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Speicher freigeben...

Ein Thema von abc newbee · begonnen am 7. Apr 2007 · letzter Beitrag vom 7. Apr 2007
abc newbee

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Speicher freigeben...

  Alt 7. Apr 2007, 16:28

Ich mache mit folgendem Code einen Screenshot vom Aktuellen Desktop in einem bestimmten Intervall (z.B. alle 100 ms)... doch nach einer bestimmten Zeit ist natürlich der Arbeitsspeicher voll ...

Nun meine Frage:

Wie kann ich in diesem Beispiel den Arbeitsspeicher wieder freigeben???

function GetCursorInfo2: TCursorInfo;
 hWindow: HWND;
 pt: TPoint;
 pIconInfo: TIconInfo;
 dwThreadID, dwCurrentThreadID: DWORD;
 Result.hCursor := 0;
 ZeroMemory(@Result, SizeOf(Result));
 // Find out which window owns the cursor
 if GetCursorPos(pt) then
   Result.ptScreenPos := pt;
   hWindow := WindowFromPoint(pt);
   if IsWindow(hWindow) then
     // Get the thread ID for the cursor owner.
     dwThreadID := GetWindowThreadProcessId(hWindow, nil);

     // Get the thread ID for the current thread
     dwCurrentThreadID := GetCurrentThreadId;

     // If the cursor owner is not us then we must attach to
     // the other thread in so that we can use GetCursor() to
     // return the correct hCursor
     if (dwCurrentThreadID <> dwThreadID) then
       if AttachThreadInput(dwCurrentThreadID, dwThreadID, True) then
         // Get the handle to the cursor
         Result.hCursor := GetCursor;
         AttachThreadInput(dwCurrentThreadID, dwThreadID, False);
       Result.hCursor := GetCursor;

// 2. Capture the screen
function CaptureScreen: TBitmap;
 ABitmap: TBitmap;
 MyCursor: TIcon;
 CursorInfo: TCursorInfo;
 IconInfo: TIconInfo;
 // Capture the Desktop screen
 DC := GetDC(GetDesktopWindow);
 ABitmap := TBitmap.Create;
   ABitmap.Width := GetDeviceCaps(DC, HORZRES);
   ABitmap.Height := GetDeviceCaps(DC, VERTRES);
   // BitBlt on our bitmap
   // Create temp. Icon
   MyCursor := TIcon.Create;
     // Retrieve Cursor info
     CursorInfo := GetCursorInfo2;
     if CursorInfo.hCursor <> 0 then
       MyCursor.Handle := CursorInfo.hCursor;
       // Get Hotspot information
       GetIconInfo(CursorInfo.hCursor, IconInfo);
       // Draw the Cursor on our bitmap
       ABitmap.Canvas.Draw(CursorInfo.ptScreenPos.X - IconInfo.xHotspot,
                           CursorInfo.ptScreenPos.Y - IconInfo.yHotspot, MyCursor);
     // Clean up
   ReleaseDC(GetDesktopWindow, DC);
 Result := ABitmap;

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
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