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[Tool] GPU - Temperaturanzeige (für nVidia Grafikkarten.)

Ein Thema von turboPASCAL · begonnen am 22. Jul 2007 · letzter Beitrag vom 2. Nov 2008
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Re: [Tool] GPU - Temperaturanzeige (fur nVidia Grafikkarten.

  Alt 9. Aug 2007, 13:01
Zitat von Razor:
You wanted parameters here you have them
Nice, very good. What we have to pass to the three int-Parameter? And what we need to pass to the iDevNum? Is it zero based number of ATI cards in the system? Any ideas?
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Re: [Tool] GPU - Temperaturanzeige (fur nVidia Grafikkarten.

  Alt 9. Aug 2007, 13:19
Dev num is the device number say 0.About three ints i dunno experiment

ATIDL_SetFanSpeed(DWORD iDevNum,int,int,int)
ATIDL_SetFanSpeedToDefault(DWORD iDevNum,int,int)
ATIDL_GetFanSpeedInfo(DWORD iDevNum,int,int,int)
ATIDL_GetPowerState(DWORD iDevNum,int)
Angehängte Dateien
Dateityp: dll atipdlxx_267.dll (140,0 KB, 11x aufgerufen)
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Re: [Tool] GPU - Temperaturanzeige (fur nVidia Grafikkarten.

  Alt 9. Aug 2007, 13:36
The 2nd int seems to be a pointer. I have no ATI card (Matrox only), so try it:
Angehängte Dateien
Dateityp: zip (193,1 KB, 21x aufgerufen)
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Re: [Tool] GPU - Temperaturanzeige (fur nVidia Grafikkarten.

  Alt 9. Aug 2007, 13:51
Wont work soon as i turn int 2 higher than 0 it crashes
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Re: [Tool] GPU - Temperaturanzeige (fur nVidia Grafikkarten.

  Alt 9. Aug 2007, 14:05
Zitat von Razor:
Wont work soon as i turn int 2 higher than 0 it crashes
As I said: int 2 seems to be a pointer. So let it on zero and play with the other parameters while looking at the return value (the two numbers right to the function names).

It is badly to see, that you have no further knowledge but only copy & paste. You never try to understand the things you copy!? It is very frustrating...
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Re: [Tool] GPU - Temperaturanzeige (fur nVidia Grafikkarten.

  Alt 9. Aug 2007, 15:07
Alright just know that this things arent easy you have to debug the driver to get some info.I got the info with ida pro disassembler.
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Re: [Tool] GPU - Temperaturanzeige (fur nVidia Grafikkarten.

  Alt 10. Aug 2007, 12:53
I also tried compiling the nvidia temperature source code,but it says GR32 is missing..
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Benutzerbild von DGL-luke

Registriert seit: 1. Apr 2005
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Re: [Tool] GPU - Temperaturanzeige (fur nVidia Grafikkarten.

  Alt 10. Aug 2007, 12:58

A very good bitmap manipulation library.
Lukas Erlacher
Suche Grafiktablett. Spenden/Gebrauchtangebote willkommen.
Gotteskrieger gesucht!
For it is the chief characteristic of the religion of science that it works. - Isaac Asimov, Foundation I, Buch 1
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Re: [Tool] GPU - Temperaturanzeige (fur nVidia Grafikkarten.

  Alt 10. Aug 2007, 13:49
Thank you DGL-luke.

Is there a way to check if the card is ATI or NVIDIA?
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Re: [Tool] GPU - Temperaturanzeige (fur nVidia Grafikkarten.

  Alt 10. Aug 2007, 13:54
Check the Vendor ID of the PCI device. The code to gather the PCI(AGP) device is already posted by you and I also linked to PCI32...
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