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Registriert seit: 11. Feb 2007
97 Beiträge
Delphi 7 Enterprise

Programmatically Create a Reg File

  Alt 31. Mai 2009, 00:19
Hi every one , i have this Reg File Format :

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


"M"=hex:34,4f,35,35,37,37,53,36,34,53,34,38,31,35, 50,50,32,34,33,53,51,\

and these Values may not be found in the Registry

What i want is how could i prorammatically generate a Reg File with the same Value , i mean from my program i can save a TStringslist ( for example ) into : test.Reg

I don'y want to read from Registry then Save contents into test.reg but all values are created from my Program .

and thanks again .
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