detection of TjMax is a huge discussion within the web, and we have here 2 ways of doing this. The first one is the creation of a CPUID table, where you can set the TjMax value for various processor types and steppings. The other way is the usage of MSR EEh, where you have to different between 85, 100 and 105 °C. Some programs use 95 °C as well. Please see the following links to read the discussions and extend your knowledge:

RealTemp Discussion
SpeedFan discussion
Everest discussion
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Re: core2duotemp.c to core2duotemp.pas

  Alt 30. Mai 2008, 15:22
How to detect all of these Deltas can some one please tell me?

My read temperature is the same as core temp's so there isnt no bad code in my code.
Yes Muetze you gave me tips but you didnt code it.
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Registriert seit: 7. Sep 2006
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Delphi 12 Athens

Re: core2duotemp.c to core2duotemp.pas

  Alt 30. Mai 2008, 15:54
Why don't you simply upload your application for all of us ?

Its hard to give a solid feedback if you haven't any practical application, just source parts.
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Re: core2duotemp.c to core2duotemp.pas

  Alt 30. Mai 2008, 15:55
Yes however how can i SetThreadAffinityMask with JVCL thread timer?
Devidespe can you help me with this?Does this mean i have to use 4 threads?
After this i upload the app

I tryed this

SetThreadAffinityMask(jvthreadtimer1.Thread.Handle ,$0001);
SetThreadAffinityMask(jvthreadtimer1.Thread.Handle ,$0001);
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Re: core2duotemp.c to core2duotemp.pas

  Alt 30. Mai 2008, 16:16
Zitat von Razor:
Yes Muetze you gave me tips but you didnt code it.
Yes, I did this all before and I even send the correct code, but it was scrambled by ICQ emoicons.

Zitat von Razor:
I tryed this
RTFM. This is just so ease to change, you just have to read the MSDN. And the best thing: we dealed with this together with icq, it seems to me, that you have not read or understand the whole session.

But anyway, this is not the way to solve the actual problem discussed here.
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Re: core2duotemp.c to core2duotemp.pas

  Alt 30. Mai 2008, 16:25
1 shl ProcNumber(CPUIndex) } like this?

RTFM. This is just so ease to change, you just have to read the MSDN. And the best thing: we dealed with this together with icq, it seems to me, that you have not read or understand the whole session.
Its not easy for me and i have read it 3 times.Nothing about the dwaffinity mask parameter.
It doesnt change even if i put in $0001,$0002,$0004,$0008 it just wont change.
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