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Registriert seit: 15. Jul 2005
311 Beiträge
Delphi XE5 Professional

Re: AV in DLL mit Datenbankanbindung über Zeos

  Alt 6. Okt 2008, 11:15
sry total vergesssen diese acu hzu posten.

{ **************************************************************************** }
{ * LOAD_SQL - Initialisieren der DLL                                        * }
{ **************************************************************************** }
function LOAD_SQL: Boolean; stdcall;
    ConnectionList := TObjectlist.Create(True);
    QueryList := TObjectlist.Create(True);
    DataSourceList := TObjectList.Create(True);

    Result := True;
    Result := False;

  DBConnection := TZConnection.Create(DBConnection);
  DBConnection.HostName := 'localhost';
  DBConnection.User := 'root';
  DBConnection.Protocol := 'mysql';
  DBConnection.Database := 'kleiderverwaltung';

{ **************************************************************************** }
{ * UNLOAD_SQL - Entlädt die DLL                                             * }
{ **************************************************************************** }
function UNLOAD_SQL: Boolean; stdcall;
    I: Integer;
    AConnection: TZConnection;
    for I := 0 to ConnectionList.Count -1 do begin
      AConnection := (ConnectionList.Items[I]) as TZConnection;

    if (ConnectionList.Count <> 0) or (QueryList.Count <> 0) or (DataSourceList.Count <> 0) then begin
      Result := False;


    Result := True;
    Result := False;

{ **************************************************************************** }
{ * CONNECTION_ADD - Erstellt eine neue Verbindung                           * }
{ **************************************************************************** }
function CONNECTION_ADD(Protocol: PChar; Host: PChar; Port: Integer; User: PChar; Password: PChar; Database: PChar): Integer; stdcall;
    AConnection: TZConnection;
    ConnectionIndex: Integer;
  AConnection := TZConnection.Create(nil);

  if Protocol = 'mysqlthen begin
    AConnection.Protocol := 'mysql';

    AConnection.HostName := Host;
    AConnection.Port := Port;
    AConnection.User := User;
    AConnection.Password := Password;
    AConnection.Database := Database;
    AConnection.Catalog := DataBase;

  if Protocol = 'sqlitethen begin
    AConnection.Protocol := 'sqlite-3';

    AConnection.HostName := Host;
    AConnection.Port := Port;
    AConnection.User := User;
    AConnection.Password := Password;
    AConnection.Database := Database;
    AConnection.Catalog := DataBase;

  if Protocol = 'mssqlthen begin
    AConnection.Protocol := 'ado';

    AConnection.HostName := Host;
    AConnection.Port := Port;
    AConnection.User := User;
    AConnection.Password := Password;
    AConnection.Database := Database;
    AConnection.Catalog := DataBase;

  if Protocol = 'mdbthen begin
    AConnection.Protocol := 'ado';

    AConnection.HostName := Host;
    AConnection.Port := Port;
    AConnection.User := User;
    AConnection.Password := Password;
    AConnection.Database := Database;
    AConnection.Catalog := DataBase;


    ConnectionIndex := ConnectionList.IndexOf(AConnection);

    AConnection.Name := Format('connection_%d', [ConnectionIndex]);
    AConnection.Tag := ConnectionIndex;

    Result := ConnectionIndex;

    Result := -1;

{ **************************************************************************** }
{ * QUERY_ADD - Fügt ein neues Query Hinzu                                   * }
{ **************************************************************************** }
function QUERY_ADD(Connection_ID: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
    AConnection: TZConnection;
    AQuery: TZQuery;
    ADataSource: TDataSource;
    I: Integer;
    QueryIndex: Integer;
    //DataSourceIndex: Integer;
  for I := 0 to ConnectionList.Count -1 do begin
    AConnection := (ConnectionList.Items[Connection_ID]) as TZConnection;
    if (AConnection.Tag = Connection_ID) and (AConnection.Name = Format('connection_%d', [Connection_ID])) then begin
      AQuery := TZQuery.Create(nil);
      AQuery.Connection := AConnection;
      ADataSource := TDataSource.Create(nil);
      ADataSource.DataSet := AQuery;

      QueryIndex := QueryList.IndexOf(AQuery);
      AQuery.Name := Format('query_%d', [QueryIndex]);
      AQuery.Tag := QueryIndex;

      //DataSourceIndex := DataSourceList.IndexOf(ADataSource);
      ADataSource.Name := Format('datasource_%d', [QueryIndex]);
      ADataSource.Tag := QueryIndex;

      Result := QueryIndex;


  Result := -1;
Das Aufwachen aus einem boesen Traum muss einen nicht erleichtern. Es kann einen auch erst richtig gewahr werden lassen, was man Furchtbares getraeumt hat, vielleicht sogar welcher furchtbaren Wahrheit man im Traum begegnet ist!
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