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Registriert seit: 14. Apr 2003
Ort: Stuttgart
1.701 Beiträge
Delphi 7 Professional

Re: WinAPI Problem mit Rechten setzen in der Registry

  Alt 26. Feb 2009, 14:45
Problem: Ich erhalte bei Registry oder Dateizugriff ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED obwohl ich Owner oder Admin bin
Besitzer zu sein bedeutet, dass man immer das Recht WRITE_DAC hat, auch wenn dies die DACL verweigert. Dann kann man sie anpassen und sich selbst alle Rechte geben.

Beispiel für File Security

Beispiel für Registry Key Security.
program RegKeySecurity;



procedure SetRegKeySecurity(KeyRoot : HKEY; KeyName : String);
  Privs : IJwPrivilegeScope;
  Key : HKEY;
  KeySec : TJwSecureRegistryKey;
  DACL : TJwDAccessControlList;
  JwInitWellKnownSIDs; //inits JwSecurityProcessUserSID

  if RegOpenKeyEx(KeyRoot, PChar(KeyName), 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, Key) = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED then
    //not necessary since KeySec.TakeOwnerShip(); does it on its own
    //But just show the power of interfaces
    //The privilege will be restored to inactive state when the procedure exists
    Privs := JwGetPrivilegeScope([SE_TAKE_OWNERSHIP_NAME], pst_Enable);

    //First open key for write owner
    if RegOpenKeyEx(KeyRoot, PChar(KeyName), 0, WRITE_OWNER, Key) <> 0 then

      //take ownership - can fail with exception

      //we need to reopen the handle for further access
      if RegOpenKeyEx(KeyRoot, PChar(KeyName), 0, WRITE_DAC, Key) <> 0 then

      //because access is granted on handle creation we need to
      //recreate the object

      KeySec := TJwSecureRegistryKey.Create(Key);
        DACL := KeySec.DACL; //returns a cached DACL so we must not free it!

        //add process user with full access
        //and also set inheritance
        DACL.Add(TJwDiscretionaryAccessControlEntryAllow.Create(nil, [afContainerInheritAce], KEY_ALL_ACCESS, JwSecurityProcessUserSID));
        //set DACL - may fail with exception

  SetRegKeySecurity(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, 'test');
Windows, Tokens, Access Control List, Dateisicherheit, Desktop, Vista Elevation?
Goto: JEDI API LIB & Windows Security Code Library (JWSCL)
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