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Registriert seit: 30. Nov 2005
Ort: München
5.774 Beiträge
Delphi 10.4 Sydney

Re: Mal wieder Java -> Delphi (Operator >>>)

  Alt 24. Jul 2009, 12:32
Hier habe ich folgendes gefunden:

So what about the >>> ( unsigned right shift ) operator ?

Sometimes we may require a right shift ( >> ) but we wouldn't like it to fill one's , instead we'd like it to fill zero's & only zero's no matter what . This is where the >>> ( unsigned right shift ) operator fits in .

It fills the void left behind by the leftmost bits with zero's only . So -
78 >>> 2 = 19 &
-78 >>> 2 = 1073741804 Try here.
Eine Entsprechung in Delphi ist mir nicht bekannt.

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