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2.325 Beiträge
Turbo Delphi für Win32

Re: Trennen von Pfad und Parameter

  Alt 9. Dez 2008, 20:29
Lest doch bitte die ganze Dokumentation.
Das PSDK hat zu CreateProcess folgendes geschrieben:

The lpApplicationName parameter can be NULL. In that case, the module name must be the first white space–delimited token in the lpCommandLine string. If you are using a long file name that contains a space, use quoted strings to indicate where the file name ends and the arguments begin; otherwise, the file name is ambiguous. For example, consider the string "c:\program files\sub dir\program name". This string can be interpreted in a number of ways. The system tries to interpret the possibilities in the following order:

c:\program.exe files\sub dir\program name
c:\program files\sub.exe dir\program name
c:\program files\sub dir\program.exe name
c:\program files\sub dir\program name.exe
Wer erweist der Welt einen Dienst und findet ein gutes Synonym für "Pointer"?
"An interface pointer is a pointer to a pointer. This pointer points to an array of pointers, each of which points to an interface function."
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