I am asking becouse there isnt no examples in delphi if there were i wouldnt even ask..
I am using win 7 so i decided to add WinSAT ability to my program so i found this example on
MSDN.But its really confusing i c/c++
or c# dont really now.Could someone explain it to me what it does.
i installed winsat library via type import in delphi 2009.So i thought it was easy to do i decided to give it a try....
CInitiateWinSAT1.DefaultInterface.InitiateFormalAssessment({what goes in here delphi says a constant wich constant!},nil
HRESULT InitiateFormalAssessment(
[in, optional] IWinSATInitiateEvents *pCallbacks,
[in, optional] HWND callerHwnd
pCallbacks [in, optional]
An IWinSATInitiateEvents interface that you implement to receive notification when the assessment finishes or makes progress. Can be NULL if you do not want to receive notifications.
callerHwnd [in, optional]
The window
handle of your client. The
handle is used to center the WinSAT dialog boxes. If NULL, the dialog boxes are centered on the desktop.