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Registriert seit: 24. Nov 2003
Ort: Nähe München
72 Beiträge
FreePascal / Lazarus

Re: In ein (exsistierendes) Spiel Text ausgeben

  Alt 27. Nov 2003, 20:01
"dumm gelaufen..."->Ja, für dich. ach was junge, ich will mal nicht so sein. Hier ist der Text wie du es anstellen kannst:

I'm trying to draw on the screen using GDI calls. I can see my text but it flickers badly. How can I fix this?
This is a common problem that people encounter. It is quite easy to retrieve a handle to the active window and obtain a device context for the screen. You can then issue standard GDI calls and expect them to be drawn accordingly on the screen.

Unfortunately the flickering problem can’t be avoided. The issue is caused by the fact that most games are double-buffered and GDI only supports single-buffered devices. Whenever you issue GDI calls they are always affecting the same buffer. If the game is double buffered you will see your text half the time, if it’s triple buffered only a third. As far as I know there is no way to obtain a unique device context for the back buffers.

How can I draw my own graphics on the screen?

Unfortunately there is no simple way to draw graphics on screen. This part is therefore fairly technical. If you don’t understand some of the terms I’d recommend doing a search for the keywords on google.

Fraps works by patching directly into the underlying graphics API. Doing things this way allows Fraps to issue graphics commands as if it were the game itself, avoiding having to do a large amount of setup beforehand. There are two techniques that can be used to hook into the API.

The first method is referred to as “API hooking”. Basically you want to obtain the address of the graphics function in memory, and patch this such that your code will get called whenever the game tries to use this function.

The other method is to write a “DLL wrapper”. Here you want to write your own DLL that exports the same functions as the graphics DLL. The idea is to rename the original DLL and put your DLL in its place. Then when your DLL is loaded, you proceed to load the original DLL and pass any function that is called through to it. Creating a DLL wrapper for DirectX is reasonably easy because there are only a few functions exported from the DLL. OpenGL however exports ALL of its API calls, which means that it can be very time consuming to build the stubs for all of the functions. If you want to pursue this method it may be easier to download and modify an existing OpenGL wrapper such as GLtrace.

When you have successfully hooked into the graphics API it is simply a matter of saving and restoring the state before and after you have issued your graphics commands. To learn how to draw graphics you should consult the DirectX and OpenGL SDK’s.

Other ideas that you might want to pursue if you want something up and running quickly:

If it’s only for one game, search through the game code for a function that displays text on screen. Most games have to output text at some stage, so utilising their routine may save you the hassle of implementing your own.

You could also try forcing the game to run in windowed mode. As an example, you could hook the CreateDevice function in DirectX8 and ensure that the Windowed flag is always set TRUE. With the game running in a window, you can draw in your own application alongside.

I have heard (but not verified) that it is possible to use DirectX overlays to draw on top of the game screen. This may be an easy option if performance is not an issue. Overlay documentation can be found in the DirectX SDK.

How do I know when a new frame has been drawn? What functions must I hook?

Hooking is currently performed on separate functions for DirectDraw, Direct3D8, and OpenGL. These are:

Flip (for DirectX 7 and earlier - DDRAW.DLL)
Present (for DirectX 8 – D3D8.DLL)
wglSwapBuffers (for OpenGL)
Note that DirectX is class based. This means that Flip and Present are not exported from the DLL directly. You must take the parent class and obtain the function pointers directly from an offset within the class (or subclasses). Consult the header files in the DX SDK in order to determine the offsets of the function pointers.

Ach und änder doch mal deinen Titel z.b. in : OpenGL+DirectX Overlays oder sowas,dann wissen die Leute auch was gemeint ist
Mensch dauernd dieses ständige editieren. Sorry aber den quelltext dafür konnt ich leider nicht finden. Aber sicher wirst du hier im Forum einiges zusammensuchen können.

Nix für ungut
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