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Benutzerbild von himitsu

Registriert seit: 11. Okt 2003
Ort: Elbflorenz
44.306 Beiträge
Delphi 12 Athens

Re: himXML (gesprochen himixML)

  Alt 31. Mär 2009, 18:43
so, ich hab inzwischen mal die Definition etwas überarbeitet ...
Unit himXML;

// EXMLException type of exceptions that create by this classes
// TXMLFile root class
// DefaultOptions see TXMLOptions
// DefaultTextIndent only ' ' or #9
// DefaultLineFeed only #13 and/or #10
// DefaultValueSeperator '=' and ' '
// DefaultValueQuotation '"' or ''''
// Owner user definied value (TObject) not used in this component
// Create parameter: see at .Owner
// Free -
// Options see .DefaultOptions or use XMLUseDefaultOptions
// TextIndent see .DefaultTextIndent or use XMLUseDefault
// LineFeed see .DefaultLineFeed or use XMLUseDefault
// ValueSeperator see .DefaultValueSeperator or use XMLUseDefault
// ValueQuotation see .DefaultValueQuotation or use XMLUseDefault
// FileName file of file from that loadet the xml-data (.LoadFromFile) or to use for auto save (xoAutoSaveOnClose)
// LoadFromFile -
// SaveToFile -
// LoadFromStream -
// SaveToStream -
// LoadFromXML -
// SaveToXML -
// asXML see at .LoadFromXML and .SaveToXML
// Clear delete all data and create a new file <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?><xml />
// Version -
// Encoding -
// Standalone -
// Nodes -
// RootNode access to the root node <abc /> of the xml file
// OnNodeChange see TMXLNodeChangeEvent for states
// OnStatus see TXMLFileStatusEvent for states
// _Lock is not used by this class
// _TryLock you can it use to make this class threadsave:
// _Unlock xml._Lock; try ... finally xml._Unlock; end;
// _isLocked if xml._TryLock then try ... finally xml._Unlock; end;
// TXMLNodeList list of nodes (sub nodes)
// Owner -
// Parent -
// Create -
// Free -
// FirstNode FirstNodeNF -
// Count CountNF -
// Node NodeNF -
// Add -
// Insert InsertNF -
// Remove RemoveNF -
// Delete DeleteNF -
// Clear -
// IndexOf IndexOfNF -
// Exists ExistsNF -
// CloneNode -
// CloneNodes -
// Assign -
// Sort see NodeSortProc
// TXMLNode node
// Owner -
// Parent -
// ParentList -
// Create -
// Free -
// Index IndexNF -
// Level -
// NodeType -
// Name -
// Namespace get the namespace of .Name
// NameOnly get the name without namespace
// Attributes -
// Data -
// Data_Base64 -
// XMLData -
// isTextNode -
// hasCDATA -
// asCDATA -
// Nodes -
// Attribute see at TXMLAttributes(.Attributes).Value
// Node see at TXMLNodeList(.Nodes).Node
// NodeNF see at TXMLNodeList(.Nodes).NodeNF
// AddNode see at TXMLNodeList(.Nodes).Add
// NextNode NextNodeNF -
// TXMLAttributes list of node attributes
// Owner -
// Parent -
// Create -
// Free -
// Count -
// Name -
// Namespace get the namespace of .Name
// NameOnly get the name without namespace
// Value -
// Add -
// Insert -
// Delete -
// Clear -
// IndexOf -
// Exists -
// CloneAttr -
// Assign -
// Sort see AttributeSortProc
// TXMLOptions -
// xoChangeInvalidChars, -
// xoAllowUnknownData, -
// xoDontNormalizeText, -
// xoHideInstructionNodes don't show nodes with .NodeType=xtInstruction
// xoHideTypedefNodes don't show nodes with .NodeType=xtTypedef
// xoHideCDataNodes don't show nodes with .NodeType=xtCData
// xoHideCommentNodes don't show nodes with .NodeType=xtComment
// xoHideUnknownNodes don't show nodes with .NodeType=xtUnknown
// xoNodeAutoCreate -
// xoNodeAutoIndent -
// xoAutoSaveOnClose -
// xoFullEmptyElements -
// TXMLEncoding -
// xeUTF7 UTF-7 Universal Alphabet (7 bit Unicode-Transformation-Format-codierung)
// xeUTF8 UTF-8 Universal Alphabet (8 bit Unicode-Transformation-Format-codierung)
// //xeUTF16 UTF-16 Universal Alphabet (16 bit Unicode-Transformation-Format-codierung)
// xeUnicode ISO-10646-UCS-2 Universal Alphabet (little endian 2 byte Unicode)
// xeUnicodeBE Universal Alphabet (big endian 2 byte Unicode)
// xeIso8859_1 ISO-8859-1 Western Alphabet (ISO)
// xeIso8859_2 ISO-8859-2 Central European Alphabet (ISO)
// xeIso8859_3 ISO-8859-3 Latin 3 Alphabet (ISO)
// xeIso8859_4 ISO-8859-4 Baltic Alphabet (ISO)
// xeIso8859_5 ISO-8859-5 Cyrillic Alphabet (ISO)
// xeIso8859_6 ISO-8859-6 Arabic Alphabet (ISO)
// xeIso8859_7 ISO-8859-7 Greek Alphabet (ISO)
// xeIso8859_8 ISO-8859-8 Hebrew Alphabet (ISO)
// xeIso8859_9 ISO-8859-9 Turkish Alphabet (ISO)
// xeIso2022Jp ISO-2022-JP Japanese (JIS)
// xeEucJp EUC-JP Japanese (EUC)
// xeShiftJis SHIFT-JIS Japanese (Shift-JIS)
// xeWindows1250 WINDOWS-1250 Central European Alphabet (Windows)
// xeWindows1251 WINDOWS-1251 Cyrillic Alphabet (Windows)
// xeWindows1252 WINDOWS-1252 Western Alphabet (Windows)
// xeWindows1253 WINDOWS-1253 Greek Alphabet (Windows)
// xeWindows1254 WINDOWS-1254 Turkish Alphabet (Windows)
// xeWindows1255 WINDOWS-1255 Hebrew Alphabet (Windows)
// xeWindows1256 WINDOWS-1256 Arabic Alphabet (Windows)
// xeWindows1257 WINDOWS-1257 Baltic Alphabet (Windows)
// xeWindows1258 WINDOWS-1258 Vietnamese Alphabet (Windows)
// TMXLNodeChangeEvent -
// Node xml node to be changed
// Typ = xcNodeTypeChanged -
// xcNameChanged -
// xcAttributesChanged -
// xcDataChanged -
// //xcChildNodesChanged -
// xcAddetNode -
// xcBeforeDeleteNode -
// xcIndexChanged -
// TXMLFileStatusEvent -
// XML -
// Typ = xsLoad State = progress in percent
// xsLoadEnd State = processed data size
// xsSave State = saved data size
// xsSaveEnd State = saved data size
// xsBeforeSaveNode TXMLNode(State) = node to will be save
// xsBeforeDestroy State = 0
// State see at Typ
// TXMLNodeType -
// xtInstruction <?name attributes ?>
// xtTypedef <!name data> or <!name data...[...data]>
// xtElement <name attributes /> or <name attributes>data or elements</name>
// xtCData (unnamed) <![CDATA[data]]>
// xtComment (unnamed)
// xtUnknown (unnamed) data
// NodeSortProc
// Function SortProc(Node1, Node2: TXMLNode): TValueRelationship;
// Begin
// If {Node1} = {Node2} Then Result := 0
// Else If {Node1} < {Node2} Then Result := -1
// Else (*If {Node1} > {Node2} Then*) Result := 1;
// End;
// AttributeSortProc
// if SortProc ist nil, wenn the default sort procedure is used (sort by value name)
// Function SortProc(Attributes: TXMLAttributes; Index1, Index2: Integer): TValueRelationship;
// Begin
// If {Attributes[Index1]} = {Attributes[Index2]} Then Result := 0
// Else If {Attributes[Index1]} < {Attributes[Index2]} Then Result := -1
// Else (*If {Attributes[Index1]} > {Attributes[Index2]} Then*) Result := 1;
// End;

  Uses Windows, SysUtils, Classes, Types;

  {$IF Defined(UnicodeString) and (SizeOf(Char) = 2)} {$DEFINE XMLUnicodeString} {$ELSE} {$UNDEF XMLUnicodeString} {$IFEND}

  Const XMLFileBufferSize = 65536;

  Type TWideString = {$IFDEF XMLUnicodeString}UnicodeString{$ELSE}WideString{$ENDIF};

    {***** forward definitions ********************************************************************}
    TXMLFile = Class;
    TXMLNode = Class;
    TXMLNodeList = Class;
    TXMLAttributes = Class;

    {***** open definitions ***********************************************************************}
    EXMLException = Class(Exception);
    TXMLOption = (xoChangeInvalidChars, xoAllowUnknownData, xoDontNormalizeText,
                             xoHideInstructionNodes, xoHideTypedefNodes, xoHideCDataNodes, xoHideCommentNodes, xoHideUnknownNodes,
                             xoNodeAutoCreate, xoNodeAutoIndent, xoAutoSaveOnClose, xoFullEmptyElements,
                             xo_IgnoreEncoding, xo_useDefault);
    TXMLOptions = Set of TXMLOption;
    TXMLVersion = (xvXML10, xvXML11);
    TXMLEncoding = (xeUTF7, xeUTF8, {xeUTF16,} xeUnicode, xeUnicodeBE, xeIso8859_1, xeIso8859_2, xeIso8859_3,
                             xeIso8859_4, xeIso8859_5, xeIso8859_6, xeIso8859_7, xeIso8859_8, xeIso8859_9,
                             xeIso2022Jp, xeEucJp, xeShiftJis, xeWindows1250, xeWindows1251, xeWindows1252,
                             xeWindows1253, xeWindows1254, xeWindows1255, xeWindows1256, xeWindows1257, xeWindows1258);
    TMXLNodeChangeType = (xcNodeTypeChanged, xcNameChanged, xcAttributesChanged, xcDataChanged, {xcChildNodesChanged,} xcAddetNode, xcBeforeDeleteNode, xcIndexChanged);
    TMXLNodeChangeEvent = Procedure(Node: TXMLNode; Typ: TMXLNodeChangeType) of Object;
    TXMLFileStatus = (xsLoad, xsLoadEnd, xsSave, xsSaveEnd, xsBeforeSaveNode, xsBeforeDestroy);
    TXMLFileStatusEvent = Procedure(XML: TXMLFile; Typ: TXMLFileStatus; State: Integer) of Object;
    TXMLNodeType = (xtInstruction, xtTypedef, xtElement, xtCData, xtComment, xtUnknown);
    TXMLNodeTypes = Set of TXMLNodeType;
    TXMLNodeSortProc = Function(Node1, Node2: TXMLNode): TValueRelationship;
    TXMLAttrSortProc = Function(Attributes: TXMLAttributes; Index1, Index2: Integer): TValueRelationship;

    {***** internal definitions *******************************************************************}
    TIndex = Record
                            ValueType: (vtIntValue, vtStringValue);
                            IntValue: Integer;
                            StringValue: TWideString;
                            Class Operator Implicit( Value: Integer): TIndex;
                            Class Operator Implicit(Const Value: TWideString): TIndex;
    TXMLTempData = Record
                            Function GetChar(Index: Integer): WideChar;
                            Procedure SetChar(Index: Integer; C: WideChar);
                            Str: TWideString;
                            CharSize: RawByteString;
                            Class Operator Implicit(Const Value: TXMLTempData): TWideString;
                            Class Operator Implicit(Const Value: TWideString): TXMLTempData;
                            Property Char[Index: Integer]: WideChar Read GetChar Write SetChar; Default;
                            Function Length: Integer;
    TXMLWriteBuffer = Record
                            Length: Integer;
                            Data: Array[1..XMLFileBufferSize] of WideChar;
    TXMLAssembleOptions = Record
                            Options: TXMLOptions; // default value = [xoHideInstructionNodes, xoHideTypedefNodes, xoHideCDataNodes, xoNodeAutoIndent];
                            TextIndent: TWideString; // default value = ' '
                            LineFeed: TWideString; // default value = #13#10
                            ValueSeperator: TWideString; // default value = '='
                            ValueQuotation: TWideString; // default value = '"'
                            DoStatus: Procedure(Typ: TXMLFileStatus; State: Integer = 0) of Object;

                            Version: TXMLVersion; // start value = cvXML10 or xvXML11 if Owner.Version="1.1"
                            Encoding: TXMLEncoding; // start value = xeUTF8 or xeUnicode if Owner.Encoding="ISO-10646-UCS-2"
                            TextOffset: Integer; // start value = 0
                            StreamStart: Int64; // start value = -1
                            Data: TXMLTempData; // start value = '', ''
                            Buffer: TXMLWriteBuffer; // start value = .Length=0
    TXMLCharCheckTyp = (xtChar, xtSpace, xtAlpha, xtAlphaNum, xtHex, {xtLetter,} xtNameStartChar, xtNameChar{, xtBaseChar, xtIdeographic, xtCombiningChar, xtDigit, xtExtender});
    TXMLStringCheckTyp = (xtInstruction_NodeName, xtInstruction_VersionValue, xtInstruction_EncodingValue, xtInstruction_StandaloneValue,
                             xtTypedef_NodeName, xtTypedef_Data, xtElement_NodeName, xtElement_Data, xtCData_Data,
                             xtComment_Data, xtUnknown_Data, xtAttribute_Name, xtAttribute_InValue, xtAttribute_Value);

    {***** classes : root document ****************************************************************}

    TXMLFile = Class
    Strict Private
      Class Var __DefaultOptions: TXMLOptions;
        __DefaultTextIndent: TWideString;
        __DefaultLineFeed: TWideString;
        __DefaultValueSeperator: TWideString;
        __DefaultValueQuotation: TWideString;

      Class Procedure SetDefaultOptions ( Value: TXMLOptions); Static;
      Class Procedure SetDefaultTextIndent (Const Value: TWideString); Static;
      Class Procedure SetDefaultLineFeed (Const Value: TWideString); Static;
      Class Procedure SetDefaultValueSeperator(Const Value: TWideString); Static;
      Class Procedure SetDefaultValueQuotation(Const Value: TWideString); Static;
    Strict Private
      _Owner: TObject;

      _Options: TXMLOptions;
      _TextIndent: TWideString;
      _LineFeed: TWideString;
      _ValueSeperator: TWideString;
      _ValueQuotation: TWideString;

      _FileName: TWideString;

      _Nodes: TXMLNodeList;

      _OnNodeChange: TMXLNodeChangeEvent;
      _OnStatus: TXMLFileStatusEvent;

      _ThreadLock: TRTLCriticalSection;

      Procedure SetOptions ( Value: TXMLOptions);
      Procedure SetTextIndent (Const Value: TWideString);
      Procedure SetLineFeed (Const Value: TWideString);
      Procedure SetValueSeperator(Const Value: TWideString);
      Procedure SetValueQuotation(Const Value: TWideString);
      Procedure SetFileName (Const Value: TWideString);
      Function GetAsXML: AnsiString;
      Function GetXmlStyleNode: TXMLNode;
      Function GetVersion: TWideString;
      Procedure SetVersion (Const Value: TWideString);
      Function GetEncoding: TWideString;
      Procedure SetEncoding (Const Value: TWideString);
      Function GetStandalone: TWideString;
      Procedure SetStandalone (Const Value: TWideString);
      Procedure AssignNodes ( Nodes: TXMLNodeList);
      Function GetRootNode: TXMLNode;
      Class Property DefaultOptions: TXMLOptions Read __DefaultOptions Write SetDefaultOptions;
      Class Property DefaultTextIndent: TWideString Read __DefaultTextIndent Write SetDefaultTextIndent;
      Class Property DefaultLineFeed: TWideString Read __DefaultLineFeed Write SetDefaultLineFeed;
      Class Property DefaultValueSeperator: TWideString Read __DefaultValueSeperator Write SetDefaultValueSeperator;
      Class Property DefaultValueQuotation: TWideString Read __DefaultValueQuotation Write SetDefaultValueQuotation;

      Property Owner: TObject Read _Owner Write _Owner;

      Constructor Create(Owner: TObject = nil);
      Destructor Destroy; Override;

      Property Options: TXMLOptions Read _Options Write SetOptions;
      Property TextIndent: TWideString Read _TextIndent Write SetTextIndent;
      Property LineFeed: TWideString Read _LineFeed Write SetLineFeed;
      Property ValueSeperator: TWideString Read _ValueSeperator Write SetValueSeperator;
      Property ValueQuotation: TWideString Read _ValueQuotation Write SetValueQuotation;

      Property FileName: TWideString Read _FileName Write SetFileName;
      Procedure LoadFromFile (Const FileName: TWideString);
      Procedure SaveToFile (Const FileName: TWideString);
      Procedure LoadFromStream (Stream: TStream);
      Procedure SaveToStream (Stream: TStream);
      Procedure LoadFromXML (Const XMLString: AnsiString); Overload;
      Procedure LoadFromXML (Const XMLString: TWideString); Overload;
      Procedure SaveToXML (Var XMLString: AnsiString); Overload;
      Procedure SaveToXML (Var XMLString: TWideString); Overload;
      Property asXML: AnsiString Read GetAsXML Write LoadFromXML;
      Procedure Clear;

      Property Version: TWideString Read GetVersion Write SetVersion;
      Property Encoding: TWideString Read GetEncoding Write SetEncoding;
      Property Standalone: TWideString Read GetStandalone Write SetStandalone;

      Property Nodes: TXMLNodeList Read _Nodes Write AssignNodes;
      Property RootNode: TXMLNode Read GetRootNode;

      Property OnNodeChange: TMXLNodeChangeEvent Read _OnNodeChange Write _OnNodeChange;
      Property OnStatus: TXMLFileStatusEvent Read _OnStatus Write _OnStatus;

      Procedure _Lock;
      Function _TryLock: Boolean;
      Procedure _Unlock;
      Function _isLocked: Boolean;
      Class Function SameText (Const S1, S2: TWideString): Boolean;
      Class Function CompareText (Const S1, S2: TWideString): Integer;
      Class Function Trim (Const S: TWideString; RemoveAllSpaces: Boolean = False): TWideString;

      Class Function GetNoteTypeMask (Owner: TXMLFile = nil): TXMLNodeTypes;
      Class Function GetDefaultAssembleOptions(Owner: TXMLFile = nil): TXMLAssembleOptions;

      Class Function CheckChar ( C: WideChar; Typ: TXMLCharCheckTyp): Boolean;
      Class Function CheckString (Const S: TWideString; Typ: TXMLStringCheckTyp): Boolean;
      Class Function ConvertString(Const S: TWideString; Typ: TXMLStringCheckTyp): TWideString;

      Class Procedure ConvertToInternLineBreak (Var S: TWideString);
      Class Function ConvertToExternalLineBreak(Const S: TWideString; Const Options: TXMLAssembleOptions): TWideString;

      Class Function ReadBOM (Stream: TStream): TXMLEncoding;
      Class Procedure WriteBOM (Stream: TStream; FileEncoding: TXMLEncoding);
      Class Function ReadData (Stream: TStream; FileEncoding: TXMLEncoding; Var Data: TXMLTempData): Boolean;
      Class Procedure ClearTemp (Stream: TStream; Var Data: TXMLTempData);
      Class Procedure DeleteTemp ( Length: Integer; Var Data: TXMLTempData);
      Class Procedure WriteDataX (Stream: TStream; FileEncoding: TXMLEncoding; Data: PWideChar; DataLength: Integer);
      Class Procedure WriteData (Stream: TStream; FileEncoding: TXMLEncoding; Const Data: TWideString; Var Buffer: TXMLWriteBuffer);
      Class Procedure FlushData (Stream: TStream; FileEncoding: TXMLEncoding; Var Buffer: TXMLWriteBuffer);
      Class Procedure ParsingTree (Stream: TStream; Tree: TXMLNodeList; Var Options: TXMLAssembleOptions);
      Class Procedure AssembleTree (Stream: TStream; Tree: TXMLNodeList; Var Options: TXMLAssembleOptions);

      Procedure DoNodeChange (XML: TXMLNode; Typ: TMXLNodeChangeType);
      Procedure DoStatus (Typ: TXMLFileStatus; State: Integer = 0);

    {***** classes : node list ********************************************************************}

    TXMLNodeList = Class
    Strict Private
      _Owner: TXMLFile;
      _Parent: TXMLNode;

      _Nodes: packed Array of TXMLNode;

      Function GetNFFirstNode: TXMLNode;
      Function GetNFCount: Integer;
      Function GetNFNode (Const IndexOrName: TIndex): TXMLNode;
      Function GetFirstNode: TXMLNode;
      Function GetCount: Integer;
      Function GetNode ( Index: Integer): TXMLNode;
      Function GetNamedNode(Const Name: TWideString): TXMLNode;
      Procedure SetOwner(NewOwner: TXMLFile);
      Property Owner: TXMLFile Read _Owner;
      Property Parent: TXMLNode Read _Parent;

      Constructor Create(ParentOrOwner: TObject{TXMLNode, TXMLFile});
      Destructor Destroy; Override;

      Property FirstNode: TXMLNode Read GetFirstNode;

      Property Count: Integer Read GetCount;
      Property Node [ Index: Integer]: TXMLNode Read GetNode; Default;
      Property Node [Const Name: TWideString]: TXMLNode Read GetNamedNode; Default;

      Function Add (Const Name: TWideString; NodeType: TXMLNodeType = xtElement): TXMLNode;
      Function Insert ( Node: TXMLNode; Index: Integer): TXMLNode; Overload;
      Function Insert (Const Name: TWideString; Index: Integer; NodeType: TXMLNodeType = xtElement): TXMLNode; Overload;
      Function Remove ( Node: TXMLNode): TXMLNode; Overload;
      Function Remove (Const Name: TWideString): TXMLNode; Overload;
      Function Remove ( Index: Integer): TXMLNode; Overload;
      Procedure Delete ( Node: TXMLNode); Overload;
      Procedure Delete (Const Name: TWideString); Overload;
      Procedure Delete ( Index: Integer); Overload;
      Procedure Clear;

      Function IndexOf ( Node: TXMLNode): Integer; Overload;
      Function IndexOf (Const Name: TWideString): Integer; Overload;
      Function Exists (Const Name: TWideString): Boolean;

      Function CloneNode ( Node: TXMLNode): TXMLNode;
      Procedure CloneNodes( Nodes: TXMLNodeList);

      Property FirstNodeNF: TXMLNode Read GetNFFirstNode;

      Property CountNF: Integer Read GetNFCount;
      Property NodeNF [Const IndexOrName: TIndex]: TXMLNode Read GetNFNode;

      Function InsertNF ( Node: TXMLNode; Index: Integer): TXMLNode; Overload;
      Function InsertNF (Const Name: TWideString; Index: Integer; NodeType: TXMLNodeType = xtElement): TXMLNode; Overload;
      Function RemoveNF ( Node: TXMLNode): TXMLNode; Overload;
      Function RemoveNF (Const Name: TWideString): TXMLNode; Overload;
      Function RemoveNF ( Index: Integer): TXMLNode; Overload;
      Procedure DeleteNF ( Node: TXMLNode); Overload;
      Procedure DeleteNF (Const Name: TWideString); Overload;
      Procedure DeleteNF ( Index: Integer); Overload;

      Function IndexOfNF ( Index: Integer): Integer; Overload;
      Function IndexOfNF ( Node: TXMLNode): Integer; Overload;
      Function IndexOfNF (Const Name: TWideString): Integer; Overload;
      Function ExistsNF (Const Name: TWideString): Boolean;

      Procedure Assign{NF}( Nodes: TXMLNodeList);

      Procedure Sort{NF}  ( SortProc: TXMLNodeSortProc);
      Procedure DoNodeChange(XML: TXMLNode; Typ: TMXLNodeChangeType);

    {***** classes : node element *****************************************************************}

    TXMLNode = Class
      _Owner: TXMLFile;
      _Parent: TXMLNodeList;

    Strict Private
      _Type: TXMLNodeType;
      _Name: TWideString;

      _Attributes: TXMLAttributes;

      _Data: TWideString;
      _Nodes: TXMLNodeList;

      Function GetParent: TXMLNode;
      Function GetNFIndex: Integer;
      Function GetIndex: Integer;
      Function GetLevel: Integer;
      Procedure SetName (Const Value: TWideString);
      Function GetNamespace: TWideString;
      Procedure SetNamespace (Const Value: TWideString);
      Function GetNameOnly: TWideString;
      Procedure SetNameOnly (Const Value: TWideString);
      Procedure AssignAttributes( Attributes: TXMLAttributes);
      Function GetData: TWideString;
      Procedure SetData (Const Value: TWideString);
      Function GetBase64: TWideString;
      Procedure SetBase64 (Const Value: TWideString);
      Function GetXMLData: TWideString;
      Procedure SetXMLData (Const Value: TWideString);
      Procedure AssignNodes ( Nodes: TXMLNodeList);
      Function GetAttribute (Const IndexOrName: TIndex): TWideString;
      Procedure SetAttribute (Const IndexOrName: TIndex; Const Value: TWideString);
      Function GetNode (Const IndexOrName: TIndex): TXMLNode;
      Function GetNFNode (Const IndexOrName: TIndex): TXMLNode;
      Function GetNextNode: TXMLNode;
      Function GetNFNextNode: TXMLNode;
      Property RealData: TWideString Read _Data Write _Data;
      Procedure SetOwner(NewOwner: TXMLFile);
      Property Owner: TXMLFile Read _Owner;
      Property Parent: TXMLNode Read GetParent;
      Property ParentList: TXMLNodeList Read _Parent;

      Constructor Create(ParentOrOwner: TObject{TXMLNodeList, TXMLFile}; NodeType: TXMLNodeType = xtElement);
      Destructor Destroy; Override;

      Property IndexNF: Integer Read GetNFIndex;
      Property Index: Integer Read GetIndex;
      Property Level: Integer Read GetLevel;

      Property NodeType: TXMLNodeType Read _Type;

      Property Name: TWideString Read _Name Write SetName;
      Property Namespace: TWideString Read GetNamespace Write SetNamespace;
      Property NameOnly: TWideString Read GetNameOnly Write SetNameOnly;

      Property Attributes: TXMLAttributes Read _Attributes Write AssignAttributes;

      Property Data: TWideString Read GetData Write SetData;
      Property Data_Base64: TWideString Read GetBase64 Write SetBase64;
      Property XMLData: TWideString Read GetXMLData Write SetXMLData;

      Function isTextNode: Boolean;
      Function hasCDATA: Boolean;
      Procedure asCDATA(yes: Boolean);

      Property Nodes: TXMLNodeList Read _Nodes Write AssignNodes;

      Property Attribute [Const IndexOrName: TIndex]: TWideString Read GetAttribute Write SetAttribute;
      Property Node [Const IndexOrName: TIndex]: TXMLNode Read GetNode;
      Property NodeNF [Const IndexOrName: TIndex]: TXMLNode Read GetNFNode;
      Function AddNode (Const Name: TWideString; NodeType: TXMLNodeType = xtElement): TXMLNode;

      Property NextNode: TXMLNode Read GetNextNode;
      Property NextNodeNF: TXMLNode Read GetNFNextNode;
      Procedure DoNodeChange(Typ: TMXLNodeChangeType);

    {***** classes : list of node attributes ******************************************************}

    TXMLAttributes = Class
      Type TAttributes = Record Name, Value: TWideString; End;
    Strict Private
      _Owner: TXMLFile;
      _Parent: TXMLNode;

      _Attributes: packed Array of TAttributes;

      Function GetCount: Integer;
      Function GetName ( Index: Integer): TWideString;
      Procedure SetName ( Index: Integer; Const Value: TWideString);
      Function GetNamespace ( Index: Integer): TWideString;
      Procedure SetNamespace ( Index: Integer; Const Value: TWideString);
      Function GetNameOnly ( Index: Integer): TWideString;
      Procedure SetNameOnly ( Index: Integer; Const Value: TWideString);
      Function GetValue ( Index: Integer): TWideString;
      Procedure SetValue ( Index: Integer; Const Value: TWideString);
      Function GetNamedValue(Const Name: TWideString): TWideString;
      Procedure SetNamedValue(Const Name: TWideString; Const Value: TWideString);
      Procedure SetOwner(NewOwner: TXMLFile);
      Property Owner: TXMLFile Read _Owner;
      Property Parent: TXMLNode Read _Parent;

      Constructor Create(Parent: TXMLNode);
      Destructor Destroy; Override;

      Property Count: Integer Read GetCount;
      Property Name [ Index: Integer]: TWideString Read GetName Write SetName;
      Property Namespace[ Index: Integer]: TWideString Read GetNamespace Write SetNamespace;
      Property NameOnly [ Index: Integer]: TWideString Read GetNameOnly Write SetNameOnly;
      Property Value [ Index: Integer]: TWideString Read GetValue Write SetValue; Default;
      Property Value [Const Name: TWideString]: TWideString Read GetNamedValue Write SetNamedValue; Default;

      Function Add (Const Name: TWideString; Const Value: TWideString = ''): Integer;
      Function Insert (Const Name: TWideString; Index: Integer; Const Value: TWideString = ''): Integer;
      Procedure Delete (Const Name: TWideString); Overload;
      Procedure Delete ( Index: Integer); Overload;
      Procedure Clear;

      Function IndexOf (Const Name: TWideString): Integer;
      Function Exists (Const Name: TWideString): Boolean;

      Procedure CloneAttr( Attributes: TXMLAttributes);

      Procedure Assign ( Attributes: TXMLAttributes);

      Procedure Sort ( SortProc: TXMLAttrSortProc = nil);
      Procedure DoNodeChange;

  {***** constants ******************************************************************************}

  Const XMLUseDefault = '<default>'; // TXMLFile.FileTextIndent, TXMLFile.FileLineFeed and TXMLFile.AttrValueSep
    XMLUseDefaultOptions: TXMLOptions = [xo_useDefault]; // TXMLFile.Options

der öffentliche Teil sieht also sozusagen nun so aus:
Unit himXML;

  Uses Windows, SysUtils, Classes, Types;

  Const XMLFileBufferSize = 65536;


    {***** forward definitions ********************************************************************}
    TXMLFile = Class;
    TXMLNode = Class;
    TXMLNodeList = Class;
    TXMLAttributes = Class;

    {***** open definitions ***********************************************************************}
    EXMLException = Class(Exception);
    TXMLOption = (xoChangeInvalidChars, xoAllowUnknownData, xoDontNormalizeText,
                             xoHideInstructionNodes, xoHideTypedefNodes, xoHideCDataNodes, xoHideCommentNodes, xoHideUnknownNodes,
                             xoNodeAutoCreate, xoNodeAutoIndent, xoAutoSaveOnClose, xoFullEmptyElements,
                             xo_IgnoreEncoding, xo_useDefault);
    TXMLOptions = Set of TXMLOption;
    TXMLVersion = (xvXML10, xvXML11);
    TXMLEncoding = (xeUTF7, xeUTF8, {xeUTF16,} xeUnicode, xeUnicodeBE, xeIso8859_1, xeIso8859_2, xeIso8859_3,
                             xeIso8859_4, xeIso8859_5, xeIso8859_6, xeIso8859_7, xeIso8859_8, xeIso8859_9,
                             xeIso2022Jp, xeEucJp, xeShiftJis, xeWindows1250, xeWindows1251, xeWindows1252,
                             xeWindows1253, xeWindows1254, xeWindows1255, xeWindows1256, xeWindows1257, xeWindows1258);
    TMXLNodeChangeType = (xcNodeTypeChanged, xcNameChanged, xcAttributesChanged, xcDataChanged, {xcChildNodesChanged,} xcAddetNode, xcBeforeDeleteNode, xcIndexChanged);
    TMXLNodeChangeEvent = Procedure(Node: TXMLNode; Typ: TMXLNodeChangeType) of Object;
    TXMLFileStatus = (xsLoad, xsLoadEnd, xsSave, xsSaveEnd, xsBeforeSaveNode, xsBeforeDestroy);
    TXMLFileStatusEvent = Procedure(XML: TXMLFile; Typ: TXMLFileStatus; State: Integer) of Object;
    TXMLNodeType = (xtInstruction, xtTypedef, xtElement, xtCData, xtComment, xtUnknown);
    TXMLNodeTypes = Set of TXMLNodeType;
    TXMLNodeSortProc = Function(Node1, Node2: TXMLNode): TValueRelationship;
    TXMLAttrSortProc = Function(Attributes: TXMLAttributes; Index1, Index2: Integer): TValueRelationship;

    {***** internal definitions *******************************************************************}
    TIndex = Record
                            ValueType: (vtIntValue, vtStringValue);
                            IntValue: Integer;
                            StringValue: WideString;
                            Class Operator Implicit( Value: Integer): TIndex;
                            Class Operator Implicit(Const Value: WideString): TIndex;

    {***** classes : root document ****************************************************************}

    TXMLFile = Class
      Class Property DefaultOptions: TXMLOptions Read __DefaultOptions Write SetDefaultOptions;
      Class Property DefaultTextIndent: WideString Read __DefaultTextIndent Write SetDefaultTextIndent;
      Class Property DefaultLineFeed: WideString Read __DefaultLineFeed Write SetDefaultLineFeed;
      Class Property DefaultValueSeperator: WideString Read __DefaultValueSeperator Write SetDefaultValueSeperator;
      Class Property DefaultValueQuotation: WideString Read __DefaultValueQuotation Write SetDefaultValueQuotation;

      Property Owner: TObject Read _Owner Write _Owner;

      Constructor Create(Owner: TObject = nil);
      Destructor Destroy; Override;

      Property Options: TXMLOptions Read _Options Write SetOptions;
      Property TextIndent: WideString Read _TextIndent Write SetTextIndent;
      Property LineFeed: WideString Read _LineFeed Write SetLineFeed;
      Property ValueSeperator: WideString Read _ValueSeperator Write SetValueSeperator;
      Property ValueQuotation: WideString Read _ValueQuotation Write SetValueQuotation;

      Property FileName: WideString Read _FileName Write SetFileName;
      Procedure LoadFromFile (Const FileName: WideString);
      Procedure SaveToFile (Const FileName: WideString);
      Procedure LoadFromStream (Stream: TStream);
      Procedure SaveToStream (Stream: TStream);
      Procedure LoadFromXML (Const XMLString: AnsiString); Overload;
      Procedure LoadFromXML (Const XMLString: WideString); Overload;
      Procedure SaveToXML (Var XMLString: AnsiString); Overload;
      Procedure SaveToXML (Var XMLString: WideString); Overload;
      Property asXML: AnsiString Read GetAsXML Write LoadFromXML;
      Procedure Clear;

      Property Version: WideString Read GetVersion Write SetVersion;
      Property Encoding: WideString Read GetEncoding Write SetEncoding;
      Property Standalone: WideString Read GetStandalone Write SetStandalone;

      Property Nodes: TXMLNodeList Read _Nodes Write AssignNodes;
      Property RootNode: TXMLNode Read GetRootNode;

      Property OnNodeChange: TMXLNodeChangeEvent Read _OnNodeChange Write _OnNodeChange;
      Property OnStatus: TXMLFileStatusEvent Read _OnStatus Write _OnStatus;

      Procedure _Lock;
      Function _TryLock: Boolean;
      Procedure _Unlock;
      Function _isLocked: Boolean;

    {***** classes : node list ********************************************************************}

    TXMLNodeList = Class
      Property Owner: TXMLFile Read _Owner;
      Property Parent: TXMLNode Read _Parent;

      Constructor Create(ParentOrOwner: TObject{TXMLNode, TXMLFile});
      Destructor Destroy; Override;

      Property FirstNode: TXMLNode Read GetFirstNode;

      Property Count: Integer Read GetCount;
      Property Node [ Index: Integer]: TXMLNode Read GetNode; Default;
      Property Node [Const Name: WideString]: TXMLNode Read GetNamedNode; Default;

      Function Add (Const Name: WideString; NodeType: TXMLNodeType = xtElement): TXMLNode;
      Function Insert ( Node: TXMLNode; Index: Integer): TXMLNode; Overload;
      Function Insert (Const Name: WideString; Index: Integer; NodeType: TXMLNodeType = xtElement): TXMLNode; Overload;
      Function Remove ( Node: TXMLNode): TXMLNode; Overload;
      Function Remove (Const Name: WideString): TXMLNode; Overload;
      Function Remove ( Index: Integer): TXMLNode; Overload;
      Procedure Delete ( Node: TXMLNode); Overload;
      Procedure Delete (Const Name: WideString); Overload;
      Procedure Delete ( Index: Integer); Overload;
      Procedure Clear;

      Function IndexOf ( Node: TXMLNode): Integer; Overload;
      Function IndexOf (Const Name: WideString): Integer; Overload;
      Function Exists (Const Name: WideString): Boolean;

      Function CloneNode ( Node: TXMLNode): TXMLNode;
      Procedure CloneNodes( Nodes: TXMLNodeList);

      Property FirstNodeNF: TXMLNode Read GetNFFirstNode;

      Property CountNF: Integer Read GetNFCount;
      Property NodeNF [Const IndexOrName: TIndex]: TXMLNode Read GetNFNode;

      Function InsertNF ( Node: TXMLNode; Index: Integer): TXMLNode; Overload;
      Function InsertNF (Const Name: WideString; Index: Integer; NodeType: TXMLNodeType = xtElement): TXMLNode; Overload;
      Function RemoveNF ( Node: TXMLNode): TXMLNode; Overload;
      Function RemoveNF (Const Name: WideString): TXMLNode; Overload;
      Function RemoveNF ( Index: Integer): TXMLNode; Overload;
      Procedure DeleteNF ( Node: TXMLNode); Overload;
      Procedure DeleteNF (Const Name: WideString); Overload;
      Procedure DeleteNF ( Index: Integer); Overload;

      Function IndexOfNF ( Index: Integer): Integer; Overload;
      Function IndexOfNF ( Node: TXMLNode): Integer; Overload;
      Function IndexOfNF (Const Name: WideString): Integer; Overload;
      Function ExistsNF (Const Name: WideString): Boolean;

      Procedure Assign{NF}( Nodes: TXMLNodeList);

      Procedure Sort{NF}  ( SortProc: TXMLNodeSortProc);

    {***** classes : node element *****************************************************************}

    TXMLNode = Class
      Property Owner: TXMLFile Read _Owner;
      Property Parent: TXMLNode Read GetParent;
      Property ParentList: TXMLNodeList Read _Parent;

      Constructor Create(ParentOrOwner: TObject{TXMLNodeList, TXMLFile}; NodeType: TXMLNodeType = xtElement);
      Destructor Destroy; Override;

      Property IndexNF: Integer Read GetNFIndex;
      Property Index: Integer Read GetIndex;
      Property Level: Integer Read GetLevel;

      Property NodeType: TXMLNodeType Read _Type;

      Property Name: WideString Read _Name Write SetName;
      Property Namespace: WideString Read GetNamespace Write SetNamespace;
      Property NameOnly: WideString Read GetNameOnly Write SetNameOnly;

      Property Attributes: TXMLAttributes Read _Attributes Write AssignAttributes;

      Property Data: WideString Read GetData Write SetData;
      Property Data_Base64: WideString Read GetBase64 Write SetBase64;
      Property XMLData: WideString Read GetXMLData Write SetXMLData;

      Function isTextNode: Boolean;
      Function hasCDATA: Boolean;
      Procedure asCDATA(yes: Boolean);

      Property Nodes: TXMLNodeList Read _Nodes Write AssignNodes;

      Property Attribute [Const IndexOrName: TIndex]: WideString Read GetAttribute Write SetAttribute;
      Property Node [Const IndexOrName: TIndex]: TXMLNode Read GetNode;
      Property NodeNF [Const IndexOrName: TIndex]: TXMLNode Read GetNFNode;
      Function AddNode (Const Name: WideString; NodeType: TXMLNodeType = xtElement): TXMLNode;

      Property NextNode: TXMLNode Read GetNextNode;
      Property NextNodeNF: TXMLNode Read GetNFNextNode;

    {***** classes : list of node attributes ******************************************************}

    TXMLAttributes = Class
      Property Owner: TXMLFile Read _Owner;
      Property Parent: TXMLNode Read _Parent;

      Constructor Create(Parent: TXMLNode);
      Destructor Destroy; Override;

      Property Count: Integer Read GetCount;
      Property Name [ Index: Integer]: WideString Read GetName Write SetName;
      Property Namespace[ Index: Integer]: WideString Read GetNamespace Write SetNamespace;
      Property NameOnly [ Index: Integer]: WideString Read GetNameOnly Write SetNameOnly;
      Property Value [ Index: Integer]: WideString Read GetValue Write SetValue; Default;
      Property Value [Const Name: WideString]: WideString Read GetNamedValue Write SetNamedValue; Default;

      Function Add (Const Name: WideString; Const Value: WideString = ''): Integer;
      Function Insert (Const Name: WideString; Index: Integer; Const Value: WideString = ''): Integer;
      Procedure Delete (Const Name: WideString); Overload;
      Procedure Delete ( Index: Integer); Overload;
      Procedure Clear;

      Function IndexOf (Const Name: WideString): Integer;
      Function Exists (Const Name: WideString): Boolean;

      Procedure CloneAttr( Attributes: TXMLAttributes);

      Procedure Assign ( Attributes: TXMLAttributes);

      Procedure Sort ( SortProc: TXMLAttrSortProc = nil);

  {***** constants ******************************************************************************}

  Const XMLUseDefault = '<default>'; // TXMLFile.FileTextIndent, TXMLFile.FileLineFeed and TXMLFile.AttrValueSep
    XMLUseDefaultOptions: TXMLOptions = [xo_useDefault]; // TXMLFile.Options

in Bezug auf diesen Post ist mir dann aufgefallen, daß ich noch keine Assign-Funktionen eingebaut hatte
und wo ich gleich mal dabei war, hab ich auch dieses "Assign" auch an die Listen angekoppelt:
TXMLNode = Class
  Property Attributes: TXMLAttributes Read _Attributes Write AssignAttributes;
  Property Nodes: TXMLNodeList Read _Nodes Write AssignNodes;
wär schön, wenn nochmal wer durchguckt und vielleicht noch andere Verbesserungen in der Definition findet bzw. sagt ob/was OK ist
Ein Therapeut entspricht 1024 Gigapeut.
  Mit Zitat antworten Zitat