Thema: Delphi Imgbtn with caption?

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Registriert seit: 17. Sep 2006
Ort: Barchfeld
27.654 Beiträge
Delphi 12 Athens

Re: Imgbtn with caption?

  Alt 25. Jan 2009, 13:58
Please edit your last post and add your current source as attachment.

[edit] Ah, I recognized the problem. Therefore I changed this component as a descendant of TGraphicControl instead of TImage. It is not fully functional now, but you can see what I meant in my prior posts. But you can add a Caption- (and maybe a Font-)property on your own now. You only have to edit the paint-method . And it is not a bad idea to see if all three pictures contain a graphic before you paint them to your canvas. [/edit]
Angehängte Dateien
Dateityp: pas imgbtn_134.pas (4,6 KB, 8x aufgerufen)
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