Thema: Delphi Zugriff auf MS Excel

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Registriert seit: 17. Jan 2003
Ort: Köln
460 Beiträge
Delphi 6 Professional

Re: Zugriff auf MS Excel

  Alt 10. Nov 2008, 09:18
Es gibt bei MS einen Artikel, der anscheinend beschreibt, was Du brauchst:
Another way to get the IDispatch is by using the GetActiveObject() API to get the server's IDispatch from the ROT. However, this method requires that you must be able to obtain the CLSID or ProgID of the server. Furthermore, ambiguous situations can occur where you can't distinguish between multiple instances of the server.

This article uses another approach to obtain the IDispatch, which works for both Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word, even when multiple instances are running.
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