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Benutzerbild von SirThornberry

Registriert seit: 23. Sep 2003
Ort: Bockwen
12.235 Beiträge
Delphi 2006 Professional

Re: How to set use printer offline

  Alt 8. Nov 2009, 12:24
PrinterInfo.Attributes:=PrinterInfo.Attributes and PRINTER_ATTRIBUTE_WORK_OFFLINE The result of this is allways PRINTER_ATTRIBUTE_WORK_OFFLINE (or 0 if PRINTER_ATTRIBUTE_WORK_OFFLINE was not set before).

to remove the PRINTER_ATTRIBUTE_WORK_OFFLINE bits the expression has to be:
PrinterInfo.Attributes:=PrinterInfo.Attributes and not(PRINTER_ATTRIBUTE_WORK_OFFLINE)
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