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Registriert seit: 19. Apr 2003 1.291 Beiträge Delphi 2005 Professional |
Wie komme ich an das komplette Icon aus einer exe heran?
irgendwie komme ich nicht weiter... ExtractIcon leifert mir das 32x32 Icon... extraciconex das 32x32 und 16x16, aber wie komme ich an das vollständige Icon? Ich will einfach eine .ico Datei, mit dem vollständigen Icon vom index 0 haben... also inkl. aller enthaltenen Formate (16x16, 24x24,32x32,48x48 und was der autor dort sonst noch so hinterlassen hat in allen Farbtiefen).
Elektronische Bauelemente funktionieren mit Rauch. Kommt der Rauch raus, geht das Bauteil nicht mehr.
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Registriert seit: 19. Apr 2003 1.291 Beiträge Delphi 2005 Professional |
Danke, jetzt klappts
Elektronische Bauelemente funktionieren mit Rauch. Kommt der Rauch raus, geht das Bauteil nicht mehr.
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Registriert seit: 19. Apr 2003 1.291 Beiträge Delphi 2005 Professional |
Für alle die die Lösung Interessiert...
Der code ist zwar nicht auf meinen Mist gewachsen, aber gut zusammengesucht und in "kompakte" functions verpackt ![]() Icon aus Exe in *.ico-Datei schreiben:
function SaveApplicationIconGroup(icofile: PChar; exefile: PChar): Boolean;
function EnumResourceNamesProc(Module: HMODULE; ResType: PChar; ResName: PChar; lParam: TStringList): Integer; stdcall; var ResourceName: string; begin if hiword(Cardinal(ResName)) = 0 then begin ResourceName := IntToStr(loword(Cardinal(ResName))); end else begin ResourceName := ResName; end; lParam.Add(ResourceName); Result := 1; end; function ExtractIconFromFile(ResFileName: string; IcoFileName: string; nIndex: string): Boolean; type PMEMICONDIRENTRY = ^TMEMICONDIRENTRY; TMEMICONDIRENTRY = packed record bWidth: Byte; bHeight: Byte; bColorCount: Byte; bReserved: Byte; wPlanes: Word; wBitCount: Word; dwBytesInRes: DWORD; nID: Word; end; type PMEMICONDIR = ^TMEMICONDIR; TMEMICONDIR = packed record idReserved: Word; idType: Word; idCount: Word; idEntries: array[0..15] of TMEMICONDIRENTRY; end; type PICONDIRENTRY = ^TICONDIRENTRY; TICONDIRENTRY = packed record bWidth: Byte; bHeight: Byte; bColorCount: Byte; bReserved: Byte; wPlanes: Word; wBitCount: Word; dwBytesInRes: DWORD; dwImageOffset: DWORD; end; type PICONIMAGE = ^TICONIMAGE; TICONIMAGE = packed record Width, Height, Colors: UINT; lpBits: Pointer; dwNumBytes: DWORD; pBmpInfo: PBitmapInfo; end; type PICONRESOURCE = ^TICONRESOURCE; TICONRESOURCE = packed record nNumImages: UINT; IconImages: array[0..15] of TICONIMAGE; end; function AdjustIconImagePointers(lpImage: PICONIMAGE): Bool; begin if lpImage = nil then begin Result := False; exit; end; lpImage.pBmpInfo := PBitMapInfo(lpImage^.lpBits); lpImage.Width := lpImage^.pBmpInfo^.bmiHeader.biWidth; lpImage.Height := (lpImage^.pBmpInfo^.bmiHeader.biHeight) div 2; lpImage.Colors := lpImage^.pBmpInfo^.bmiHeader.biPlanes * lpImage^.pBmpInfo^.bmiHeader.biBitCount; Result := true; end; function WriteICOHeader(hFile: THandle; nNumEntries: UINT): Boolean; type TFIcoHeader = record wReserved: WORD; wType: WORD; wNumEntries: WORD; end; var IcoHeader: TFIcoHeader; dwBytesWritten: DWORD; begin Result := False; IcoHeader.wReserved := 0; IcoHeader.wType := 1; IcoHeader.wNumEntries := WORD(nNumEntries); if not WriteFile(hFile, IcoHeader, SizeOf(IcoHeader), dwBytesWritten, nil) then begin MessageBox(0, pchar(SysErrorMessage(GetLastError)), 'Error', MB_ICONERROR); Result := False; Exit; end; if dwBytesWritten <> SizeOf(IcoHeader) then Exit; Result := True; end; function CalculateImageOffset(lpIR: PICONRESOURCE; nIndex: UINT): DWORD; var dwSize: DWORD; i: Integer; begin dwSize := 3 * SizeOf(WORD); inc(dwSize, lpIR.nNumImages * SizeOf(TICONDIRENTRY)); for i := 0 to nIndex - 1 do inc(dwSize, lpIR.IconImages[i].dwNumBytes); Result := dwSize; end; function WriteIconResourceToFile(hFile: hwnd; lpIR: PICONRESOURCE): Boolean; var i: UINT; dwBytesWritten: DWORD; ide: TICONDIRENTRY; dwTemp: DWORD; begin Result := False; for i := 0 to lpIR^.nNumImages - 1 do begin /// Convert internal format to ICONDIRENTRY ide.bWidth := lpIR^.IconImages[i].Width; ide.bHeight := lpIR^.IconImages[i].Height; ide.bReserved := 0; ide.wPlanes := lpIR^.IconImages[i].pBmpInfo.bmiHeader.biPlanes; ide.wBitCount := lpIR^.IconImages[i].pBmpInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount; if ide.wPlanes * ide.wBitCount >= 8 then ide.bColorCount := 0 else ide.bColorCount := 1 shl (ide.wPlanes * ide.wBitCount); ide.dwBytesInRes := lpIR^.IconImages[i].dwNumBytes; ide.dwImageOffset := CalculateImageOffset(lpIR, i); if not WriteFile(hFile, ide, sizeof(TICONDIRENTRY), dwBytesWritten, nil) then Exit; if dwBytesWritten <> sizeof(TICONDIRENTRY) then Exit; end; for i := 0 to lpIR^.nNumImages - 1 do begin dwTemp := lpIR^.IconImages[i].pBmpInfo^.bmiHeader.biSizeImage; lpIR^.IconImages[i].pBmpInfo^.bmiHeader.biSizeImage := 0; if not WriteFile(hFile, lpIR^.IconImages[i].lpBits^, lpIR^.IconImages[i].dwNumBytes, dwBytesWritten, nil) then Exit; if dwBytesWritten <> lpIR^.IconImages[i].dwNumBytes then Exit; lpIR^.IconImages[i].pBmpInfo^.bmiHeader.biSizeImage := dwTemp; end; Result := True; end; var h: HMODULE; lpMemIcon: PMEMICONDIR; lpIR: TICONRESOURCE; src: HRSRC; Global: HGLOBAL; i: integer; hFile: hwnd; begin Result := False; hFile := CreateFile(pchar(IcoFileName), GENERIC_WRITE, 0, nil, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); if hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then Exit; h := LoadLibraryEx(pchar(ResFileName), 0, LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE); if h = 0 then exit; try src := FindResource(h, pchar(nIndex), RT_GROUP_ICON); if src = 0 then Src := FindResource(h, Pointer(StrToInt(nIndex)), RT_GROUP_ICON); if src <> 0 then begin Global := LoadResource(h, src); if Global <> 0 then begin lpMemIcon := LockResource(Global); if Global <> 0 then begin try lpIR.nNumImages := lpMemIcon.idCount; // Write the header for i := 0 to lpMemIcon^.idCount - 1 do begin src := FindResource(h, MakeIntResource(lpMemIcon^.idEntries[i].nID), RT_ICON); if src <> 0 then begin Global := LoadResource(h, src); if Global <> 0 then begin try lpIR.IconImages[i].dwNumBytes := SizeofResource(h, src); except MessageBox(0, PChar('Unable to Read Icon'), 'NTPacker', MB_ICONERROR); Result := False; ExitProcess(0); end; GetMem(lpIR.IconImages[i].lpBits, lpIR.IconImages[i].dwNumBytes); CopyMemory(lpIR.IconImages[i].lpBits, LockResource(Global), lpIR.IconImages[i].dwNumBytes); if not AdjustIconImagePointers(@(lpIR.IconImages[i])) then exit; end; end; end; if WriteICOHeader(hFile, lpIR.nNumImages) then if WriteIconResourceToFile(hFile, @lpIR) then Result := True; finally for i := 0 to lpIR.nNumImages - 1 do if assigned(lpIR.IconImages[i].lpBits) then FreeMem(lpIR.IconImages[i].lpBits); end; end; end; end; finally FreeLibrary(h); end; CloseHandle(hFile); end; var hExe: THandle; i: Integer; SL: TStringList; begin Result := False; SL := TStringList.Create; hExe := LoadLibraryEx(PChar(exefile), 0, LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE); if hExe = 0 then Exit; EnumResourceNames(hExe, RT_GROUP_ICON, @EnumResourceNamesProc, Integer(SL)); if SL.Count = 0 then begin SL.Free; //MessageBox(0, 'No Icons found in the EXE/DLL', 'Error', MB_ICONERROR); Exit; end; ExtractIconFromFile(exefile, icofile, SL.Strings[0]); FreeLibrary(hExe); SL.Free; Result := True; end; Icon (aus *.ico-Datei) in Exe einbinden:
function UpdateApplicationIconGroup(icofile: PChar; exefile: PChar; resID:
PcHar; LangID: DWORD): Boolean; type PICONDIRENTRYCOMMON = ^ICONDIRENTRYCOMMON; ICONDIRENTRYCOMMON = packed record bWidth: Byte; // Width, in pixels, of the image bHeight: Byte; // Height, in pixels, of the image bColorCount: Byte; // Number of colors in image (0 if >=8bpp) bReserved: Byte; // Reserved ( must be 0) wPlanes: Word; // Color Planes wBitCount: Word; // Bits per pixel dwBytesInRes: DWord; // How many bytes in this resource? end; PICONDIRENTRY = ^ICONDIRENTRY; ICONDIRENTRY = packed record common: ICONDIRENTRYCOMMON; dwImageOffset: DWord; // Where in the file is this image? end; PICONDIR = ^ICONDIR; ICONDIR = packed record idReserved: Word; // Reserved (must be 0) idType: Word; // Resource Type (1 for icons) idCount: Word; // How many images? idEntries: ICONDIRENTRY; // An entry for each image (idCount of 'em) end; PGRPICONDIRENTRY = ^GRPICONDIRENTRY; GRPICONDIRENTRY = packed record common: ICONDIRENTRYCOMMON; nID: Word; // the ID end; PGRPICONDIR = ^GRPICONDIR; GRPICONDIR = packed record idReserved: Word; // Reserved (must be 0) idType: Word; // Resource type (1 for icons) idCount: Word; // How many images? idEntries: GRPICONDIRENTRY; // The entries for each image end; type PIconHeader = ^TIconHeader; TIconHeader = packed record idReserved: Word; // Reserved (must be 0) idType: Word; // Resource Type (1 for icons) idCount: Word; // How many images? end; type PIconResInfoArray = ^TIconResInfoArray; TIconResInfoArray = packed record idReserved: Word; // Reserved (must be 0) idType: Word; // Resource Type (1 for icons) idCount: Word; // How many images? idEntries: array[0..(MaxInt div SizeOf(GRPICONDIRENTRY)) - 2] of GRPICONDIRENTRY; end; TIconOffsetArray = array[0..(MaxInt div SizeOf(DWORD)) - 1] of DWORD; PIconOffsetArray = ^TIconOffsetArray; TIconResIDArray = array[0..(MaxInt div SizeOf(Word)) - 1] of Word; PIconResIDArray = ^TIconResIDArray; var hExeInst: HMODULE; hResInst: THANDLE; AIconHeader: TIconHeader; AIconResInfo: GRPICONDIRENTRY; AIconResInfoArray: PIconResInfoArray; AIconOffsetArray: PIconOffsetArray; AIconResIDArray: PIconResIDArray; i, CurResID: integer; //AIconOrdinals : array Of Word; hFile: THandle; id: ICONDIR; ide: ICONDIRENTRY; pid: PICONDIR; pgid: PGRPICONDIR; uRead: DWord; nSize: DWord; pvFile: PByte; hResSrc: HRSRC; hResGlob: HGLOBAL; pRes: Pointer; ResSize: DWORD; begin result := False; hFile := CreateFile(icofile, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, nil, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); FillChar(id, sizeof(id), 0); if hFile <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then try ReadFile(hFile, id, sizeof(id), uRead, nil); finally CloseHandle(hFile); end; AIconResIDArray := nil; FillChar(AIconHeader, SizeOf(AIconHeader), 0); hExeInst := LoadLibraryEx(exefile, 0, LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE); if (hExeInst <> 0) then begin hResSrc := FindResourceEx(hExeInst, RT_GROUP_ICON, resID, LangID); if (hResSrc <> 0) then begin // get resource size ResSize := SizeofResource(hInstance, hResSrc); if (ResSize <> INVALID_FILE_SIZE) then begin hResGlob := LoadResource(hExeInst, hResSrc); if (hResGlob <> 0) then begin pRes := LockResource(hResGlob); if (pRes <> nil) then begin // Collect information about old Icon group CopyMemory(@AIconHeader, pRes, SizeOf(AIconHeader)); Inc(PChar(pRes), SizeOf(AIconHeader)); {Form1.ListBox1.Items.Add('Type: ' + IntToStr(AIconHeader.idType) + ', ' + 'Count: ' + IntToStr(AIconHeader.idCount));} FillChar(AIconResInfo, SizeOf(AIconResInfo), 0); //SetLength(AIconOrdinals, AIconHeader.wCount); if (AIconHeader.idCount < id.idCount) then GetMem(AIconResIDArray, id.idCount * SizeOf(Word)) else GetMem(AIconResIDArray, AIconHeader.idCount * SizeOf(Word)); FillChar(AIconResIDArray^, AIconHeader.idCount * SizeOf(Word), 0); for i := 1 to AIconHeader.idCount do begin CopyMemory(@AIconResInfo, pRes, SizeOf(AIconResInfo)); Inc(PChar(pRes), SizeOf(AIconResInfo)); AIconResIDArray^[i - 1] := AIconResInfo.nID; //If (AIconResInfo.common.wBitCount = 0) then // AIconResInfo.common.wBitCount := Trunc(log2(AIconResInfo.common.bColorCount)); {Form1.ListBox1.Items.Add(IntToStr(AIconResInfo.common.bWidth) + 'x' + IntToStr(AIconResInfo.common.bHeight) + ', ' + IntToStr(AIconResInfo.common.bColorCount + (AIconResInfo.common.bReserved * $100)) + ' colors' //+ ', ' + IntToStr(AIconResInfo.common.bReserved) + ' bReserved' + ', ' + IntToStr(AIconResInfo.common.wPlanes) + ' planes' + ', ' + IntToStr(AIconResInfo.common.wBitCount) + ' bit' + ', ' + IntToStr(AIconResInfo.common.dwBytesInRes) + ' byte' + ', ' + 'Ordinal ' + IntToStr(AIconResInfo.nID));} end; // Search for unused Icon resource IDs if (AIconHeader.idCount < id.idCount) then begin i := AIconHeader.idCount; CurResID := 1; while (i < id.idCount) and (CurResID < $7FFF) do begin hResSrc := FindResourceEx(hExeInst, RT_ICON, MAKEINTRESOURCE(CurResID), LangID); if not (hResSrc <> 0) then begin Inc(i); AIconResIDArray^[i - 1] := CurResID; end; Inc(CurResID); end; end; end; end; end; end; FreeLibrary(hExeInst); end; if not ((AIconHeader.idCount > 0) and (id.idCount > 0)) then Exit; hFile := CreateFile(icofile, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, nil, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); if hFile <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then try // Read Data from new icon group in file ReadFile(hFile, id, sizeof(id), uRead, nil); SetFilePointer(hFile, 0, nil, FILE_BEGIN); GetMem(pid, sizeof(ICONDIR) {+ sizeof(ICONDIRENTRY)}); ReadFile(hFile, pid^, sizeof(ICONDIR) {+ sizeof(ICONDIRENTRY)}, uRead, nil); GetMem(pgid, sizeof(GRPICONDIR) {+ sizeof(GRPICONDIRENTRY)}); move(pid^, pgid^, sizeof(GRPICONDIR)); pgid^.idEntries.common := pid^.idEntries.common; pgid^.idEntries.nID := AIconResIDArray^[0]; if (pgid^.idEntries.common.wBitCount = 0) then pgid^.idEntries.common.wBitCount := Trunc(Log2(pgid^.idEntries.common.bColorCount + (pgid^.idEntries.common.bReserved * $100))); {Form1.ListBox1.Items.Add(IntToStr(uRead));} // Write new data to EXE resources hResInst := BeginUpdateResource(exefile, False); // Resource deletion doesn't really work { for i := 1 to AIconHeader.idCount do begin ShowMessage(IntToStr(AIconResIDArray^[i-1])); UpdateResource(hResInst, RT_Icon, MAKEINTRESOURCE(AIconResIDArray^[i-1]), LangID, nil, 0); end; } //CopyMemory(pgid, @AIconHeader, SizeOf(TIconHeader)); //pgid^.idCount := 1; //If (AIconHeader.idCount < pgid^.idCount) then // pgid^.idCount := AIconHeader.idCount; //SetFilePointer(hFile, SizeOf(TIconHeader), nil, FILE_BEGIN); GetMem(AIconResInfoArray, SizeOf(TIconHeader) + (SizeOf(GRPICONDIRENTRY) * pgid^.idCount)); GetMem(AIconOffsetArray, SizeOf(DWORD) * pgid^.idCount); AIconResInfoArray^.idReserved := pgid^.idReserved; AIconResInfoArray^.idType := pgid^.idType; AIconResInfoArray^.idCount := pgid^.idCount; AIconResInfoArray^.idEntries[0] := pgid^.idEntries; AIconOffsetArray^[0] := pid^.idEntries.dwImageOffset; {Form1.ListBox1.Items.Add(IntToStr(AIconResInfoArray^.idEntries[0].common.bColorCount));} for i := 2 to pgid^.idCount do begin ReadFile(hFile, ide, sizeof(ICONDIRENTRY), uRead, nil); AIconResInfoArray^.idEntries[i - 1].common := ide.common; AIconResInfoArray^.idEntries[i - 1].nID := AIconResIDArray^[i - 1]; AIconOffsetArray^[i - 1] := ide.dwImageOffset; {Form1.ListBox1.Items.Add(IntToStr(AIconResInfoArray^.idEntries[i-1].common.bColorCount + (AIconResInfoArray^.idEntries[i-1].common.bReserved*$100)));} if (AIconResInfoArray^.idEntries[i - 1].common.wBitCount = 0) then AIconResInfoArray^.idEntries[i - 1].common.wBitCount := Trunc(Log2(AIconResInfoArray^.idEntries[i - 1].common.bColorCount + (AIconResInfoArray^.idEntries[i - 1].common.bReserved * $100))); end; pvFile := nil; result := true; for i := 1 to pgid^.idCount do begin nSize := AIconResInfoArray^.idEntries[i - 1].common.dwBytesInRes; GetMem(pvFile, nSize); SetFilePointer(hFile, AIconOffsetArray^[i - 1], nil, FILE_BEGIN); ReadFile(hFile, pvFile^, nSize, uRead, nil); result := result and UpdateResource(hResInst, RT_ICON, MAKEINTRESOURCE(AIconResInfoArray^.idEntries[i - 1].nID), LangID, pvFile, nSize); end; UpdateResource(hResInst, RT_Group_Icon, resID, LangID, AIconResInfoArray, SizeOf(TIconHeader) + (SizeOf(GRPICONDIRENTRY) * pgid^.idCount)); EndUpdateResource(hResInst, False); FreeMem(AIconOffsetArray); FreeMem(AIconResInfoArray); FreeMem(pvFile); FreeMem(pgid); FreeMem(pid); finally CloseHandle(hFile); end; if Assigned(AIconResIDArray) then FreeMem(AIconResIDArray); end;
Elektronische Bauelemente funktionieren mit Rauch. Kommt der Rauch raus, geht das Bauteil nicht mehr.
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