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Registriert seit: 27. Mai 2006
45 Beiträge
Delphi XE4 Professional

Re: FIBplus, Fehler "Field size too small" bei pFI

  Alt 7. Feb 2009, 20:42
Das Package "FIBplusEditors2009" ist installiert. Jedenfalls funktioniert auch der "Connection properties" Editor der Komponente "pFIBDatabase".

Bei der Installation habe ich mich da an die Anweisungen in der "Install.rtf" von FIBplus gehalten:

3. Delphi/C++ Builder 2009 installation / upgrade.

a) Unzip fibplus_6_9_5_for_2009_basic.zip to your FIBPlus Sources directory (for example, “c:\fibplus”).

b) Place downloaded FIBDatabase.pas, FIBDataset.pas, FIBQuery.pas and FIBSQLMonitor.pas to “\sources” sub-directory (for example, “c:\ Documents and Settings/User/My Documents/Borland Studio Projects/FIBPlus/”).

c) Select "Tools" | "Options…" | "Environment Options" | "Delphi Options" on the menu bar. Go to "Library – Win 32" menu item and add the full path of your FIBPlus Sources directory to the Library Path if you have not already done so. The Library Path field should then look similar to this:

$(BDS)\Lib; c:\ Documents and Settings/User/My Documents/Borland Studio Projects/fibplus/sources; c:\ Documents and Settings/User/My Documents/Borland Studio Projects/fibplus/sources/Editors

Click OK.

d) Select "File" | "Open..." on the menu bar. Set "Type of files" to Delphi package source, locate and select the FIBPlus2009.dpk package source file in your FIBPlus Sources directory, and click "Open".

e) A package editor window will appear. Click "Compile", then click "Install".

f) Close the package editor window. If you are asked if you want to save changes to the package, answer "No".

j) Repeat steps d) through f) with the FIBPlusEditors2009.dpk package.

h) Repeat steps d) through f) with the FIBDBMidas2009.dpk package.

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