Thema: Delphi Chat with IdIrc

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Registriert seit: 24. Jan 2006
Ort: Iserlohn
646 Beiträge
Delphi 10.4 Sydney

Re: Chat with IdIrc

  Alt 15. Dez 2008, 08:46
Whats your problem with downloading that file? the longest waittime was the 60secs from rapidshare... the downloading was 1 sec (ok, ok.. 100 mbps :-p )

have a look at whats the name of the function you are using..

procedure TForm5.IdIRC1PrivateMessage(ASender: TIdContext; const ANicknameFrom,
  AHost, ANicknameTo, AMessage: string);

how about writing your bot a private message and not just writing some text into the public channel?
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