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[Tool] GPU - Temperaturanzeige (für nVidia Grafikkarten.)

Ein Thema von turboPASCAL · begonnen am 22. Jul 2007 · letzter Beitrag vom 2. Nov 2008

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Re: [Tool] GPU - Temperaturanzeige (für nVidia Grafikkarten.

  Alt 14. Nov 2007, 20:00
Zitat von Razor:
I NEVER said i have the nessesary sources
You got, because you posted all needed source up to now.

Zitat von Razor:
i never really said that only i2c read but its something for smbus accually its i2c_smbus read/write byte.
To communicate with the devices on the bus, you need to read and write the bus. There is no exclusive access for one direction needed.

Zitat von Razor:
So muetze here is your choice help me and other dudes
This is a free country and I am glad to live here. I tried to help you some times before, but your behaviour (since registering here) shows to me, that helping you will never get me a good feeling. I can't believe that you change your complete behaviour to a better form. So I will not help you. Exclude the other - I've got no problem with any other here.

Zitat von Razor:
help since you know a lot
Thanks, but is not true - see my signature

Zitat von Razor:
and you have been here a lot longer than me and u are 10 years older than me.
Believe me, that say nothing about me or even my knowledge. This is like comparing cars by their horse powers - this is so stupid, as long as the driver can't handle the car or even doesn't know anything how/when to switch the gears...

Zitat von Razor:
It will be opensource i never said i will use it for my own projects!!!!
I only asked you if you will honour the GPL. I never stated that you not do so.

Zitat von Razor:
I really really reallllly doubt Catbytes that someone will help you.You need to posted earlier.
That's such a stupid statement... Catbytes writes to turboPASCAL, because it is his tool and even this is normally his thread about his tool and he will care without any payment about his problem for sure. Do not get crazy and write such stupid things - stay objective. Even this proofs my doubts about your changed behaviour...

@turboPASCAL: Da ich nun auch eine nVidia drinne habe, konnte ich dein Tool gleich mal nutzen. Es läuft auf meiner (AGP & 512 MB - fast Sonderanfertigung) nVidia 7900GS 1a. Das einzige was mir auffiel ist, dass die Intervallveränderung recht fummelig ist (oder anders: klein) - aber man kann es nutzen (und das wohl recht selten). Top Tool!
  Mit Zitat antworten Zitat


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