danke, doch das möchte ich erstmal selbst probieren.

Nur scheitere ich daran und ich finde absolut keinen Fehler. Wer Lust hat, kann mal schauen, ob er einen Fehler findet.
Noch ein paar Bemerkungen, die für das Verständnis beitragen:
map->map ist das Spielfeld-Array, das für die Ausgabe ausgewertet wird (Futter: -1, leere Felder: 0, Schlangen >= 1)
map->map_a_star ist das Spielfeld nur eben am Ende aufbereitet mit dem A*-Algorithmus
Die Variablen- und Funktionsbezeichnungen sind selbsterklärend, denke ich.
Ich rufe den Algorithmus so auf:
a_star(game_map, food1, pc1_snake, pc1_snake->head_x, pc1_snake->head_y)
Das Problem momentan ist, dass
while (is_empty_field_around(map, food, snake->head_x, snake->head_y))
zu einer Endlosschleife führt und ich finde keinen Fehler.

Optimiert habe ich noch nichts, ich weiß selbst, dass das sicher nicht sehr performant ist. ^^
bool is_food_field(cl_map* map, int x, int y)
return map->map[x][y] == -1;
// check if there is a zero-filled field around the snake's head
bool is_empty_field_around(cl_map* map, cl_food* food, int x, int y)
// left
if ((x > 0) && (map->map_a_star[x - 1][y] == 0) && (! is_food_field(map, x - 1, y)))
return true;
// right
if ((x < map->field_width) && (map->map_a_star[x + 1][y] == 0) && (! is_food_field(map, x + 1, y)))
return true;
// top
if ((y > 0) && (map->map_a_star[x][y - 1] == 0) && (! is_food_field(map, x, y - 1)))
return true;
// bottom
if ((y < map->field_height) && (map->map_a_star[x][y + 1] == 0) && (! is_food_field(map, x, y + 1)))
return true;
return false;
// filles the fields around with a defined number if the number is smaller than the existing one
void fill_fields_around(cl_map* map, int x, int y)
printf("map_a_star[x][y]: %d\n", map->map_a_star[x][y]);
// left
if ((x > 0) && ((map->map_a_star[x - 1][y] == 0) || (map->map_a_star[x - 1][y] > map->map_a_star[x][y])) && (! is_food_field(map, x - 1, y)))
map->map_a_star[x - 1][y] = map->map_a_star[x][y] + 1;
// right
else if ((x < map->field_width) && ((map->map_a_star[x + 1][y] == 0) || (map->map_a_star[x + 1][y] > map->map_a_star[x][y])) && (! is_food_field(map, x + 1, y)))
map->map_a_star[x + 1][y] = map->map_a_star[x][y] + 1;
// top
else if ((y > 0) && ((map->map_a_star[x][y - 1] == 0) || (map->map_a_star[x][y - 1] > map->map_a_star[x][y])) && (! is_food_field(map, x, y - 1)))
map->map_a_star[x][y - 1] = map->map_a_star[x][y] + 1;
// bottom
else if ((y < map->field_height) && ((map->map_a_star[x][y + 1] == 0) || (map->map_a_star[x][y + 1] > map->map_a_star[x][y])) && (! is_food_field(map, x, y + 1)))
map->map_a_star[x][y + 1] = map->map_a_star[x][y] + 1;
// I'm sure, that's not the performantest astar-algorithm, but so I think it's more understandable
char a_star(cl_map* map, cl_food* food, cl_snake* snake, int x, int y)
int step_number;
// fill all forbidden array fields with a -1 ans all other fields with zero
for (int i = 0; i < map->field_width; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < map->field_height; j++)
map->map_a_star[i][j] = (map->map[i][j] > 0) ? -1 : 0;
// fill all needed fields with the distance to the food
// fill the fields around the food with a 1 if there is no snake
// left field of the food
if ((food->food_x > 0) && (map->map_a_star[food->food_x - 1][food->food_y] == 0))
map->map_a_star[food->food_x - 1][food->food_y] = 1;
// right field of the food
if ((food->food_x < map->field_width) && (map->map_a_star[food->food_x + 1][food->food_y] == 0))
map->map_a_star[food->food_x + 1][food->food_y] = 1;
// top field of the food
if ((food->food_y > 0) && (map->map_a_star[food->food_x][food->food_y - 1] == 0))
map->map_a_star[food->food_x][food->food_y - 1] = 1;
// bottom field of the food
if ((food->food_y < map->field_height) && (map->map_a_star[food->food_x][food->food_y + 1] == 0))
map->map_a_star[food->food_x][food->food_y + 1] = 1;
// fill the rest of the field (exit the loop if all fields around the snake's head are not zero filled)
step_number = 1;
while (is_empty_field_around(map, food, snake->head_x, snake->head_y))
// increase all fields around the current one step-by-step
for (int i = 0; i < map->field_width; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < map->field_height; j++)
if (map->map_a_star[i][j] == step_number)
fill_fields_around(map, i, j);
Hoffnungsvoll grüßt
Edit [22:25]: 1 Bug korrigiert, geht aber immer noch nicht
Edit [22:30]: 1 Bug korrigiert, geht aber immer noch nicht
Edit [22:42]: 1 Bug korrigiert, geht aber immer noch nicht