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Ort: Görlitz
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Delphi XE2 Professional

Re: VirtualStringTree (VST) und Progressbar einbinden

  Alt 27. Apr 2009, 08:27
Das einfachste ist eine selbstgeschriebene OnAfterCellPaint à la:
  NData : PNodeData;
  PBRect : TRect;
  Text : String;
  if Column = 1 then
    if GetNodeData(Node, NData) then
      PBRect := Rect(CellRect.Left + 1,
                     CellRect.Top + 1,
                     CellRect.Left + Round((CellRect.Right - CellRect.Left - 2) * (NData.Percent / 100)),
                     CellRect.Bottom - 1);

      with TargetCanvas do
        Pen.Color := RGB(226, 194, 95);
        Pen.Style := psSolid;
        Brush.Style := bsClear;

        Brush.Color := RGB(246, 224, 123);
        Brush.Style := bsSolid;
        FillRect(Rect(PBRect.Left + 2,
                      PBRect.Top + 2,
                      PBRect.Right - 2,
                      PBRect.Bottom - 2));

        Text := Format('%d %%', [NData.Percent]);
        Font.Color := clBlack;
        Brush.Style := bsClear;

        TextOut(CellRect.Left + ((CellRect.Right - CellRect.Left) div 2) - (TextWidth(Text) div 2),
                CellRect.Top + ((CellRect.Bottom - CellRect.Top) div 2) - (TextHeight(Text) div 2),

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Dateityp: zip demo_134.zip (355,5 KB, 80x aufgerufen)
Benjamin Schwarze
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