Registriert seit: 1. Apr 2005
Ort: Wilhelmshaven
46 Beiträge
Delphi 7 Personal
Re: Desktop nach bestimmten Bitmap absuchen
5. Okt 2009, 18:37
Das ist die Funktion + Beschreibung und dazu wird noch eine DLL benötigt, hängt im Anhang.
; Description: Find the position of an image on the desktop
; Syntax: _ImageSearchArea, _ImageSearch
; Parameter(s):
; $findImage - the image to locate on the desktop
; $tolerance - 0 for no tolerance (0-255). Needed when colors of
; image differ from desktop. e.g GIF
; $resultPosition - Set where the returned x,y location of the image is.
; 1 for centre of image, 0 for top left of image
; $x $y - Return the x and y location of the image
; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 1
; On Failure - Returns 0
; Note: Use _ImageSearch to search the entire desktop, _ImageSearchArea to specify
; a desktop region to search
Func _ImageSearch($findImage,$resultPosition,ByRef $x, ByRef $y,$tolerance)
return _ImageSearchArea($findImage,$resultPosition,0,0,@DesktopWidth,@DesktopHeight,$x,$y,$tolerance)
Func _ImageSearchArea($findImage,$resultPosition,$x1,$y1,$right,$bottom,ByRef $x, ByRef $y, $tolerance)
;MsgBox(0,"asd","" & $x1 & " " & $y1 & " " & $right & " " & $bottom)
if $tolerance>0 then $findImage = "*" & $tolerance & " " & $findImage
$result = DllCall("ImageSearchDLL.dll","str","ImageSearch","int",$x1,"int",$y1,"int",$right,"int",$bottom,"str",$findImage)
; If error exit
if $result[0]="0" then return 0
; Otherwise get the x,y location of the match and the size of the image to
; compute the centre of search
$array = StringSplit($result[0],"|")
if $resultPosition=1 then
$x=$x + Int(Number($array[4])/2)
$y=$y + Int(Number($array[5])/2)
return 1
Frederick B.