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Re: Change text of other App Edit Control

  Alt 4. Okt 2009, 14:37
Question is: Why dosen't this work under win 7/vista?Please someone test it!
It only opens the dialog i knew how to do that on my own.So nothing new.


procedure WindowsSuchenDialog(Verzeichnis, Suchstring: string);
  hOtherWin, hFocusWin: HWND;
  OtherThreadID, iTimeOut: Integer;
  aDwordVar: DWORD;
  buf: array [0..40] of Char;
  sVerz: string;
  // ShellExecute(application.handle, 'find', 'c:\', nil, nil, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
  // oder mit TDDEClientConv
  with TDDEClientConv.Create(nil) do
    ConnectMode := ddeManual;
    ServiceApplication := 'explorer.exe';
    SetLink('Folders', 'AppProperties');
    sVerz := IncludeTrailingBackslash(Verzeichnis);
    ExecuteMacro(PChar('[FindFolder(, '+ sVerz +')]'), False);
  iTimeOut := 0;
    { Warten, bis der Such Dialog erscheint. 
      Unter Win95/98/NT4 hat der Suchdilaog die Klasse #32770. 
      Unter ME/2000/XP ist die Suche in den Explorer integriert, 
      darum auf CabinetWClass warten}
    hOtherWin := GetForegroundWindow;
    buf[0] := #0;
    GetClassName(hOtherWin, buf, 60);
  until (StrComp(buf, '#32770') = 0) or (StrComp(buf, 'CabinetWClass') = 0) or (iTimeOut > 20);
  if iTimeOut > 20 then Exit;
    { Wait until it is visible }   
    { Warten, bis das Fenster erscheint }   
  until IsWindowVisible(hOtherWin);

  { Handle vom Control finden, welches den Fokus besitzt }   
  OtherThreadID := GetWindowThreadProcessID(hOtherWin, @aDwordvar);
  if AttachThreadInput(GetCurrentThreadID, OtherThreadID, True) then
    hFocusWin := GetFocus;
    if hFocusWin <> 0 then
        SendMessage(hFocusWin, WM_SETTEXT, 0, Longint(PChar(Suchstring)));
        AttachThreadInput(GetCurrentThreadID, OtherThreadID, False);

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);

Offtopic comment:@ DeddyH and others > Delphipraxis will be delphipraxis unique in its own weird bizzaree way.