Der Link,den ich dir gestern gepostet habe enthät alle Infos, die du zum erstellen von Triggern benötigst.
Die schreiben dort z.B:
:NEW and :OLD must always be used with a colon in
SQL statements that are used in triggers and that belong to the routine_sql_statements
(For example: UPDATE reisen.raum SET hnr = :NEW.hnr WHERE hnr = :OLD.hnr).
NEW and OLD must always be used without a colon in
SQL statements that are used in triggers and that do not belong to the routine_sql_statements
(For example: IF NEW.hnr <> OLD.hnr).
Du musst also die New/Old Records in
SQL-Statements als Bind-Variable (:New/:Old) verwenden.
Im Trigger-code darfst du keinen ":" davor schreiben.