Ich habe das Tutorial mal aus gegebenem Anlass ins Englische übersetzt, damit unser User dangerduck auch was davon versteht. Ich hoffe, MSSSSM hat nichts dagegen.
Hello and welcome!
This post is about the
Indy IRC component.
You can download it
Let's begin:
First, put the
Indy IRC component on your form.
Form.Create should now look like the following:
// Defines the nickname
// Defines the Server
//Irc Port
With this you define the settings for the connection.
Now we have to connect:
Put a button on your form and create the onClick-event:
The buttons caption should be 'Connect'
Put in this code:
try // try ...
IdIRC1.Connect(); // ... to connect
except // ... when an error happens ...
showMessage('Fehler beim Verbinden!'); // ... show a message
You should make a buton with the folling code in the onClick-event
Now you can already connect and join a channel.
But to display messages later, you should put a the TMemo component on the form.
The you have to add two events: OnReceive and OnMessage.
OnReceive (It only works with this additional event):
Memo1.lines.add(ACommand); // add to memo
Memo1.lines.add(AUser.Nick+': '+Content); // Add message
Now you can already receive a message, but it lacks writing yet.
Put a TEdit and a TButton component on your form.
The button gets the caption "Send".
The OnClick-event is:
IdIRC1.Say('#CHANNEL',Edit1.Text); // Send message to the channel
Memo1.Lines.Add(IdIRC1.Nick+': '+Edit1.Text); // Ad to memo, because the OnMessage event won't be called when sending own messages
Now you can send and receive messages with that.
Put the following into the forms OnClose event:
IdIRC1.Disconnect(); // to stop
Additional code:
Create a TListBox.
Create the OnNames event and write:
i: integer;
for i:=0 to AUsers.Count-1 do // execute as many times as users in the channel
ListBox1.Items.Add(AUsers.Items[i].Nick); // Add to ListBox
Now you have a working
IRC client!
Tip: Build an
IRC-bot, you only have to work with the content in OnMessage!