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Registriert seit: 10. Apr 2007
Ort: Traunreut
6 Beiträge

Re: How to Use Indy 10 idHTTP : IOHandler value is not valid

  Alt 23. Okt 2008, 09:37
dwRead = 8191 when this happens.

I tried to change databuffer to
databuffer : array[0..8191] of char;
- in this case, dwRead becomes 16383.

As dwRead is the number of Bytes, the problem is: Either use Ansistring(1) or change the index(2)?

1: This would only make sense if the returned value also is Ansi-kind of string - and obviosly it is no more, else this wouldn't happen..?

2: Does not make sense for me, because "Number of Bytes to read" should equal "number of Bytes read" - shouldn't it? Can #0 be used for Unicodestrings/Chars anyway?

PS: I write in english to ensure the creator of this thread could follow the discussion, too, if he wants ...
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