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Delphi 2010 Professional

Re: [Firebird 2.1] Statement zu einer offenen Transaktion fi

  Alt 24. Feb 2009, 22:36
Um solche Schlawiner rauszufinden setze ich ab & zu das unten ab.
Die "Abfrage" gibt dir oben die älteste aktive Transaktion und zu jeder Transaktion den host, prozessname, user, etc.
Alles schön untereinander, so dass man nicht wie blöde nach links und rechts scrollen muss.
execute block
  Kind varchar(30),
  ID bigint,
  Time_Stamp timestamp,
  Data blob sub_type text,
  State integer
  declare userName varchar(256);
  declare dbName varchar(256);
  declare tid bigint;
  declare aid bigint;
  for select
    mon$transactions t
-- where
-- mon$transaction_id = t.mon$oldest_active
  order by
    case when mon$transaction_id = t.mon$oldest_active then
    :Time_Stamp, :State, :ID, :AID
    Data = null;
    Kind = 'Transaction';
    TID = ID;

    for select
      ||' -> '|| trim(mon$remote_process),
      mon$attachment_id = :AID
      :Data, :ID, :userName, :dbName
      State = null;
      Kind = 'Process';
      ID = null;
      Kind = 'Database';
      Data = dbName;
      Kind = 'User';
      Data = userName;
      Kind = 'Statement';
      for select
        mon$transaction_id = :tid
        and mon$attachment_id = :aid
        :ID, :Time_Stamp, :Data, :State
Robert Giesecke
I’m a great believer in “Occam’s Razor,” the principle which says:
“If you say something complicated, I’ll slit your throat.”
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