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Problems with GPU temperature,S.M.A.R.T.(SCSI)

Ein Thema von Razor · begonnen am 29. Jul 2007 · letzter Beitrag vom 31. Jul 2007
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Problems with GPU temperature,S.M.A.R.T.(SCSI)

  Alt 29. Jul 2007, 12:09
Hey i am new here!

I got some questions

1.)How to get SCSI S.M.A.R.T. .I got some code but i dont know how to use it (too complex).
Also if someone could help to get the temperature from the code...

unit smart_drv;


uses Windows, Messages, ShellAPI, KOL {$IFNDEF KOL_MCK}, mirror, Classes, Controls, mckControls, mckObjs, Graphics,

mckObjs {$ENDIF};
  Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,

procedure OpenSMART;
procedure ReadSMART;
procedure CloseSMART;
function GetATTRName(attr:byte;var comm:string):string;
function GetFlags(flags:word):string;
procedure SwapBytes( var buf; count : integer );

    TIDSECTOR = packed record
{   wReserved:word;}
   wVendorUnique : array[0..2] of word;
   sSerialNumber:array[0..19] of char;
   sFirmwareRev:array[0..7] of char;
   sModelNumber:array[0..39] of char;
        hz : array[1..72] of byte;
        LBA48 : array[0..5] of byte;
   bReserved:array[0..127] of byte;

    TGETVERSIONOUTPARAMS = packed record
      version : byte;
      revision : byte;
      reserved : byte;
      IDEDevMap : byte;
      Capabilities : dword;
      reserved1 : dword;
      reserved2 : dword;
      reserved3 : dword;
      reserved4 : dword;

    TIDEREGS = packed record
        bFeaturesReg:byte;      // Used for specifying SMART "commands".
        bSectorCountReg:byte;    // IDE sector count register
        bSectorNumberReg:byte;    // IDE sector number register
       bCylLowReg:byte;         // IDE low order cylinder value
       bCylHighReg:byte;      // IDE high order cylinder value
       bDriveHeadReg:byte;      // IDE drive/head register
       bCommandReg:byte;      // Actual IDE command.
    end;          // reserved for future use. Must be zero.

 TSENDCMDINPARAMS = packed record
     cBufferSize:dword;      // Buffer size in bytes
      irDriveRegs:TIDERegs;      // Structure with drive register values.
      bDriveNumber:byte;      // Physical drive number to send
                     // command to (0,1,2,3).
      bReserved: array[0..3] of byte;      // Reserved for future expansion.
      dwReserved: array [0..4] of dword;      // For future use.
      bBuffer:array[0..1024*8] of byte;         // Input buffer.

 TDRIVERSTATUS = packed record
   bDriverError:byte;      // Error code from driver,
               // or 0 if no error.
   bIDEStatus:byte;       // Contents of IDE Error register.
               // Only valid when bDriverError
               // is SMART_IDE_ERROR.
   bReserved:array[0..3] of byte;   // Reserved for future expansion.
   dwReserved:array[0..1] of dword;// Reserved for future expansion.

   TDRIVEATTRIBUTE = packed record
          bAttrID:byte;      // Identifies which attribute
          wStatusFlags:word;   // see bit definitions below
         Value:byte;      // Current normalized value
         Worst:byte;   // How bad has it ever been?
         Raw:array[0..5] of byte;   // Un-normalized value
          bReserved:byte;      // ...

   TATTRTHRESHOLD = packed record
        bAttrID : byte;
        bWarrantyThreshold : byte;
        reserved : array[0..9] of byte;

 TSENDCMDOUTPARAMS = packed record
   cBufferSize : DWord;      // Size of bBuffer in bytes
   DriverStatus : TDriverStatus;      // Driver status structure.
   attr : array[0..255] of TDRIVEATTRIBUTE;         // Buffer of arbitrary length in which to

store the data read from the                                  // drive.

    value : word;
    name : string[40];
    comm : string[160];

   THDDInfo = record
    Model : string;
    FW : string;
    SN : string;
    LBABits : integer;
    LBASize : int64;
    Cache : integer;

  SCOP : array[0..3] of TSENDCMDOUTPARAMS;
  AttrCnt : array[0..3] of word;
  hSMARTIOCTL : array[0..3] of thandle;
  IDSECTOR : array[0..3] of TIDSECTOR;
  Thresholds : array[0..3,0..255] of TATTRTHRESHOLD;
  HDDInfo : array[0..3] of THDDInfo;



  IDE_ATAPI_ID       = $A1;   // Returns ID sector for ATAPI.
  IDE_ID_FUNCTION    = $EC;   // Returns ID sector for ATA.


   DFP_GET_VERSION = $00074080;
   DFP_RECEIVE_DRIVE_DATA = $0007c088;
   DFP_SEND_DRIVE_COMMAND = $0007c084;
   SMART_CYL_HI = $C2;
   SMART_READ_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES    = $D0;   // ATA4: Renamed

   AttrCount = 45;
   SmartAttrNames : array[1..AttrCount] of TSMARTAttrName=
   (Value:1;Name:'Raw Read Error Rate';Comm:'Frequency of errors appearance while reading RAW data from a disk'),
   (Value:2;Name:'Throughput Performance';Comm:'The average efficiency of hard disk'),
   (Value:3;Name:'Spin Up Time';Comm:'Time needed by spindle to spin-up'),
   (Value:4;Name:'Start/Stop Count';Comm:'Number of start/stop cycles of spindle'),
   (Value:5;Name:'Reallocated Sector Count';Comm:'Quantity of remapped sectors'),
   (Value:6;Name:'Read Channel Margin';Comm:'Reserve of channel while reading'),
   (Value:7;Name:'Seek Error Rate';Comm:'Frequency of errors appearance while positioning'),
   (Value:8;Name:'Seek Time Performance';Comm:'The average efficiency of operations while positioning'),
   (Value:9;Name:'Power-On Hours Count';Comm:'Quantity of elapsed hours in the switched-on state'),
   (Value:10;Name:'Spin-up Retry Count';Comm:'Number of attempts to start a spindle of a disk'),
   (Value:11;Name:'Calibration Retry Count';Comm:'Number of attempts to calibrate a drive'),
   (Value:12;Name:'Power Cycle Count';Comm:'Number of complete start/stop cycles of hard disk'),
   (Value:13;Name:'Soft Read Error Rate';Comm:'Frequency of "program" errors appearance while reading data from a disk'),
   (Value:191;Name:'G-Sense Error Rate';Comm:'Frequency of mistakes appearance as a result of impact loads'),
   (Value:192;Name:'Power-Off Retract Cycle';Comm:'Number of the fixed "turning off" drive cycles (Fujitsu: Emergency

Retract Cycle Count)
   (Value:193;Name:'Load/Unload Cycle Count';Comm:'Number of cycles into Landing Zone position'),
   (Value:194;Name:'HDD Temperature';Comm:'Temperature of a Hard Disk Assembly'),
   (Value:195;Name:'Hardware ECC Recovered';Comm:'Frequency of the on the fly errors (Fujitsu: ECC On The Fly Count)'),
   (Value:196;Name:'Reallocated Event Count';Comm:'Quantity of remapping operations'),
   (Value:197;Name:'Current Pending Sector Count';Comm:'Current quantity of unstable sectors (waiting for remapping)'),
   (Value:198;Name:'Off-line Scan Uncorrectable Count';Comm:'Quantity of uncorrected errors'),
   (Value:199;Name:'UltraDMA CRC Error Rate';Comm:'Total quantity of errors CRC during UltraDMA mode'),
   (Value:200;Name:'Write Error Rate';Comm:'Frequency of errors appearance while recording data into disk (Western

Digital: Multi Zone Error Rate)
   (Value:201;Name:'Soft Read Error Rate';Comm:'Frequency of the off track errors (Maxtor: Off Track Errors)'),
   (Value:202;Name:'Data Address Mark Errors';Comm:'Frequency of the Data Address Mark errors'),
   (Value:203;Name:'Run Out Cancel';Comm:'Frequency of the ECC errors (Maxtor: ECC Errors)'),
   (Value:204;Name:'Soft ECC Correction';Comm:'Quantity of errors corrected by software ECC'),
   (Value:205;Name:'Thermal Asperity Rate';Comm:'Frequency of the thermal asperity errors'),
   (Value:206;Name:'Flying Height';Comm:'The height of the disk heads above the disk surface'),
   (Value:207;Name:'Spin High Current';Comm:'Quantity of used high current to spin up drive'),
   (Value:208;Name:'Spin Buzz';Comm:'Quantity of used buzz routines to spin up drive'),
   (Value:209;Name:'Offline Seek Performance';Comm:'Drives seek performance during offline operations'),
   (Value:220;Name:'Disk Shift';Comm:'Shift of disk is possible as a result of strong shock loading in the store, as a

result of it`s falling or for other reasons
   (Value:221;Name:'G-Sense Error Rate';Comm:'This attribute is an indication of shock-sensitive sensor - total quantity

of errors appearance as a result of impact loads
   (Value:222;Name:'Loaded Hours';Comm:'Loading on drive caused by the general operating time of hours it stores'),
   (Value:223;Name:'Load/Unload Retry Count';Comm:'Loading on drive caused by numerous recurrences of operations like:

reading, recording, positioning of heads, etc.
   (Value:224;Name:'Load Friction';Comm:'Loading on drive caused by friction in mechanical parts of the store'),
   (Value:225;Name:'Load/Unload Cycle Count';Comm:'Total of cycles of loading on drive'),
   (Value:226;Name:'Load-in Time';Comm:'General time of loading for drive'),
   (Value:227;Name:'Torque Amplification Count';Comm:'Quantity efforts of the rotating moment of a drive'),
   (Value:228;Name:'Power-Off Retract Count';Comm:'Quantity of the fixed turning off`s a drive'),
   (Value:230;Name:'GMR Head Amplitude';Comm:'Amplitude of heads trembling (GMR-head) in running mode'),
   (Value:231;Name:'Temperature';Comm:'Temperature of a drive'),
   (Value:240;Name:'Head Flying Hours';Comm:'Time while head is positioning'),
   (Value:250;Name:'Read Error Retry Rate';Comm:'Frequency of errors appearance while reading data from a disk')

   flagnames : array[0..5] of string[2] = ('PF','OC','PA','ER','EC','SP');

function GetFlags(flags:word):string;
  i : integer;
  s : string;

 s := '';
  for i := 0 to 5 do
    if flags and (1 shl i) <> 0 then
      s := s + flagnames[i]+#32;
 GetFlags := s;

function GetATTRName(attr:byte;var comm:string):string;
  i : integer;
  for i := 1 to attrCount do
    if attr = SmartAttrNames[i].Value then
      GetAttrName := SmartAttrNames[i].name;
      Comm := SmartAttrNames[i].comm;
 GetAttrName := 'Unknown';

procedure SwapBytes( var buf; count : integer );
        mov esi, buf
        mov edi, esi
        mov ecx, count
        shr ecx, 1
        test ecx, ecx
        jz @@exit
        xchg ah, al
        dec ecx
        jnz @@rep

procedure OpenSMART;
  i : integer;
  c : dword;
  s, s1, s2 : string;
  osver : (wvNT3,wvNT4,wvW2k,wvXP,wv95,wv98,wvME);
 for i := 0 to 3 do

 os.dwPlatformId := 0;
 os.dwOSVersionInfoSize := sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO);
 GetVersionEx( os );

    osver := wv98;
    case OS.DwMajorVersion of
      3: osver := wvNT3;
      4: case OS.DwMinorVersion of
            0: if OS.dwPlatformId = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT
               then osver := wvNT4
               else osver := wv95;
            10: osver := wv98;
            90: osver := wvME;
      5: case OS.DwMinorVersion of
            0: osver := wvW2K;
            1: osver := wvXP;

    hSMARTIOCTL[i] := 0;

    if (osver = wv98) or (osver = wv95) or (osver=wvME) then
    hSMARTIOCTL[i] := CreateFile('\\.\SMARTVSD', 0,0,NIL,
                        CREATE_NEW, 0, 0)

     hSMARTIOCTL[i] := CreateFile(pchar( '\\.\PhysicalDrive'+format('%d',[i])),
                    GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE,
                    FILE_SHARE_READ or FILE_SHARE_WRITE,

     if hSMARTIOCTL[i] = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then continue;

     DeviceIoControl(hSMARTIOCTL[i], DFP_GET_VERSION,
           c, NIL) ;

        FillChar( SCIP, SizeOf( SCIP ), 0 );
   SCIP.cBufferSize := 0;

   SCIP.irDriveRegs.bSectorCountReg := 1;
   SCIP.irDriveRegs.bSectorNumberReg := 1;
   SCIP.irDriveRegs.bCylLowReg := SMART_CYL_LOW;
   SCIP.irDriveRegs.bCylHighReg := SMART_CYL_HI;

   // Compute the drive number.
   SCIP.irDriveRegs.bDriveHeadReg := $A0 or (( i and 1) shl 4);
   SCIP.irDriveRegs.bCommandReg := IDE_EXECUTE_SMART_FUNCTION;
   SCIP.bDriveNumber := i;

                @SCIP, sizeof(TSENDCMDINPARAMS) - 1,
                @SCOP[i], sizeof(TSENDCMDOUTPARAMS) - 1,
                c, NIL);

   SCIP.irDriveRegs.bFeaturesReg := 0;
   SCIP.irDriveRegs.bSectorCountReg := 1;
   SCIP.irDriveRegs.bSectorNumberReg := 1;
   SCIP.irDriveRegs.bCylLowReg := 0;
   SCIP.irDriveRegs.bCylHighReg := 0;

   SCIP.irDriveRegs.bDriveHeadReg := $A0 or ((i and 1) shl 4);
   SCIP.irDriveRegs.bCommandReg := IDE_ID_FUNCTION{ or IDE_ATAPI_ID};
   SCIP.bDriveNumber := i;

        @SCIP, sizeof(TSENDCMDINPARAMS) - 1,
        c, NIL) ;

        Move(SCOP[i].attr, IDSECTOR[i], SizeOf( IDSECTOR[i] ) );


        SCIP.irDriveRegs.bFeaturesReg := SMART_READ_ATTRIBUTE_THRESHOLDS;
        SCIP.irDriveRegs.bSectorCountReg := 1;
        SCIP.irDriveRegs.bSectorNumberReg := 1;
        SCIP.irDriveRegs.bCylLowReg := SMART_CYL_LOW;
        SCIP.irDriveRegs.bCylHighReg := SMART_CYL_HI;

        SCIP.irDriveRegs.bDriveHeadReg := $A0 or ((i and 1) shl 4);
        SCIP.irDriveRegs.bCommandReg := IDE_EXECUTE_SMART_FUNCTION;
        SCIP.bDriveNumber := i;

        @SCIP, sizeof(TSENDCMDINPARAMS) - 1,
        c, NIL) ;

        Move( SCOP[ i ].attr, Thresholds[ i ], SizeOf( Thresholds[ i ] ) );

        HDDInfo[ i ].LBASize := 0;
        HDDInfo[ i ].LBABits := 28;

   if idsector[i].ulTotalAddressableSectors = $FFFFFFF then
       move( idsector[i].lba48,HDDInfo[ i ].LBASize,6);
       HDDInfo[ i ].LBABits := 48;
       move( idsector[i].ulTotalAddressableSectors,HDDInfo[ i ].LBASize,4);

       s := IDSECTOR[i].sModelNumber +#32;
       SwapBytes( s[1], Length(s) );

       While (Length(s)<>0) and (s[Length(s)-1]=#32) do
         SetLength( s, length(s)-1);

   HDDInfo[ i ].Model := s;

   s := IDSECTOR[i].sFirmwareRev +#32;
   SwapBytes( s[1], Length(s) );

   HDDInfo[ i ].FW := s;

   s := IDSECTOR[i].sSerialNumber+#32;
   SwapBytes( s[1], Length(s) );
    While (Length(s)<>0) and (s[1]=#32) do

   HDDInfo[ i ].SN := s;
   HDDInfo[ i ].Cache := IDSECTOR[i].wBufferSIze div 2;


procedure CloseSMART;
  i : integer;
 for i := 0 to 3 do


procedure ReadSMART;
  i,j : integer;
  c : dword;

 for i := 0 to 3 do
     if hSMARTIOCTL[i] = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then continue;

   SCIP.irDriveRegs.bFeaturesReg := SMART_READ_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES;
   SCIP.irDriveRegs.bSectorCountReg := 1;
   SCIP.irDriveRegs.bSectorNumberReg := 1;
   SCIP.irDriveRegs.bCylLowReg := SMART_CYL_LOW;
   SCIP.irDriveRegs.bCylHighReg := SMART_CYL_HI;

   // Compute the drive number.
   SCIP.irDriveRegs.bDriveHeadReg := $A0 or (( i and 1) shl 4);
   SCIP.irDriveRegs.bCommandReg := IDE_EXECUTE_SMART_FUNCTION;
   SCIP.bDriveNumber := i;
        FillChar( SCOP[i], SizeOf( SCOP[i] ), 0 );

                @SCIP, sizeof(TSENDCMDINPARAMS) - 1,
                c, NIL);

     AttrCnt[ i ] := 0;
     for j := 0 to 255 do
      if SCOP[ i ].attr[ j ].bAttrID = 0 then
         AttrCnt[ i ] := j;


2.)How to get GPU temperature and enviroment temperature (ATI&NVIDIA)?
3.)How to get memory info(voltage,refresh rate,latency,precharge,type,fsb:dram)?
4.)How to do cpu usage for core 2 duo and core 2 quad?

Thanks in advance!

n/a Beiträge

Re: Problems with GPU temperature,S.M.A.R.T.(SCSI)

  Alt 29. Jul 2007, 22:51
Oh cmon no reply?

n/a Beiträge

Re: Problems with GPU temperature,S.M.A.R.T.(SCSI)

  Alt 29. Jul 2007, 23:11
Welcome to!

But please take care of the following things:

1. push your threads after 24 hours!
2. split your questions. Create for every question a new thread!

We have other threads for all requested things, so have you searched in the forum before?

n/a Beiträge

Re: Problems with GPU temperature,S.M.A.R.T.(SCSI)

  Alt 29. Jul 2007, 23:14
Yes i have searched it before,found something for nvidia cards wich is very good but havent found nothing for ATI.

n/a Beiträge

Re: Problems with GPU temperature,S.M.A.R.T.(SCSI)

  Alt 30. Jul 2007, 19:59
1.)How to get SCSI S.M.A.R.T. .I got some code but i dont know how to use it (too complex).
Also if someone could help to get the temperature from the code...

>> Open the SCSI device and send a SCSI command instead of using the ATA/ATAPI pass through interface with ATA/ATAPI commands (as done in your code)

2.)How to get GPU temperature and enviroment temperature (ATI&NVIDIA)?

>> on nVidia you found some code. On ATI there seems no informationen available to users/programmers. Also no information about them here in the board.

3.)How to get memory info(voltage,refresh rate,latency,precharge,type,fsb:dram)?

>> communicate with the SPD EEPROM of the memory modules via the SMBus (system management bus). To access the SMBus, use the ports supplied by the common chipset vendors. Take a look in the internet for SMBus and also here in the board, we discussed it some times.

But again: Create for every single question a new thread! Accept the rules of this board!

n/a Beiträge

Re: Problems with GPU temperature,S.M.A.R.T.(SCSI)

  Alt 30. Jul 2007, 22:27
There is information about ati cards,even sdk exists

Can you write an example on how to send a SCSI command instead of using the ATA/ATAPI(my code).

n/a Beiträge

Re: Problems with GPU temperature,S.M.A.R.T.(SCSI)

  Alt 30. Jul 2007, 23:42
Zitat von Razor:
Can you write an example on how to send a SCSI command instead of using the ATA/ATAPI(my code).
There is enough code in the internet. Search for SPTI and/or ASPI access. Some source codes can be found in the code of Dancemammals CD Burn, created under the partly usage of

After searching the board for SPTI, you will also find some sources.

I will not answer any further question till you've created single questions

n/a Beiträge


  Alt 31. Jul 2007, 01:14
Ok first of all i fixed the threads now,so calm down...

Can you write an example with the code i provided and i didnt code that,its awl's work from

I am asking on how to get S.M.A.R.T. through that code and then later temperature,my scsi disk emulates ide s.m.a.r.t. .

And please help me!
Benutzerbild von Mackhack

Registriert seit: 29. Nov 2003
Ort: San Diego, CA/USA
1.446 Beiträge
Delphi 2006 Architect

Re: Problems with GPU temperature,S.M.A.R.T.(SCSI)

  Alt 31. Jul 2007, 03:37
You can use the board's search function with and looking for "diskid32". This will most likely help you with what you wanna do! The source is provided and if you understand German - what I doubt though you will obtain lots of useful information within this thread!

Good luck dude!
Um etwas Neues zu schaffen muss man seine Ohren vor den Nein-sagern verschliessen um seinen Geist öffnen zu können.
(George Lukas)
Benutzerbild von Phoenix

Registriert seit: 25. Jun 2002
Ort: Hausach
7.643 Beiträge

Re: Problems with GPU temperature,S.M.A.R.T.(SCSI)

  Alt 31. Jul 2007, 08:51
Sorry, but I have to close here.

You have been told to create a new thread for each question a few times. You didn't. So we have to force you a little bit.

Please understand that it's stated in our board rules to have a single question per thread to make it easier for all other members to find answers matching their own questions.

So please open four new threads with a single question each.
Sebastian Gingter
Phoenix - 不死鳥, Microsoft MVP, Rettungshundeführer
Über mich: Sebastian Gingter @ Thinktecture Mein Blog:
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