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get number of rows and cols of a Table

Ein Thema von mr_fahrrad · begonnen am 10. Jan 2007 · letzter Beitrag vom 10. Jan 2007
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Registriert seit: 28. Dez 2006
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get number of rows and cols of a Table

  Alt 10. Jan 2007, 00:18
Hi Again!

How I do that? if possible, in a selected table... I get the outerHtml and count the number of occourences of 'td' and 'tr', but is not a good method because merge cells..

I need a reference for commands of webbrowser (mshtml - ole), where I get it?
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Registriert seit: 6. Apr 2005
10.109 Beiträge

Re: get number of rows and cols of a Table

  Alt 10. Jan 2007, 07:29

you should find everything you look for and more on this site: WebBrowser Control

function RowCount(doc: IHTMLDocument2; table: Variant): Integer;
  e2: IHTMLElement2;
  ec: IHTMLElementCollection;
  tbl: IHTMLTable;
  e2 := doc.body as IHTMLElement2;
  ec := e2.getElementsByTagName('table');
  tbl := ec.item(table, null) as IHTMLTable;
  if Assigned(tbl)
    then Result := tbl.rows.length
    else Result := 0;
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