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IAccessible Interface

Ein Thema von Mr.Sade · begonnen am 27. Sep 2003 · letzter Beitrag vom 27. Sep 2003
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Registriert seit: 25. Feb 2003
17 Beiträge
Delphi 6 Enterprise

IAccessible Interface

  Alt 27. Sep 2003, 03:00
Hello again,

Does anyone know what .pas file contains the declaration of IAccessible Interface ? and functions, Does borland has it ?
I want to use the API OleAcc.dll, which contains functions like AccessibleObjectFromWindow, and I need to pass the address of a pointer to this interface.
if anyone has examples, would be cool.

I'm sorry I dont know why I posted it here, could the moderators move it to the Windows API section. Thanks
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Christian Seehase

Registriert seit: 29. Mai 2002
Ort: Hamburg
11.120 Beiträge
Delphi 11 Alexandria

Re: IAccessible Interface

  Alt 27. Sep 2003, 03:39
Hello Mr. Sade,

I just moved your thread to the demanded area.

Have you already tried to import the oleacc.dll by yourself, using

Components\Import ActiveX\Add...

(I only guessed the names in the menu)
Tschüss Chris
Die drei Feinde des Programmierers: Sonne, Frischluft und dieses unerträgliche Gebrüll der Vögel.
Der Klügere gibt solange nach bis er der Dumme ist
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Registriert seit: 25. Feb 2003
17 Beiträge
Delphi 6 Enterprise

Re: IAccessible Interface

  Alt 27. Sep 2003, 05:19
Oh yeah, you are right, I forgot about that.
I haven't touch delphi lately :)
I was thinking in declaring the whole interface by hand, I was looking for the declaration in order to port it to macro assembler.
I thought borland had some pas file like vc++ has a oleacc.h file, but import library does the job :)
thank you
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