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Registriert seit: 15. Jan 2006 2 Beiträge |
Ist jemand zufällig in besitz einer funktionierenden TICQLib,
ich hab zwar unter ![]() etwas gefunden, doch da meine Russischkenntnisse gegen null tendieren und mir nicht ganz klar ist wie ich die lib fixen könnte frag ich ma euch. Oder gibt es noch andere compo. die vll funktionieren? |
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Registriert seit: 24. Jan 2006 Ort: Iserlohn 646 Beiträge Delphi 10.4 Sydney |
![]() funzt die kompo ned mehr ? ich benutze sie ned aber ich bin mal bei SF drüber gestolpert gruß reli |
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Registriert seit: 21. Aug 2003 4.856 Beiträge |
![]() http://sourceforge.net/projects/ticqlib/ ?
funzt die kompo ned mehr ? ![]() @chwr: suche mal hier im Forum, da wurden in letzter Zeit auch ein paar Fixes (auf Deutsch) veröffentlicht! |
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Registriert seit: 15. Jan 2006 2 Beiträge |
danke erst mal, ma schaun obs jetzt klappt. --- es hat ne geklappt
hat jemand zufällig eine vollstaendig gefixte pas? --die prcd(von Mr.NiceGuy) hab ich verwendet um die alte HSnac0407 zu ersetzen --aber fehlschlag #Error: "Received malformed login packet Connection with ICQ server failed"
procedure TICQClient.HSnac0407(Flap: TFlapHdr; Snac: TSnacHdr; Pkt: PRawPkt);
var ITime, IRandomID: LongWord; ULen: Word; c, i: Word; TlvType:Word; ft_pkt, ack_pkt: TRawPkt; chunks: array[0..49] of Byte; CharsetNumber, CharsetSubset: Word; Msg, UIN: String; Status: LongWord; MsgType: Word; MsgFlag: Byte; Answer: LongWord; aPort: Word; aIP: DWord; extIP: DWORD; wAck: Word; Request: Boolean; // dwOnlineSince: DWORD; Desc, URL: String; v: Byte; atype: String; XML: String; XMLTime, XMLSource, XMLSender, XMLText: String; FName, FDesc: String; FSize: LongWord; FFSeq, FFSeq2: Word; Rec: TFTRequestRec; TCMD: String; List: TStringList; PSender, PEmail, PSenderIP: string; chan:integer; begin Request := False; ITime := GetInt(Pkt, 4); //Time(system up since): time(NULL) - ITime div 1000 //'System up since: ' + DateTimeToStr(DateTimeToUnix(Now) - ITime div 1000); //Seen by ICQ2003x IRandomID := GetInt(Pkt, 2); //RandomID Inc(Pkt^.Len, 2); //Unknown: empty Msg := ''; {Subtypes} chan:=GetInt(Pkt, 2); UIN := GetStr(Pkt, GetInt(Pkt, 1)); Inc(Pkt^.Len, 2); c := GetInt(Pkt, 2); //A count of the number of following TLVs. for i := 0 to c - 1 do //Skip all TLVs begin Inc(Pkt^.Len, 2); if (Pkt^.Len>=Flap.DataLen) then exit; Inc(Pkt^.Len, GetInt(Pkt, 2)); end; case chan of 1: //Simply(old-type) message begin if GetInt(Pkt, 2) = 2 then //TLV with message remain begin Inc(Pkt^.Len, 4); //TLV length + Unknown const Inc(Pkt^.Len, GetInt(Pkt, 2)); //Counts of following bytes + following bytes Inc(Pkt^.Len, 2); //x0101, Unknown, constant ULen := GetInt(Pkt, 2) - 4; //Length of the message + 4 // Support for other charsets by Yegor CharsetNumber:=GetInt (Pkt, 2); //The encoding used for the message. //0x0000: US-ASCII //0x0002: UCS-2BE (or UTF-16?) //0x0003: local 8bit encoding, eg iso-8859-1, cp-1257, cp-1251. //Beware that UCS-2BE will contain zero-bytes for characters in the US-ASCII range. CharsetSubset:=GetInt (Pkt, 2); //Unknown; seen: 0x0000 = 0, 0xffff = -1. // Inc(Pkt^.Len, 4); //Unknown seems to be constant Msg := GetStr(Pkt, ULen); //The actual message text. There will be no ending NULL. if not ((CharsetNumber=0) or (CharsetNumber=3)) then Msg:=UTF8ToStrSmart (Msg); if FDoPlain then Msg:=RTF2Plain (Msg); if (Length(Msg) > 0) and Assigned(OnMessageRecv) then FOnMsg(Self, Msg, UIN); end; end; 2: //Advanced(new-type) begin while(Pkt^.Len<Flap.DataLen)do begin if GetInt(Pkt, 2) = 5 then begin Inc(Pkt^.Len, 2); if GetInt(Pkt, 2) <> 0 then //ACKTYPE: 0x0000 - This is a normal message Exit; Inc(Pkt^.Len, 16); //File signature Inc(Pkt^.Len, 8); //TIME + RANDOM for i := 0 to 5 do begin TlvType := GetInt(Pkt, 2); if TlvType = $2711 then //Searching for TLV(2711) (with sources) begin // * eraser 21.04.2004 // todo: AdvancedOnlineInfo event: aIP, aPort, ITime, Online Since Inc(Pkt^.Len, 2); //TLV Length Move(Ptr(LongWord(Pkt) + Pkt^.Len)^, chunks, 47); if GetInt(Pkt, 1) <> $1B then //If this value is not present, this is not a message packet. Also, ICQ2001b does not send an ACK, SNAC(4,B), if this is not 0x1B. Exit; Inc(Pkt^.Len, 26); FFSeq := GetInt(Pkt, 2); Inc(Pkt^.Len, 16); // * eraser 21.04.2004 MsgType := GetInt(Pkt, 1); //message type (e.g. ea = AWAY) MsgFlag := GetInt(Pkt, 1); //message flags (e.g. 03 = MFLAG_AUTO) Answer := GetInt(Pkt, 4); //Read away-msg: seen 00 00 00 00 //Send away-msg: seen zero and non zero //Away-Msgs respond from ICQ Lite if ((MsgType and $E0) = $E0) and (MsgFlag = MFLAG_AUTO) then begin if Request = False then begin Msg := GetLNTS(Pkt); //message string (null-terminated) if Assigned(OnAutoMsgResponse) then FOnAutoMsgResponse(Self, UIN, IRandomID, MsgType, Msg); // Exit; end; (* else (todo) who is reading my away-msg event *) end else // if MsgType = M_FILE then //File request begin FDesc := GetLNTS(Pkt); //File description Inc(Pkt^.Len, 4); //Unknown: 00 00 00 00 FName := GetLNTS(Pkt); //File name FSize := GetLInt(Pkt, 4); //File size {Set the records' items} Rec.ITime := ITime; Rec.IRandomID := IRandomID; Rec.UIN := StrToInt64(UIN); Rec.FileSize := FSize; Rec.Description := FDesc; Rec.FileName := FName; Rec.Seq := FFSeq; Rec.ReqType := $01; if Assigned(OnFTRequest) then FOnFTRequest(Self, Rec); Exit; end else if MsgType = M_ADVANCED then //Advanced message container begin GetLNTS(Pkt); //Empty message (contains only a null terminator) Inc(Pkt^.Len, 2); //Following length Inc(Pkt^.Len, 16); //Signature Inc(Pkt^.Len, 2); //Unknown: empty TCMD := GetDWStr(Pkt); //Text command If (Pos('File', TCmd) > 0) or (Pos(#$D4#$E0#$E9#$EB, TCmd) > 0) Then {Fix for russian users from Yegor} //Someone is sending us a file begin Inc(Pkt^.Len, 19); fDesc := GetDWStr(Pkt); aPort := GetInt(Pkt, 2); FFSeq2:= GetInt(Pkt, 2); fName := GetWStr(Pkt); fSize := GetInt(Pkt, 4); Rec.Port := aPort; Rec.ITime := ITime; Rec.IRandomID := IRandomID; Rec.UIN := StrToInt64(UIN); Rec.FileSize := FSize; Rec.Description := FDesc; Rec.FileName := FName; Rec.Seq := FFSeq; // Send Ack through Server. Rec.ReqType := $01; // //NOTE From NighTrader: This is not working correctly, //I was doing this wrong, if you have any knowladge of //how this works please ICQ me @ 30391169. if Assigned(OnFTRequest) then FOnFTRequest(Self, Rec); Exit; end else if (Pos('Request For Contacts', TCMD) > 0) or (Pos(#$C7#$E0#$EF#$F0#$EE#$F1#$20#$CA#$EE#$ED#$F2#$E0#$EA#$F2#$EE#$E2, TCmd) > 0) then begin Inc(Pkt^.Len, 15); //15 unknown bytes Inc(Pkt^.Len, 4); //Following length Msg := GetDWStr(Pkt); //Message containing a reason if Assigned(OnContactListRequest) then FOnContactListReq(Self, UIN, Msg); end else if (Pos('Contacts',TCMD) > 0 ) or (Pos(#$CA#$EE#$ED#$F2#$E0#$EA#$F2#$FB, TCMD) > 0) then begin Inc(Pkt^.Len, 4); //Following length Msg := GetDWStr(Pkt); //Message containing a list with contacts List := TStringList.Create; //Create temporary list ParseContacts(Msg, List); //Parse message with contacts if Assigned(OnContactListRecv) then FOnContactListRecv(Self, UIN, List); end else if (Pos('Web Page Address (URL)',TCMD) > 0) or (Pos(#$CF#$EE#$F1#$EB#$E0#$F2#$FC#$20#$D1#$F1#$FB#$EB#$EA#$F3#$20#$ED#$E0#$20#$E2#$E5#$E1#$2D#$F1#$F2#$F0#$E0#$ED#$E8#$F6#$F3,TCmd) > 0) then begin // Handle URL Msg Inc(Pkt^.Len, 19); Msg := GetDWStr(Pkt); if Pos(#$FE, Msg) <> -1 then begin // Break apart strings Desc := Copy(Msg, 1, Pos(#$FE, Msg) - 1); URL := Copy(Msg, Length(Desc) + 2, 255); if Assigned(OnURLRecv) then FOnURL(Self, Desc, URL, UIN); end; end; end else Msg := GetLNTS(Pkt); //The actual message text. There will be ending NULL. {Sending ACK of the message} PktInit(@ack_pkt, 2, FSeq); //Channel 2 PktSnac(@ack_pkt, $04, $0B, 0, 0); //SNAC(x04/x0B) Move(Ptr(LongWord(Pkt) + TSNACSZ)^, Ptr(LongWord(@ack_pkt) + ack_pkt.Len)^, 10); //First 10 bytes of TLV(2711) Inc(ack_pkt.Len, 10); //Skip first 10 bytes copied from TLV(2711) which were added before PktLStr(@ack_pkt, UIN); //User's UIN PktInt(@ack_pkt, $0003, 2); //00 03 PktAddArrBuf(@ack_pkt, @chunks, 47); //First 47 bytes of source packet (with message) PktInt(@ack_pkt, $00000000, 4); //00 00 00 00 //If it's an auto-away message request if (MsgType and $E0 = $E0) and Request then PktLNTS(@ack_pkt, FAutoAwayMsg) //Auto-away message else begin PktInt(@ack_pkt, 1, 1); //01 PktInt(@ack_pkt, 0, 4); //00 00 00 00 PktInt(@ack_pkt, 0, 2); //00 00 PktInt(@ack_pkt, $FFFFFF00, 4); //FF FF FF 00 end; PktFinal(@ack_pkt); FSock.SendData(ack_pkt, ack_pkt.Len); if (Length(Msg) > 0) then begin if MsgType = M_PLAIN then begin if FDoPlain then Msg := Rtf2Plain(Msg); //Convert message from RTF to plaintext when needed if Assigned(OnMessageRecv) then FOnMsg(Self, Msg, UIN); end else if MsgType = M_URL then begin Desc := Copy(Msg, 0, Pos(#$fe, Msg) - 1); URL := Copy(Msg, Pos(#$fe, Msg) + 1, Length(Msg) - Pos(#$fe, Msg)); if Assigned(OnURLRecv) then FOnURL(Self, Desc, URL, UIN); end; end; Exit; end else if TlvType = 5 then // TVL(5) Get a Port begin Inc(pkt^.Len, 2); // Skip Length aPort := GetInt(Pkt, 2); // Get Port Number end else // *eraser 21.04.2004 { if TlvType = 6 then // TLV(6) Status begin Inc(pkt^.Len, 4); Status := GetInt(Pkt, 4); end else } if TlvType = $0004 then // TLV(4) Get an ExtIP begin Inc(pkt^.Len, 4); // skip length extIP := GetInt(Pkt, 4); // Get IP Number end else if TlvType = $000F then // TLV(F) begin Inc(pkt^.Len, 2); // skip length Request := True; // possibly it is a request end else if TlvType = $000A then // TLV(A) begin Inc(pkt^.Len, 2); // 0x0002 skip length wAck := GetInt(Pkt, 2); // seen 0001 - req (unk 0x000F 0x0000) // seen 0002 - reply (IP, Port) end else // if TlvType = 3 then // TLV(3) Get an IntIP begin Inc(pkt^.Len,2); // Skip Length aIP := GetInt(Pkt,4); // Get IP Number end else Inc(Pkt^.Len, GetInt(Pkt, 2)); end; end else Inc(Pkt^.Len, GetInt(Pkt, 2)); end; // todo special user online event end; 4: //Another message type begin UIN := GetLStr(Pkt); for i := 0 to 4 do begin v := GetInt(Pkt, 1); if (v = 5) or ((GetInt(Pkt, 1) = 5) and (v = 0)) then //TLV(5) was found begin if v = 5 then //Some modifications for MAC clients Inc(Pkt^.Len, 40) else Inc(Pkt^.Len, 2); GetLInt(Pkt, 4); //UIN MsgType := GetLInt(Pkt, 2); //Message-type Msg := GetLNTS(Pkt); //Message if MsgType = $1a then //Probably advanced msg format begin Inc(Pkt^.Len, 20); //20 unknown bytes atype := GetDWStr(Pkt); //Advanced msg sub-type if Pos ('ICQSMS', aType)<>0 then //Corresponds to received SMS message in XML formatted message begin Inc(Pkt^.Len, 3); //00 00 00 Inc(Pkt^.Len, 4); //4-byte little endian length of the following data XML := GetStr(Pkt, GetLInt(Pkt, 4)); //XML entry of SMS response XMLSource := GetXMLEntry('source', XML); //Source, usually: 'ICQ' XMLSender := GetXMLEntry('sender', XML); //Source cellular number XMLText := GetXMLEntry('text', XML); //Text of reply XMLTime := GetXMLEntry('time', XML); //Time of sending reply if Assigned(OnSMSReply) then FOnSMSReply(Self, XMLSource, XMLSender, XMLTime, UTF8ToStrSmart(XMLText)); end; Exit; end; if (Length(Msg) > 0) then begin if MsgType = M_PLAIN then begin if FDoPlain then Msg := Rtf2Plain(Msg); //Convert message from RTF to plaintext when needed if Assigned(OnMessageRecv) then FOnMsg(Self, Msg, UIN); end else if MsgType = M_URL then begin Desc := Copy(Msg, 0, Pos(#$fe, Msg) - 1); URL := Copy(Msg, Pos(#$fe, Msg) + 1, Length(Msg) - Pos(#$fe, Msg)); if Assigned(OnURLRecv) then FOnURL(Self, Desc, URL, UIN); end else if MsgType = M_WEB_PAGE then // Updated by Saif.N * To Support Web Page Message begin PSender := Copy(Msg, 1, Pos(#$fe, Msg) - 1); Msg := Copy(Msg,Length(PSender)+4, Length(Msg)); PEmail := Copy(Msg, 1 , Pos(#$fe, Msg)-1); Msg := Copy(Msg,Length(PEmail)+1, Length(Msg)); PSenderIP:= Copy(Msg, Pos('IP:', Msg)+4, Pos(#$D, Msg)-Pos('IP:', Msg)-4); Msg := Copy(Msg, Pos(#$A,Msg) + 1, Length(Msg)); if Assigned(OnWPagerRecv) then FonWPager(Self, PSender, PEmail, PSenderIP, Msg); end; end; Exit; end else Inc(Pkt^.Len, GetInt(Pkt, 2)); end; end; end; end; |
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