unit[/b] COMPort;
[b]uses[/b] Windows, SysUtils;
TComPortNumber = Word; [i]// 0: None, 1: Com1, 2: Com2, ...[/i]
TComPort = [b]class[/b](TObject)
FPort: TComPortNumber;
FPortHandle: THandle;
Fdcb: TDCB;
FRaiseOpenException: Boolean;
[b]procedure[/b] SetPort(Value: TComPortNumber);
[b]procedure[/b] SetDCB([b]const[/b] Value: TDCB);
[b]function[/b] GetHandle: THandle; [b]virtual[/b];
[b]procedure[/b] ClosePort; [b]virtual[/b];
[b]constructor[/b] Create;
[b]destructor[/b] Destroy; [b]override[/b];
[b]function[/b] Write([b]const[/b] buf; size: Cardinal): Cardinal;
[b]function[/b] Read([b]var[/b] buf; size: Cardinal): Cardinal;
[b]function[/b] ClearAll: Boolean; [i]// clears the output and input buffer[/i]
[b]function[/b] ClearInput: Boolean; [i]// clears the input buffer[/i]
[b]function[/b] ClearOutput: Boolean; [i]// clears the output buffer[/i]
[b]property[/b] Port: TComPortNumber [b]read[/b] FPort [b]write[/b] SetPort;
[b]property[/b] DCB: TDCB [b]read[/b] Fdcb [b]write[/b] SetDCB;
Handle: THandle [b]read[/b] GetHandle;
[b]property[/b] RaiseOpenException: Boolean [b]read[/b] FRaiseOpenException [b]write[/b] FRaiseOpenException;
[i]// TDCB.Flags[/i]
fBinary = $0001; [i]// binary mode, no EOF check[/i]
fParity = $0002;
fDtrControlEnable = $0010; [i]// DTR flow control type[/i]
fRtsControlEnable = $1000; [i]// RTS flow control enable[/i]
[i]{ TComPort }[/i]
[b]constructor[/b] TComPort.Create;
FPort := 0;
FPortHandle := 0;
FillChar(Fdcb, SizeOf(Fdcb), 0);
FRaiseOpenException := False;
[b]destructor[/b] TComPort.Destroy;
[b]procedure[/b] TComPort.ClosePort;
[b]if[/b] FPortHandle <> 0 [b]then[/b] [b]begin[/b]
[i]// Port schließen[/i]
FPortHandle := 0;
[b]function[/b] TComPort.GetHandle: THandle;
commtimeouts: TCommTimeouts;
portname: [b]String[/b];
[b]case[/b] FPort [b]of[/b]
0: [b]begin[/b]
Result := 0;
[b]else[/b] [b]begin[/b] [i]// case else[/i]
[b]if[/b] FPortHandle <> 0 [b]then[/b] [b]begin[/b]
Result := FPortHandle;
portname := '\\.\
COM' + IntToStr(FPort);
FPortHandle := CreateFile(PChar(portname), [i]// name of
COM device to open[/i]
GENERIC_READ [b]or[/b] GENERIC_WRITE, [i]// read-write
0, [b]nil[/b], [i]// not used[/i]
OPEN_EXISTING, [i]// required for tape devices[/i]
0, 0); [i]// not used[/i]
Result := FPortHandle;
[b]if[/b] Result = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE [b]then[/b] Result := 0;
[b]if[/b] (FPortHandle <> 0) [b]then[/b] [b]begin[/b]
[i]// Device-Parameter setzen | set device parameters[/i]
Fdcb.DCBlength := SizeOf(Fdcb);
GetCommState(FPortHandle, Fdcb);
Fdcb.Flags := dcb.Flags [b]and[/b] [b]not[/b] (fDtrControlEnable [b]or[/b] fRtsControlEnable) [b]or[/b] fBinary;
Fdcb.BaudRate := CBR_19200; [i]// baud[/i]
Fdcb.ByteSize := 8;
Fdcb.Parity := NOPARITY;
Fdcb.StopBits := ONESTOPBIT;
SetCommState(FPortHandle, Fdcb);
[i]// Timeout für ReadFile() setzen | set timeout for ReadFile()[/i]
commtimeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout := 0;
commtimeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier := 5;
commtimeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant := 100;
SetCommTimeouts(FPortHandle, commtimeouts);
[b]if[/b] (Result = 0) [b]and[/b] (FRaiseOpenException) [b]then[/b]
[b]end[/b]; [i]// case else[/i]
[b]end[/b]; [i]// case[/i]
[b]procedure[/b] TComPort.SetPort(Value: TComPortNumber);
[b]if[/b] Value = FPort [b]then[/b] exit;
FPort := Value;
GetHandle; [i]//
Handle erzeugen[/i]
[b]procedure[/b] TComPort.SetDCB([b]const[/b] Value: TDCB);
[b]var[/b] h: THandle;
h :=
[b]if[/b] h = 0 [b]then[/b] exit;
[b]if[/b] SetCommState(h, Value) [b]then[/b] [b]begin[/b]
[b]if[/b] [b]not[/b] GetCommState(h, Fdcb) [b]then[/b] Move(Value, Fdcb, SizeOf(Fdcb));
[b]function[/b] TComPort.Write([b]const[/b] buf; size: Cardinal): Cardinal;
Result := 0;
[b]if[/b] size = 0 [b]then[/b] exit;
[b]if[/b] [b]not[/b] WriteFile(
Handle, buf, size, Result, [b]nil[/b]) [b]then[/b] Result := -1 * Result;
[b]function[/b] TComPort.Read([b]var[/b] buf; size: Cardinal): Cardinal;
Result := 0;
[b]if[/b] size = 0 [b]then[/b] exit;
[b]if[/b] [b]not[/b] ReadFile(
Handle, buf, size, Result, [b]nil[/b]) [b]then[/b] Result := -1 * Result;
[b]function[/b] TComPort.ClearAll: Boolean; [i]// clears the output and input buffer[/i]
Result := PurgeComm(
[b]function[/b] TComPort.ClearInput: Boolean; [i]// clears the input buffer[/i]
Result := PurgeComm(
[b]function[/b] TComPort.ClearOutput: Boolean; [i]// clears the output buffer[/i]
Result := PurgeComm(