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Registriert seit: 14. Sep 2002
Ort: Steinbach, MB, Canada
301 Beiträge
Delphi XE2 Architect

Re: bass.dll netradio beispiel mit wma?

  Alt 9. Okt 2009, 23:38
procedure StatusProc(buffer: Pointer; len, user: DWORD); stdcall;
  if (buffer <> nil) and (len = 0) then
    SendMessage(win, WM_INFO_UPDATE, 8, DWORD(PChar(buffer)));

function OpenURL(url: PChar): Integer;
  icy: PChar;
  Len, Progress: DWORD;
  Result := 0;
  BASS_StreamFree(chan); // close old stream
  progress := 0;
  SendMessage(win, WM_INFO_UPDATE, 0, 0); // reset the Labels and trying connecting

  chan := BASS_StreamCreateURL(url, 0, BASS_STREAM_STATUS, @StatusProc, 0);
  if (chan = 0) then
    //lets catch the error here inside the Thread
    // and send it to the WndProc
    SendMessage(win, WM_INFO_UPDATE, 1, Bass_ErrorGetCode()); // Oops Error

    // Progress
du kannst auch den channel Type überprüfen (BASS_ChannelGetInfo BASS_CTYPE_STREAM_WMA )

// WMA Prebuffer
    if (BASS_StreamGetFilePosition(chan , BASS_FILEPOS_WMA_BUFFER) <> -1) then
         progress := BASS_StreamGetFilePosition(chan , BASS_FILEPOS_WMA_BUFFER);
     if (progress = DW_ERROR) or (progress = 100) then

       SendMessage(win, WM_INFO_UPDATE, 2, progress); // show the Progess value in the label
       progress >75
      len := BASS_StreamGetFilePosition(chan, BASS_FILEPOS_END);
      if (len = DW_Error) then
        break; // something's gone wrong! (eg. BASS_Free called)
      progress := (BASS_StreamGetFilePosition(chan, BASS_FILEPOS_DOWNLOAD) -
        BASS_StreamGetFilePosition(chan, BASS_FILEPOS_CURRENT)) * 100 div len;
      // percentage of buffer filled
      SendMessage(win, WM_INFO_UPDATE, 2, progress); // show the Progess value in the label

      progress > 75;

    // get the broadcast name and bitrate
    icy := BASS_ChannelGetTags(chan, BASS_TAG_ICY);
    if (icy = nil) then
      icy := BASS_ChannelGetTags(chan, BASS_TAG_HTTP); // no ICY tags, try HTTP
    if (icy <> nil) then
      while (icy^ <> #0) do
        if (Copy(icy, 1, 9) = 'icy-name:') then
          SendMessage(win, WM_INFO_UPDATE, 3, DWORD(PChar(Copy(icy, 10, MaxInt))))

        else if (Copy(icy, 1, 7) = 'icy-br:') then

          SendMessage(win, WM_INFO_UPDATE, 4, DWORD(PChar('bitrate: ' + Copy(icy, 8, MaxInt))));
        icy := icy + Length(icy) + 1;
    // get the stream title and set sync for subsequent titles
    BASS_ChannelSetSync(chan, BASS_SYNC_META, 0, @MetaSync, 0);
    // play it!
    BASS_ChannelPlay(chan, FALSE);
  cthread := 0;
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