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Registriert seit: 31. Okt 2003
1.120 Beiträge
Delphi 7 Personal

Re: Formular im IExplorer ausfüllen

  Alt 17. Nov 2003, 02:04
So, hab den Code mal ein bißchen optimiert, warn noch nen paar Fehlerchen drin.
Jetzt ist es auch egal, ob das <form> einen Namen hat oder nicht:

function Login(AKennung, APasswort: string; ATitle : string = ''): Boolean;
  TIEFields = record
    tagName : String;
    fType : String;
  MaxIEFields = 2;
  IEFields: array[1..MaxIEFields] of TIEFields = (
    (tagName : 'INPUT'; fType : 'text'),
    (tagName : 'INPUT'; fType : 'password')
  ShellWindow: IShellWindows;
  WB: IWebbrowser2;
  spDisp: IDispatch;
  IDoc1: IHTMLDocument2;
  Document: Variant;
  k, m: Integer;
  ovElements: OleVariant;
  i: Integer;
  IEFieldsCounter: Integer;
  IEFormName : array[1..MaxIEFields] Of String;
  result := false;
  ShellWindow := CoShellWindows.Create;
  // get the running instance of Internet Explorer
  for k := 0 to ShellWindow.Count do
    spDisp := ShellWindow.Item(k);
    if spDisp = nil then Continue;
    // QueryInterface determines if an interface can be used with an object
    spDisp.QueryInterface(iWebBrowser2, WB);
    IEFieldsCounter := 0;
    if WB <> nil then
      WB.Document.QueryInterface(IHTMLDocument2, iDoc1);
      if iDoc1 <> nil then
        WB := ShellWindow.Item(k) as IWebbrowser2;
        Document := WB.Document;
        // if page title ok...

        if (Pos(ATitle, Document.Title) <> 0) or (ATitle = '') then
          // count forms on document and iterate through its forms
          for m := 0 to Document.forms.Length - 1 do
            ovElements := Document.forms.Item(m).elements;

            // iterate through elements
            for i := ovElements.Length - 1 downto 0 do
              // if input fields found, try to fill them out
                if (ovElements.item(i).tagName = IEFields[1].tagName) and
                   (ovElements.item(i).type = IEFields[1].fType) then
                    ovElements.item(i).Value := AKennung;
                    IEFormName[1] := Document.forms.Item(m).name;
                    If (IEFormName[1] = '') then
                      IEFormName[1] := 'forms[' + intTosTr(m) + ']';

                if (ovElements.item(i).tagName = IEFields[2].tagName) and
                   (ovElements.item(i).type = IEFields[2].fType) then
                    ovElements.item(i).Value := APasswort;
                    IEFormName[2] := Document.forms.Item(m).name;
                    If (IEFormName[2] = '') then
                      IEFormName[2] := 'forms[' + intTosTr(m) + ']';
                // failed...
            end; { for i...}
          end; { for m }
      end; { idoc <> nil }
    end; { wb <> nil }
    // if the fields are filled in, submit.
    if (IEFieldsCounter = MaxIEFields) and (IEFormName[1] = IEFormName[2]) then
        ExecuteScript(iDoc1, 'document.' + IEFormName[1] + '.submit()', 'JavaScript');
        result := true;
  end; { for k }
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