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Hi, ich suche eine
DLL oder Bibliothek die eine Künstliche Intelligenz für das Spiel Schach bereitstellt.
Weiß da jemand eine? Danke für die Hilfe

Eine kostenlose Komponente um ein Schachprogramm zu erstellen gibt es unter:
Diese beinhaltet auch eine einfache Chessengine von "Tom Kerrigan's Tom's Simple Chess Program".
Die Komponente lässt sich auch mit Delphi 2007 kompilieren
Auf der homepage steht
The Chessboard component v3.03 for Delphi 2-7 and C++ Builder (or v 2.11 for C++ Builder only), is now available. The ChessBoard component provides a 2-Dimensional chessboard with a drag and drop interface that can keep track of a game and allows full customization of the bitmaps for the pieces, squares and border. Optionally the board is resizable at runtime. All common chess events are implemented (OnLegalMove, OnIllegalMove, OnCapture, OnCheck, OnMate, OnStaleMate, OnDraw etc.)
Now the component includes the engine of Tom's Simple Chess Program and calculates using its own thread. Optionally it allows you to use your own custom engine instead as well. Just drop a Chessbrd component on a form and you are very close to a complete multithreaded chess application. A Delphi example project has been included to demonstrate the common features.
The Chessboard Component may be freely used by anyone.
The software contains source code extracted from Tom Kerrigan's Tom's Simple Chess Program which is an interesting approach to a chess engine because of its romantic style of play and the little code it pertains.