Zu deinem Problem mit dem Pfad:
In Windows
API MAX_PATH is 260 characters long. WinRAR supports only this length. At the same time, Windows
Unicode API support 32767 character long filen paths. Microsoft promised to include support of long naming in whidbey but I don't know if it's supported with .net applications now. To
access file paths using this
API program should call the file using \\?\ prefix before the path. The only reason, I guess, why most programs are still using old APIs are compatibility reason although, to tell the truth, a very few programs are now support non-NT OSes and the security as they say that this limitation is used intentionally to prevent buffer overflow attacks. Thus having the full path of 260 we are actually limited to a 248 character-long directory name as the remaining 12 are needed for the filename.
See this article for details. See this for the _MAX_XXXX constant description and their values. By the way there is an interesting bug within the next Visual Studio codenamed Orcas posted just a few days ago.
hier #13
Zu deiner letzten Frage (eigentlich nur eine Frage pro Thread

Versuch mal GetLastError auszulesen. Kann natürlich sein, das die
DLL Fehler in ihrer DllMain()-Procedur hat und dort die
Exception auftritt. Diese kannst du dann natürlich nicht abfangen.
Lars S.
Wer nicht mit der Zeit geht, geht mit der Zeit.