Thema: Delphi Gedruckte Seiten zählen

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31 Beiträge

Re: Gedruckte Seiten zählen - die zweite!

  Alt 22. Okt 2008, 09:47
Vielen Dank für den Link - der für hat mir (mehr oder weniger) schon weiter geholfen. Allerdings komme ich mit dem Code nicht klar. Mein Englisch ist leider auch nicht so exzellent, dass ich im dortigen Forum nachfragen könnte.

Daher habe ich den Code hier abgebildet. Vielleicht kann mir ja jemand erklären wie ich an die entsprechenden Werte ran komme. Ich versteh leider nicht so viel von dem Code.
Das was ich verstehe ist folgendes:

Die Funktion "GetNbPages" liefert mir die gedruckten Seiten zurück, aber wohin? Wie kann ich mit meinem Programm diese Daten auswerten, bzw. die Funktion aufrufen? Da das eine Callback - DLL ist, bin ich mir nicht so ganz sicher, ob ich die Funktion per DLL-Aufruf in meinem Programm so einfach aufrufen kann - mit entsprechenden Anpassungen natürlich.

Ebenso tabbe ich völlig im dunkeln was die Procedure "NotiyApplication" macht. Der Name verheist zwar einiges, aber wie komme ich an die Funktion, bzw. was macht diese Procedure??? Ist mir ein völliges Rätsel...

Scheinbar fängt die DLL Functionen bestimmter Dateien ab, so zum Beispiel:
HookAPI('gdi32.dll', 'CreateDCW', @CreateDCWCallback, @CreateDCWNext); Scheinbar bin ich da auf dem Holzweg, mit meinem Wissen. Ich dachte immer, man kann nur Windows-Messages mittels Hooks abfangen. Vielleicht kennt jemand ein paar Links, mit welchen ich mich etwas tiefer in diese Materie einlesen kann. Nur zum Vorbeugen: Das Tutorial von Assabard kenne ich was Hook's betrifft. Ich glaube aber mich erinnern zu können, dass dort nur von Windows-Messages die Rede war.

So, hier noch der Code:
library ctHook;

{$IMAGEBASE $5a000000}  // <---- Was'n das???

  // Registre in '..\Programme\Borland\Delphi7\Commun\Registre.pas';

  TPrintNotification = record
    process : array [0..MAX_PATH] of char;
    api : array [0..MAX_PATH] of char;
    params : array [0..MAX_PATH] of char;
    result : array [0..MAX_PATH] of char;
    pages : array [0..MAX_PATH] of char;

var EndDocPages,
    DPPages : integer ;
    FileDebug : TStringList;

fonction : NotifyApplication

procedure NotifyApplication(api: string; deviceA : Pchar; deviceW: pwidechar;Color:boolean;pages:word);
var pn : TPrintNotification;
    arrChA : array [0..MAX_PATH] of char;
    arrChW : array [0..MAX_PATH] of wideChar;
    session : dword;
    UDPClient : TidUDPClient;
    s,ToSend : String;
  // fill the "process" and "api" strings, the format is independent of the API
  if GetVersion and $80000000 = 0 then begin
    GetModuleFileNameW(0, arrChW, MAX_PATH);
    WideToAnsi(arrChW, pn.process);
  end else
    GetModuleFileNameA(0, pn.process, MAX_PATH);
  lstrcpyA(pn.api, pchar(api));
  if (deviceA <> nil) then
          lstrcpyA(arrChA, deviceA);
          arrChA[11] := #0;
          if lstrcmpA('\\.\DISPLAY', arrChA) = 0 then
             // no, we don't want to display dcs!
          lstrcpyA(arrChA, deviceA);
    else if (DeviceW<>Nil) Then
         lstrcpyW(arrChW, deviceW);
         arrChW[11] := #0;
         if lstrcmpW('\\.\DISPLAY', arrChW) = 0 then
         WideToAnsi(deviceW, arrChA);
  lstrcpyA(pn.pages, pchar(madStrings.IntToStrEx(integer(Pages),2)));
  if color then
     lstrcpyA(pn.params, pchar('Color'))
     lstrcpyA(pn.params, pchar('BlackAndWhite'));

  // which terminal server (XP fast user switching) session shall we contact?
  if AmSystemProcess and (GetCurrentSessionId = 0) then
    // some system process are independent of sessions
    // so let's contact the PrintMonitor application instance
    // which is running in the current input session
    session := GetInputSessionId
    // we're an application running in a specific session
    // let's contact the PrintMonitor application instance
    // which runs in the same session as we do
    session := GetCurrentSessionId;
  // now send the composed strings to our log window
  // hopefully there's an instance running in the specified session


   {if (s=lowercase('EndDoc')) and (CMregistry.GetCountPrint='true') then
       ToSend:='PRINT|'+String(pn.pages)+'|'+String(pn.process)+'|'+String(pn.params); }

  if s=lowercase('EndDoc') then

  if ToSend<>'then
       UDPClient.Send(ToSend); // i'm using UDP Notification to a Server


// ***************************************************************

var CreateDCANext : function (driver, device, output: pchar; dm: PDeviceModeA) : dword; stdcall;
    CreateDCWNext : function (driver, device, output: pwidechar; dm: PDeviceModeW) : dword; stdcall;
    aDmin, admout : TDeviceModeA;
    wDmin, wdmout : TDeviceModeW;
    StartDocANext : function (dc: dword; const di: TDocInfoA) : integer; stdcall;
    StartDocWNext : function (dc: dword; const di: TDocInfoW) : integer; stdcall;
    EndDocNext : function (dc: dword) : integer; stdcall;
    StartPageNext : function (dc: dword) : integer; stdcall;
    EndPageNext : function (dc: dword) : integer; stdcall;
    AbortDocNext : function (dc: dword) : integer; stdcall;
    DocumentPropertiesNext : function (hWnd: HWND; hPrinter: THandle; pDeviceName: PChar; const pDevModeOutput: TDeviceMode; var pDevModeInput: TDeviceMode; fMode: DWORD): Longint; stdcall;
    DocumentPropertiesANext : function (hWnd: HWND; hPrinter: THandle; pDeviceName: PAnsiChar; const pDevModeOutput: TDeviceModeA; var pDevModeInput: TDeviceModeA; fMode: DWORD): Longint; stdcall;
    DocumentPropertiesWNext : function (hWnd: HWND; hPrinter: THandle; pDeviceName: PWideChar; const pDevModeOutput: TDeviceModeW; var pDevModeInput: TDeviceModeW; fMode: DWORD): Longint; stdcall;
    OpenPrinterNext : function (pPrinterName: PChar; var phPrinter: THandle; pDefault: PPrinterDefaults): BOOL; stdcall;
    OpenPrinterANext : function (pPrinterName: PAnsiChar; var phPrinter: THandle; pDefault: PPrinterDefaultsA): BOOL; stdcall;
    OpenPrinterWNext : function (pPrinterName: PWideChar; var phPrinter: THandle; pDefault: PPrinterDefaultsW): BOOL; stdcall;

fonction : GetNbPages

function GetNbPages:integer;

fonction : DocumentPropertiesCallBack

function DocumentPropertiesCallBack (hWnd: HWND; hPrinter: THandle; pDeviceName: PChar;
                                     const pDevModeOutput: TDeviceMode;
                                     var pDevModeInput: TDeviceMode;
                                     fMode: DWORD): Longint; stdcall;
     Result:=DocumentPropertiesNext(hWnd, hPrinter,pDeviceName, pDevModeoutput, pDevModeInput, fMode);
     if (fMode and DM_OUT_BUFFER = DM_OUT_BUFFER) Then
             if dppages<=pDevModeOutput.dmCopies then
             NotifyApplication('DocumentProperties', pDeviceName,Nil, (pDevModeOutput.dmColor AND DMCOLOR_COLOR = DMCOLOR_COLOR),pDevModeOutput.dmCopies);

fonction : DocumentPropertiesACallBack

function DocumentPropertiesACallBack (hWnd: HWND; hPrinter: THandle; pDeviceName: PAnsiChar; const pDevModeOutput: TDeviceModeA; var pDevModeInput: TDeviceModeA; fMode: DWORD): Longint; stdcall;
     Result:=DocumentPropertiesANext(hWnd, hPrinter,pDeviceName, pDevModeoutput, pDevModeInput, fMode);
     if (fMode and DM_OUT_BUFFER = DM_OUT_BUFFER) Then
             if dppages<=pDevModeOutput.dmCopies then
             NotifyApplication('DocumentPropertiesA', pDeviceName,Nil, (pDevModeOutput.dmColor AND DMCOLOR_COLOR = DMCOLOR_COLOR),pDevModeOutput.dmCopies);

fonction : DocumentPropertiesWCallBack

function DocumentPropertiesWCallBack (hWnd: HWND; hPrinter: THandle; pDeviceName: PWideChar; const pDevModeOutput: TDeviceModeW; var pDevModeInput: TDeviceModeW; fMode: DWORD): Longint; stdcall;
     Result:=DocumentPropertiesWNext(hWnd, hPrinter,pDeviceName, pDevModeoutput, pDevModeInput, fMode);
     if (fMode and DM_OUT_BUFFER = DM_OUT_BUFFER) Then
             if dppages<=pDevModeOutput.dmCopies then
             NotifyApplication('DocumentPropertiesW', Nil, pDeviceName, (pDevModeOutput.dmColor AND DMCOLOR_COLOR = DMCOLOR_COLOR),pDevModeOutput.dmCopies);

fonction : CreateDCACallBack

function CreateDCACallback(driver, device, output: pchar; dm: PDeviceModeA) : dword; stdcall;
  result := CreateDCANext(driver, device, output, dm);
  // we log this call only if it is a printer DC creation
  if (device <> nil) and (not IsBadReadPtr(device, 1)) and (device^ <> #0) then
          if (dm=Nil) then dm:=@aDmout;
          NotifyApplication('CreateDCA', device, Nil, (dm.dmColor AND DMCOLOR_COLOR = DMCOLOR_COLOR),dm.dmCopies);

fonction : CreateDCWCallBack
Description : Fonction API Hooké : CreateDCW

function CreateDCWCallback(driver, device, output: pwidechar; dm: PDeviceModeW) : dword; stdcall;
  result := CreateDCWNext(driver, device, output, dm);
  if (device <> nil) and (not IsBadReadPtr(device, 2)) and (device^ <> #0) then
          if (dm=Nil) then dm:=@wDmout;
          NotifyApplication('CreateDCW', Nil, device, (dm.dmColor AND DMCOLOR_COLOR = DMCOLOR_COLOR),dm.dmCopies);

fonction : StartDocACallBack

function StartDocACallback(dc: dword; const di: TDocInfoA) : integer; stdcall;
  result := StartDocANext(dc, di);
  EndDocPages:=0; // Number Of Pages Initialization
  NotifyApplication('StartDocA', nil, nil, true, Word(EndDocPages));

fonction : StartDocWCallBack

function StartDocWCallback(dc: dword; const di: TDocInfoW) : integer; stdcall;
  result := StartDocWNext(dc, di);
  EndDocPages:=0; // Number Of Pages Initialization
  NotifyApplication('StartDocW', nil, nil, true, Word(EndDocPages));

fonction : EndDocCallBack

function EndDocCallback(dc: dword) : integer; stdcall;
  result := EndDocNext(dc);
  NotifyApplication('EndDoc', nil, nil, true, Word(GetNbPages)); // HERE I SEND BACK THE REAL NUMBER OF PAGES
  EndDocPages:=0; // Reinitialization of NbrOfPages (to be sure :)

fonction : StartPage

function StartPageCallback(dc: dword) : integer; stdcall;
  result := StartPageNext(dc);
  NotifyApplication('StartPage', nil, nil, true, Word(EndDocPages));

fonction : EndPage

function EndPageCallback(dc: dword) : integer; stdcall;
  result := EndPageNext(dc);
  NotifyApplication('EndPage', nil, nil, true, Word(EndDocPages));

fonction : AbortDocCallBack

function AbortDocCallback(dc: dword) : integer; stdcall;
  result := AbortDocNext(dc);
  NotifyApplication('AbortDoc', nil, nil, true, Word(EndDocPages));

// ***************************************************************

fonction : libExit
Description : Fonction de sortie de DLL

procedure LibExit(Reason: Integer);
  if Reason = DLL_PROCESS_DETACH then

fonction : OpenPrinterCallBack

function OpenPrinterCallback (pPrinterName: PChar; var phPrinter: THandle; pDefault: PPrinterDefaults): BOOL; stdcall;
  Result:=openPrinterNext(pPrinterName, phPrinter, pDefault);
  NotifyApplication('OpenPrinter', pPrinterName,Nil, False ,0);
// ***************************************************************

function OpenPrinterACallback (pPrinterName: PChar; var phPrinter: THandle; pDefault: PPrinterDefaults): BOOL; stdcall;
  Result:=openPrinterANext(pPrinterName, phPrinter, pDefault);
  NotifyApplication('OpenPrinterA', pPrinterName,Nil, False ,0);

function OpenPrinterWCallback (pPrinterName: PWideChar; var phPrinter: THandle; pDefault: PPrinterDefaultsW): BOOL; stdcall;
  Result:=openPrinterWNext(pPrinterName, phPrinter, pDefault);
  NotifyApplication('OpenPrinterW', PAnsiChar(pPrinterName), Nil, False ,0);

     // collecting hooks can improve the hook installation performance in win9x

     // Hook sur CreateDCA
     HookAPI('gdi32.dll', 'CreateDCA', @CreateDCACallback, @CreateDCANext);

     // Hook sur Documentproperties et DocumentpropertiesA
     HookAPI('winspool.drv', 'DocumentProperties', @DocumentPropertiesCallback, @DocumentPropertiesNext );
     HookAPI('winspool.drv', 'DocumentPropertiesA', @DocumentPropertiesACallback, @DocumentPropertiesANext );

     // Hook sur les fonctions d'impressions
     HookAPI('gdi32.dll', 'StartDocA', @StartDocACallback, @StartDocANext);
     HookAPI('gdi32.dll', 'EndDoc', @EndDocCallback, @EndDocNext );
     HookAPI('gdi32.dll', 'StartPage', @StartPageCallback, @StartPageNext);
     HookAPI('gdi32.dll', 'EndPage', @EndPageCallback, @EndPageNext );
     HookAPI('gdi32.dll', 'AbortDoc', @AbortDocCallback, @AbortDocNext );

     // Les fonctions Hookées ici sont celles des systèmes réellement
     // 32-Bits : Windows NT, Windows 2000 et Windows XP
     // il s'agit des mêmes que ci-dessus mais en 'Wide' => Concerne les chaînes
     // de caractères unicode
     if Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT then
          HookAPI('gdi32.dll', 'CreateDCW', @CreateDCWCallback, @CreateDCWNext);
          HookAPI('winspool.drv', 'DocumentPropertiesW', @DocumentPropertiesWCallback, @DocumentPropertiesWNext );
          HookAPI('winspool.drv', 'OpenPrinter', @OpenPrinterCallback, @OpenPrinterNext );
          HookAPI('winspool.drv', 'OpenPrinterA', @OpenPrinterACallback, @OpenPrinterANext );
          HookAPI('winspool.drv', 'OpenPrinterW', @OpenPrinterWCallback, @OpenPrinterWNext );
          HookAPI('gdi32.dll', 'StartDocW', @StartDocWCallback, @StartDocWNext);
          //HookAPI('kernel32.dll', 'CreateProcessW', @CreateProcessWCallback, @CreateProcessWNext);


     DllProc := @LibExit; // installer la procédure de sortie LibExit
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