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Nun auch neue Version der JVCL erschienen

Ein Thema von mkinzler · begonnen am 16. Jan 2007 · letzter Beitrag vom 17. Jan 2007
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Registriert seit: 9. Dez 2005
Ort: Heilbronn
39.867 Beiträge
Delphi 11 Alexandria

Nun auch neue Version der JVCL erschienen

  Alt 16. Jan 2007, 19:49
Markus Kinzler
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Registriert seit: 30. Dez 2002
Ort: Brandshagen
1.819 Beiträge
Delphi 2007 Professional

Re: Nun auch neue Version der JVCL erschienen

  Alt 16. Jan 2007, 19:57
Hi mkinzler,

hat sich gegenüber der 3.20-er Version entscheidendes geändert? Wenn nicht, bleib ich bei den alten. (Never change a running system!)

Gruß oki
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Registriert seit: 9. Dez 2005
Ort: Heilbronn
39.867 Beiträge
Delphi 11 Alexandria

Re: Nun auch neue Version der JVCL erschienen

  Alt 16. Jan 2007, 20:17
Zitat von Release Notes:

Head changes:
- Integration of the JCL help into the help system of Delphi 2005, BDS 2006
and Turbo Delphi.
- Collection of stream classes to make basic operations easier (getting random
data, multiplexing several streams, buffering an other stream, being notifyed
on changes, reading common data types, scoping a stream,
delegating read/write/seek operations.
- Speed-up of the stack analysis of JclDebug: exception driven execution will
not be slowed by activating JclDebug in the application.
- ZLIB ( updated to 1.2.3 (fixes a major issue while
deflating corrupted data).
- PCRE ( updated to version 6.7.
- Unicode support updated to 4.1.0.
- New IDE expert to have subversion ( and
cvs ( commands integrated in all support IDE.


The following new components and libraries has been added since JVCL 2.10:

* The Globus Library
* Jans Delphi Components
* The UIB Interbase/Firebird Database Components
* Print Preview components
* Validator components
* K Wizard component and RouteMaps
* UIL Time Framework 2.0
* Managed Threads Components
* TJvErrorIndicator
* TJvXMLDatabase
* TJvMouseGesture
* TJvAVICapture
* TJvBlinkingLED
* TJvAppInstances (controls how often an application can be startet
* TJvImageList (can handle resources and external images)
* TJvColorProvider
* TJvSegmentedLED
* TJvComboListBox
* TJvSpellChecker
* DockPresident components
* Delphi eXperience Controls II
* Delphi eXperience DotNet Controls II
* UltimVCL
* TJvLookupAutoComplete (extends edit fields with autocomplete functionality)
* TJvDebugHandler (creates log files on exceptions with call stack)

Removed Components

TJvBreatheSkin, TJvCommandEdit, TJvCoupler, TJvCPUUsage, TJvHighLighter, TJvMemoryInfos, TJvMousePositionner, TJvNagScreen, TJvPerforated, TJvPopupMemo, TJvAutoSave, TJvRegAuto, TJvCurrencyEdit, TJvxCurrencyEdit, TJvFloatEdit, TJvFloatEdit2, TJvButton

Renamed Components

The following units and classes have been renamed in this version:

Previous New
JvAutoSizeCompo JvFormAutoSize
JvGrdCpt JvGradientCaption
JvPlacemnt JvFormPlacement
JvVerInf JvVersionInfo
JvUCB JvUninstallCtrls
JvTimerLst JvTimerList
JvSysComp JvCreateProcess
JvObjStr JvObjectStrings
JvMrgMngr JvMergeManager
JvMouseTimerU JvMouseTimer
JvFDualList JvDualListForm
JvExcptDlg JvExceptionForm
JvDBSecur JvDBSecurity
JvDBRichEd JvDBRichEdit
JvDBPrgrss JvDBProgress
JvDBExcpt JvDBExceptionForm
JvColorBtn JvColorButton
JvCntScr JvContentScroller
JvCmdEdit JvCommandEdit
JvChPswDlg JvCheckPasswordForm
JvOLBar JvOutlookBar
JvSbSetup JvSpeedbarSetupForm
JvRegTV JvRegistryTreeview
JvPrgrss JvProgressUtils
JvPluginMan JvPluginManager
JvQbnddlg JvQueryParamsForm
JvRadioCtl JvRadioControl
JvRecentMenuBtn JvRecentMenuButton
JvRemLog JvRemoteLogin
JvSHFileOp JvSHFileOperation
JvSplshWnd JvSplashWindow
JvStartMenuBtn JvStartMenuButton
JvStrHlder JvStringHolder
JvRichEd JvRichEdit
JvControlPanel JvControlPanelButton
JvClipMon JvClipboardMonitor
JvClipView JvClipboardViewer
JvDataConv JvConverter
JvPageMngr JvPageManager
JvBmpAnim JvBmpAnimator
JvClipIcon JvIconClipboardUtils
JvArrowBtn JvArrowButton
JvMemDS JvMemoryDataset
JvMagnet JvFormMagnet
JvDlg JvProgressForm
JvCurrEdit JvBaseEdits
JvDBComb JvDBCombobox
JvDBCtrl JvDBControls
JvHLEdPropDlg JvHLEditorPropertyForm
JvIcoList JvIconList
JvPropAutoSave JvAutoSave
JvTransBtn JvTransparentButton
JvxLogin JvLoginForm
JvxLoginDlg JvDBLoginDialog
JvProps JvPropsStorage
JvxAnimate JvAnimatedImage
JvMRUList JvMRUManager
JvObjPickerComp JvObjectPickerDialog
TJvControlPanel TJvControlPanelButton
TJvStartMenuBtn TJvStartMenuButton
TJvRecentMenuBtn TJvRecentMenuButton
JvAppletProperty JvAppletEditor
JvBehaviorLabelProperty JvBehaviorLabelEditor
JvChNtfyProperty JvChangeNotifyEditor
JvTimLstEd JvTimerListForm
JvTipOfDayProp JvTipOfDayEditor
JvStrLEdit JvStringsForm
JvSelDSFrm JvSelectDataSetForm
JvPresrDsn JvFormPropertiesForm
JvPluginParams JvPluginParamsForm
JvPictEdit JvPictureEditForm
JvPgMngrEd JvPageManagerForm
JvOutEdit JvLookoutEditor
JvOLBEditor JvOutlookBarForm
JvMinMaxEd JvMinMaxForm
JvJVCLAboutProperty JvJVCLAboutEditor
JvImagPrvw JvImagePreviewForm
JvID3v2Define JvID3v2DefineForm
JvIcoLEdit JvIconListForm
JvHTHintEditor JvHTHintForm
JvGradEdit JvGradientCaptionForm
JvDirFrm JvDirectoryListForm
JvSbEdit JvSpeedbarForm
JvTimeLineEdit JvTimeLineEditor
JvCheckItm JvCheckedItemsForm
JvaDsgn JvDesignerUtils
JvDateTimeDlg JvDateTimeForm
JvCsvDataDsgn JvCsvDataEditor
JvCsvDataDefStrDsgn JvCsvDataForm
JvErrProvider JvErrorIndicator
JvRadioControl JvDialButton
Deprecated Components

TJvControlPanelButton, TJvStartMenuButton, TJvFavoritesButton, TJvRecentMenuButton

Changed Components

TJvComputerInfo has been changed from TComponent to TObject. This change was done to promote safety since there was a risk that the streaming of published properties could modify important registry values on the end-users computer. To continue using TJvComputerInfo, open the form where it is located and click the "Ignore All" button when Delphi/BCB reports that TJvComputerInfo cannot be found. Add a private variable of type TJvComputerInfo (with the same name as the former TJvComputerInfo component) to the form and create the class dynamically. You should now be able to use the class without any adverse side-effects. For more details, see the comments at the top of JvComputerInfo.pas.
Markus Kinzler
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Robert Marquardt

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Re: Nun auch neue Version der JVCL erschienen

  Alt 17. Jan 2007, 05:53
Wichtig sind die Bugfixes gegenueber der 3.20. Da hat sich einiges getan. Die eine oder andere Komponente wurde auch entscheidend erweitert.
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