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3.483 Beiträge
Delphi 10.1 Berlin Professional

Re: Keine Forms in CLX-DLLs? Workaround?

  Alt 25. Nov 2003, 23:58
Zitat von Colonel Chris:
"Fatal: cannot create application object in shared objects or libraries"
QForms.pas sagt dazu:
Restrictions on CLX and TApplication in external modules:
CLX and Qt allow only a single instance of the application object - it is
created and destroyed in the initialization and finalization sections of
QControls.pas, respectively. It is the user's responsibility when using
external modules (packages and libraries or shared objects) in their
applications to ensure that only a single instance of TApplication is
created. Please heed the following rules when mixing modules that rely on
visual CLX:
- External libraries (.dll's/.so's) may not refer to visual CLX units
directly or indirectly.
- If you wish to include visual CLX code in an external library, the
external library must be a *package* to avoid duplicate unit
initialization and finalization.
- If your package uses the visualclx package, the main application must also
use it, and should not directly link in visual CLX units.
In der Delphi-Hilfe gibts vage Andeutungen, dass CLX evtl. nur mit Packages funktioniert - ich hoffe nicht!
Ein Package ist im Grunde nichts anderes als eine DLL, mit ein paar Erweiterungen.

Du könntest deiner Anwendung und die DLL das VisualClx Package als dependency hinzufügen. (Project/Options.../Packages)
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