Thema: Delphi How to hide Startmenu

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Re: How to hide Startmenu

  Alt 20. Okt 2008, 15:38
Zitat von jfheins:
An example ...... i can show you how to do it
(As I have no Delphi installed I dunno if it compiles ...)

First, you need a variable that holds the old WndProc. A Pointer should do the job.

To get the pointer to the WndProc you can call GetWindowLong(), to process the messages in your program, you need a seperate function
  OldWndProc: Pointer;

begin // Change WndProc
  OldWndProc := GetWindowLong({Handle to the Button}, GWLP_WNDPROC);
  SetWindowLong({Handle to the Button}, GWLP_WNDPROC, @NewWndProc);

function NewWndProc(hWnd: HWND; uMsg: UINT; wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM): LRESULT;
  if ({The Message you want})
    // Handle Message
  else // Call old WndProc
    CallWindowProc(OldWndProc, hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam);
Something like that

To get the Handle of the button, you can use FindWindow.

You can find additional stuff by searching for "subclassing"

Could anybody test this like if you press the button then the form will show or something.This is really new for me so i rather ask before i go in to this...
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