Indy verwendet immer 1.0, siehe IdHTTP.pas:
// Currently when issuing a POST, IdHTTP will automatically set the protocol
// to version 1.0 independently of the value it had initially. This is because
// there are some servers that don't respect the
RFC to the full extent. In
// particular, they don't respect sending/not sending the Expect: 100-Continue
// header. Until we find an optimum solution that does NOT break the
RFC, we
// will restrict POSTS to version 1.0.
Eventuell bietet Synapse 1.0.
Oder es hilft, die Options Property hoKeepOrigProtocol zu setzen (auch aus IdHTTP.pas):
// If hoKeepOrigProtocol is SET, is possible to assume that the developer
// is sure in operations of the server
d.h. es funktioniert eventuell mit manchen Servern, aber nicht unbedingt mit jedem.