Jupp das ist kein Problem auch OHNE die Hooks.
svn:keywords" ist das Stichwort.
Subversion supports
CVS-like keyword expansion which can be used to embed filename and revision information within the file itself. Keywords currently supported are:
Date of last known commit. This is based on information obtained when you update your working copy. It does not check the repository to find more recent changes.
Revision of last known commit.
Author who made the last known commit.
The full
URL of this file in the repository.
A compressed combination of the previous four keywords.
To find out how to use these keywords, look at the
svn:keywords section in the Subversion book, which gives a full description of these keywords and how to enable and use them.
For more information about properties in Subversion see the Special Properties .
die lässt du dir einfach ein eine datei als resource, text oder was auch immer schreiben.