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Memo scrollen

Ein Thema von Relicted · begonnen am 22. Jun 2007 · letzter Beitrag vom 4. Okt 2011
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arnold mueller

Registriert seit: 27. Jul 2005
129 Beiträge

Re: Memo scrollen

  Alt 22. Jun 2007, 20:26
   SendMessage(Memo.Handle,WM_VSCROLL,SB_LINEDOWN,0) (Snip Delphi Hilfe)

SB_BOTTOM Scrolls to the lower right.
SB_ENDSCROLL Ends scroll.
SB_LINEDOWN Scrolls one line down.
SB_LINEUP Scrolls one line up.
SB_PAGEDOWN Scrolls one page down.
SB_PAGEUP Scrolls one page up.
SB_THUMBPOSITION Scrolls to the absolute position. The current position is specified by the nPos parameter.
SB_THUMBTRACK Drags scroll box to the specified position. The current position is specified by the nPos parameter.
SB_TOP Scrolls to the upper left.

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