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Re: TStringGrid, wordwrap, 1zeilig sieht es blöd aus

  Alt 20. Jul 2009, 19:43


if RowHeights[R]<=AGrid.DefaultRowHeight then
  DrawRect:= Rect; // das hier war es
procedure DrawSGCell(AGrid: TStringGrid; C, R : integer; Rect : TRect;
          Style : TFontStyles; Wrap : boolean; Just : TAlignment;
          CanEdit : boolean);
  { draws formatted contents in string grid cell at col C, row R;
    Style is a set of fsBold, fsItalic, fsUnderline and fsStrikeOut;
    Wrap invokes word wrap for the cell's text; Just is taLeftJustify,
    taRightJustify or taCenter; if CanEdit false, cell will be given
    the background color of fixed cells; call this routine from
    grid's DrawCell event }

  S : String;
  S2 : String;
  DrawRect : TRect;
  iAlign : Integer;
  iAlign:= dt_left;
  case Just of
    taCenter : iAlign:= dt_center;
    taRightJustify : iAlign:= dt_right;

  with AGrid, Canvas do
    { erase earlier contents from default drawing }
    if (R >= FixedRows) and (C >= FixedCols) and CanEdit then
// Brush.Color:= AGrid.Brush.Color;
      Brush.Color:= FixedColor;

    { get cell contents }
    S:= Cells[C, R];

    if length(S) > 0 then
  original code, keine Ahnung, was das soll ???

      S2:= S;
      case Just of
        taLeftJustify  : S:= ' ' + S;
        taRightJustify : S:= S + ' ';

      { set font style }
      Font.Style:= Style;
      { copy of cell rectangle for text sizing }
      DrawRect:= Rect;

      if Wrap then
       { get size of text rectangle in DrawRect, with word wrap }
        DrawText(Handle, PChar(S2), length(S2), DrawRect,
          dt_calcrect or dt_wordbreak or iAlign);
        if (DrawRect.Bottom - DrawRect.Top) > RowHeights[R] then
          { cell word-wraps; increase row height }
          RowHeights[R]:= DrawRect.Bottom - DrawRect.Top;

        if RowHeights[R]<=AGrid.DefaultRowHeight then
          DrawRect:= Rect;
          DrawText(Handle, PChar(S2), length(S2), DrawRect,
                   or dt_vcenter // klappt nicht, steht auch so im SDK
                   or iAlign);
          DrawText(Handle, PChar(S2), length(S2), DrawRect,
                   or iAlign);
        { no word wrap }
        DrawText(Handle, PChar(S2), length(S2), DrawRect,
                 or dt_vcenter
                 or iAlign);
      end; { if Wrap then }
    end; { if length(S) > 0 then }  

   { restore no font styles }
    Font.Style:= [];

Puh !!!
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