Thema: Ini - Syntax

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Ort: München
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Delphi 10.4 Sydney

Re: Ini - Syntax

  Alt 12. Mai 2009, 15:53
.. mal in die Hilfe schauen

Pfad := MyIni.ReadString('default','datadir',''); [ungetestet]


Zitat von DelphiHilfe:
Retrieves a string value from an INI file.

function ReadString(const Section, Ident, Default: String): String; override;


Call ReadString to read a string value from an INI file. Section identifies the section in the file that contains the desired key. Ident is the name of the key from which to retrieve the value. Default is the string value to return if the:

Section does not exist.
Key does not exist.
Data value for the key is not assigned.
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