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229 Beiträge
Delphi 7 Enterprise
Re: Hilfe bei Übersetzung VB to Delphi
22. Jan 2009, 20:38
Public Declare Function VB_GetEon Lib "USBRadio.dll" (ByRef ary As Single, ByRef size As Long, ByRef pi As Long, ByRef pty As Integer, ByVal ps As String, ByRef ta As Boolean, ByVal eon As Long) As Boolean
Public Function WVB_GetEon1() As Single()
Dim aflist1() As Single
Dim arysize As Long
Dim LoopArr As Single
Dim pseontemp As String * 8
Dim ttaeon1 As Boolean
Dim tptyeon1 As Integer
Dim tpieon1 As Long
' Create the array
arysize = 25
ReDim aflist1(arysize - 1) As Single
If (VB_GetEon(aflist1(0), arysize, tpieon1, tptyeon1, pseontemp, ttaeon1, 0)) Then
ReDim Preserve aflist1(arysize - 1)
For LoopArr = 0 To UBound(aflist1)
Debug.Print "AFLIST = " & aflist1(LoopArr)
Next LoopArr
WVB_GetEon1 = aflist1
End If
pieon1 = tpieon1
ptyeon1 = tptyeon1
taeon1 = ttaeon1
pseon1 = Left(pseontemp, 8)
End Function
gruß, bluescreen
...und ich dachte, Delphi ist ein Programmgenerator mit nur einem Button......tzzz