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Benutzerbild von Deltachaos

Registriert seit: 20. Feb 2008
Ort: Berlin
195 Beiträge
Delphi 7 Personal

Was ist an diesen try und except block falsch?

  Alt 1. Mai 2009, 18:56
Ich weis nicht das ich hier falsch gemacht habe.
Es werden nur die versionen die mit dem erste und dem letzte try und except block ausgelesen werden angezeigt.

währe net wen da wer rüber gugen würde.

uses Registry;

procedure delphi_versions;
var regist: TRegistry;
    pub: TStringList;
    pubdir, pubbrc32, pubbrcc32: string;
    pubi: integer;
  regist := TRegistry.Create;
    regist.RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE;
      pub := TStringList.Create;
      pubdir := '';
      pubbrc32 := '';
      pubbrcc32 := '';
      pubi := 0;
      regist.OpenKey('SOFTWARE\Borland\Delphi', false);
      for pubi := 0 to pub.count - 1 do
        regist.OpenKeyReadOnly('SOFTWARE\Borland\Delphi\' + pub[pubi]);
        if regist.ValueExists('RootDir') then
          pubdir := regist.ReadString('RootDir');
          if pubdir[length(pubdir)] = '\then
            pubdir := pubdir + 'Bin\'
            if pubdir[length(pubdir)] = '/then
              pubdir := pubdir + 'Bin/'
              pubdir := pubdir + '\Bin\';
          if FileExists(pubdir + 'brc32.exe') then
            pubbrc32 := pubdir + 'brc32.exe';
          if FileExists(pubdir + 'brcc32.exe') then
            pubbrcc32 := pubdir + 'brcc32.exe';
          additem(pub[pubi], pubbrc32, pubbrcc32);

      pub := TStringList.Create;
      pubdir := '';
      pubbrc32 := '';
      pubbrcc32 := '';
      pubi := 0;
      regist.OpenKey('SOFTWARE\CodeGear\BDS', false);
      for pubi := 0 to pub.count - 1 do
        regist.OpenKeyReadOnly('SOFTWARE\CodeGear\BDS\' + pub[pubi]);
        if regist.ValueExists('RootDir') then
          pubdir := regist.ReadString('RootDir');
          if pubdir[length(pubdir)] = '\then
            pubdir := pubdir + 'Bin\'
            if pubdir[length(pubdir)] = '/then
              pubdir := pubdir + 'Bin/'
              pubdir := pubdir + '\Bin\';
          if FileExists(pubdir + 'brc32.exe') then
            pubbrc32 := pubdir + 'brc32.exe';
          if FileExists(pubdir + 'brcc32.exe') then
            pubbrcc32 := pubdir + 'brcc32.exe';
          additem(pub[pubi], pubbrc32, pubbrcc32);

      pub := TStringList.Create;
      pubdir := '';
      pubbrc32 := '';
      pubbrcc32 := '';
      pubi := 0;
      regist.OpenKey('SOFTWARE\Borland\BDS', false);
      for pubi := 0 to pub.count - 1 do
        regist.OpenKeyReadOnly('SOFTWARE\Borland\BDS\' + pub[pubi]);
        if regist.ValueExists('RootDir') then
          pubdir := regist.ReadString('RootDir');
          if pubdir[length(pubdir)] = '\then
            pubdir := pubdir + 'Bin\'
            if pubdir[length(pubdir)] = '/then
              pubdir := pubdir + 'Bin/'
              pubdir := pubdir + '\Bin\';
          if FileExists(pubdir + 'brc32.exe') then
            pubbrc32 := pubdir + 'brc32.exe';
          if FileExists(pubdir + 'brcc32.exe') then
            pubbrcc32 := pubdir + 'brcc32.exe';
          additem(pub[pubi], pubbrc32, pubbrcc32);

Maximilian Ruta
Ich weiß mein Deutsch ist ! Bei Fragen: ich bin fast immer im Mumble
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