Thema: Mp3FileUtils

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Benutzerbild von Gausi

Registriert seit: 17. Jul 2005
900 Beiträge
Delphi 11 Alexandria

Re: Mp3FileUtils

  Alt 3. Apr 2009, 12:24

You cannot extract all information just through properties like Id3v2Tag.Artist, ID3v2Tag.Title, etc.. "Beats per Minute" is one of them. In ID3-Tags, the "beats per minute"-information is stored in a text-frame (as indicated by the "T" in "TBPM"). To get the information from an arbitrary text-frame, you can use the "ID3v2Tag.GetText()"-method. The paramter of this method is a TFrameID, which is declared in ID3v2Frames.pas. For bpm, you should use
var myBPM: WideString; // or just String
myBPM := myId3v2Tag.GetText(IDv2_BPM);
Note: This only works in version 0.4 or above, not in 0.3 as posted in this topic. You can download the current version from my webpage. I will edit this topic soon.

(btw.: "Anhängsel" and "Rahmen" are funny translations for "tag" and "frame" in this context. What did you use for it? Google Translate? )
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