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Benutzerbild von HeikoAdams

Registriert seit: 12. Jul 2004
Ort: Oberfranken
661 Beiträge
FreePascal / Lazarus

Re: AdvBuildFileList findet keine Systemdateien?

  Alt 26. Mai 2009, 15:51
Ich hab die Lösung gefunden. Die Funktion AdvBuildFileList ist buggy, da sie keine versteckten Verzeichnisse findet.
Hier meine gepatchte Version:
function AdvBuildFileList(const Path: string; const Attr: Integer; const Files: TStrings;
  const AttributeMatch: TJclAttributeMatch; const Options: TFileListOptions;
  const SubfoldersMask: string; const FileMatchFunc: TFileMatchFunc): Boolean;
  FileMask: string;
  RootDir: string;
  Folders: TStringList;
  CurrentItem: Integer;
  Counter: Integer;
  FindAttr: Integer;

  procedure BuildFolderList;
    FindInfo: TSearchRec;
    Rslt: Integer;
    sErr: string;
    Counter := Folders.Count - 1;
    CurrentItem := 0;

    while CurrentItem <= Counter do
      // searching for subfolders

      //HA 090526 Modified to find hidden directories also ..
      //Rslt := FindFirst(Folders[CurrentItem] + '*.*', faDirectory, FindInfo);
      Rslt := FindFirst(Folders[CurrentItem] + '*.*', faAnyFile, FindInfo);

        while Rslt = 0 do
          if (FindInfo.Name <> '.') and (FindInfo.Name <> '..') and
            (FindInfo.Attr and faDirectory = faDirectory) then
            Folders.Add(Folders[CurrentItem] + FindInfo.Name + DirDelimiter);

          Rslt := FindNext(FindInfo);
      Counter := Folders.Count - 1;

  procedure FillFileList(CurrentCounter: Integer);
    FindInfo: TSearchRec;
    Rslt: Integer;
    CurrentFolder: string;
    Matches: Boolean;
    CurrentFolder := Folders[CurrentCounter];

    Rslt := FindFirst(CurrentFolder + FileMask, FindAttr, FindInfo);

      while Rslt = 0 do
         Matches := False;

         case AttributeMatch of
             Matches := True;
             Matches := Attr = FindInfo.Attr;
             Matches := (Attr and FindInfo.Attr) = Attr;
             Matches := (Attr and FindInfo.Attr) = FindInfo.Attr;
             if Assigned(FileMatchFunc) then
               Matches := FileMatchFunc(Attr, FindInfo);

         if Matches then
           if flFullNames in Options then
             Files.Add(CurrentFolder + FindInfo.Name)

        Rslt := FindNext(FindInfo);

  FileMask := ExtractFileName(Path);
  RootDir := ExtractFilePath(Path);

  Folders := TStringList.Create;

    case AttributeMatch of
      amExact, amSuperSetOf:
        FindAttr := Attr;
      FindAttr := faAnyFile;

    // here's the recursive search for nested folders

    if flRecursive in Options then

    for Counter := 0 to Folders.Count - 1 do
      if (((flMaskedSubfolders in Options) and (StrMatches(SubfoldersMask,
        Folders[Counter], 1))) or (not (flMaskedSubfolders in Options))) then
  Result := True;
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