Thema: Delphi ASP.Net ?

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Delphi 11 Alexandria

Re: ASP.Net ?

  Alt 6. Jun 2009, 09:55
Der Vollständigkeit halber nochmal zum Thema "Virtual Print Engine":

Die ist tatsächlich .net-fähig (habe ich "früher" nur alles nicht richtig deuten können ).

Also ich habe sie jetzt einmal im Prism installiert und in einem kleinen Test für dot.Net benutzt. Das ging sehr problemlos.

1.2.3 Installing the VPE .NET Component
After SETUP has been executed successfully, the .NET component is already installed on system
level. It is then available for all .NET development applications.
In order to place the VpeControl component onto the Toolbox of Visual Studio .NET, do the
following: Click onto the Toolbox, then "Components". Afterwards right click and choose
"Add/Remove Items". A dialog will appear. Scroll down until you see "VpeControl". Click the
checkbox to activate it. Afterwards click "Ok" to close the dialog. The VpeControl icon will
appear in the Toolbox under the "Components" category.

Für Asp.Net sollte es auch gehen, allerdings erschließen sich mir die Lizenzbeschränkungen nicht so richtig (ist jetzt aber auch egal, da ich mein Projekt mit iTextSharp-Pdf realisiert habe):
9.3 Server Licenses
This chapter does only apply to the platforms: Solaris, OpenSolaris, Aix and AS/400.
If any product is executed on servers, a special Server License per server must be acquired. The
prices are scaled upon the number of concurrent users. For details, please visit our websites at
Definition of "server": a system for electronic data processing, that provides services for other
electronic data processing systems.
Definition of "execute": at least one of the redistributable files is executed by a CPU (processor) in
the memory of a server.
If a product is licensed as Server Version, its thread-safe code can be activated, which is essential
for server based multi-threaded applications (see also: “Multi-Threading” on page 113).
For the following products Server Licenses are not available:
· VPE Community Edition
· VPE Standard Edition
· VPE Enhanced Edition
In order to protect VPE from misuse in server environments without a server license, the engine
keeps track of the number of calling threads and processes for each license key.
In environments without server licenses, a maximum of three processes or threads may use VPE
simultaneously with the same license key. If more than three processes try to open a VPE
document with the same license key, the licensing fails and VPE will behave like the trial version
and demo banners are shown.
Since VPE tracks the usage separately per license key, applications of different manufacturers
(which are using therefore different license keys) do not conflict with each other.
Important: the limitation only applies to different processes or threads. A single process or thread
may open and create an unlimited number of VPE documents simultaneously with the same
license key. If your application shall show multiple documents at the same time, do not use
different processes or threads, or limit the number of simultaneously running processes or
threads to 3.
Because the VPE .NET WebControl is intended to be used with ASP.NET on servers only, a
server license is required for this type of control. Without a server license demo banners will be
shown in created documents.
VPE also detects, if it is executed within the context of a Windows Service. As the name already
suggests, the main reason to execute VPE within a Service is to serve something. Therefore, if
VPE is executed within the context of a Windows Service, a server license is required. Without a
server license demo banners will be shown in created documents.
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