im "Normalfall" FibDataSet aufs Formular oder DatenModul ziehen -
rechte Maustaste - "
SQL Generator" - und dort alles weitere.
Wenn du die DataSets dynamisch erzeugen willst, dann steht
folgendes in der FibPlus-Hilfe:
Generates SQLs for inserting, updating, deleting and refreshing records.
procedure GenerateSQLs;
Call the GenerateSQLs procedure to fill the InsertSQL, UpdateSQL, DeleteSQL and RefreshSQL properties. The condition for WHERE construction is made in the following way: at first, the AutoUpdateOptions .KeyFields value is checked. If it is not empty the fields from AutoUpdateOptions.KeyFields are inserted into WHERE condition. Otherwise the existence of a primary key in a table is checked. If it is found the WHERE condition is build by primary key fields. If nothing above-mentioned has happened, all fields are inserted in WHERE condition.
The dataset must be open before calling the GenerateSQLs procedure.
Die üblichen Methoden des DataSets (ds.Open, ds.Append, ds.Edit, ds.Delete ds.Refresh) verwenden dann die entsprechenden
Dabei laufen ds.Open und ds.Refresh im Context der Property ds.Transaction, während
ds.Append, ds.Edit und ds.Delete die ds.UpdateTransaction verwenden.